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Everything posted by ArdWrknTrk

  1. Dave Grant has cut the firewall of his Flareside to install factory AC. It's documented here and on FTE. The cruise wheel with wood trim is the same as a van. If you decode the door sticker you'll know if it was an automatic truck swapped to gearbox pedals or a manual truck with a shift collar column swapped in.
  2. PTSD can be "complex" for a reason. It was called 'shell shocked' back then. The maladaptive survival behaviors our mind adopts can present in many ways. I'm getting better with rage, but I can also dissociate and go catatonic. There's a reason autism is a "Spectrum" In elementary school I used to beat my head on the desk so hard it would spatter blood. But, unlike many non-verbal autists I'm incredibly loquacious. That coupled with the fact I used to read the encyclopedia and thesaurus for fun makes me sound "preachy" at times, but really I'm just incredibly enthusiastic about sharing all the esoteric minutiae in my head. The DSM IV threw all of us into the pool together, instead of differentiating Asperger's Syndrome and other forms of autism. I'm basically Rainman with a penchant for cultures & language, chemistry and material science, rocketry & orbital dynamics, OSINT & cryptography (anything that's a puzzle or pattern recognition) 3D spatial relations (my brain lives CAD) and I can instantly grasp an analog schematic. I'm also really good with colour and typefaces because as a kid I used to work in a commercial art store. When Panatone and Letraset were a thing before computers made stat cameras obsolete. I had walls of numbers memorized! I also love my 87 460 pickup. No computers, airbags, traction control (LOOK at my tone ring! πŸ˜³πŸ˜†πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ€―) I KNOW every millimeter of Li'l Red.
  3. What kind of starter? Have you looked at Texas Industrial Electric? They have a VAST assortment of quality components. Gary was impressed with their service and knowledge.
  4. βˆ†βˆ†βˆ† What he said, x100!!!
  5. I'm a simple person I usually go for the simple solution (that works)
  6. You're doing God's work Bradley! πŸ˜‰ Thank you. I'm never going to bother defending myself. I feel that if you want respect, you have to lead by example. If someone chooses to disparage me, that's their choice, and speaks more about them than me.
  7. What are you looking to drive at idle? If you're concerned about output, find yourself a 200A Mitsubishi or Leece-Neville ambulance alternator. They were made for that...
  8. I wanted to move to Pokie 35 years ago.. Before the mass migration. Craters of the moon is surreal. The whole state of Idaho is BEAUTIFUL!
  9. Thanks for the backstory John! My grandmother had a '70's Country Squire with a 429, C6 and (probably 2.75's) That thing was like a rocket powered barcalounger from 60-125!
  10. This is one of those moments when people can connect on another level. I meet people every day with AS (disorder! πŸ˜‚) and others with my co-morbid conditions like cPTSD and the rest... Just the other day I accidentally sent an Afghan vet to his Bad Place. I was not scared, but I was horrified that I had touched his reset button. I would never EVER want to subject someone to my demons, but I have an idea of his. I'd rather view it as family than strangers
  11. I haven't, but I'll be the first to admit that I'm human, and not devine. Once again, I apologize for bringing any mention of religion or politics to the forum. While Bradley and I have discussions, I guess I forgot exactly which page I was on....
  12. Best of luck to you Jonathan! I'm sure Cat or Deere has a bolt for you, but I don't have their back catalogues, and I'm well aware that time is of the essence. https://wilsongarner.com/what-are-place-bolts-used-for/
  13. Please, let's leave religion off the forum. πŸ™ I expressed my feelings towards 'hate', not towards any person or religion in particular. I pointed out another religion that seems (from here) to despise idolatry. That is all! I haven't studied the KJE extensively, but my interest in Bradley is bringing me around.
  14. I'm sorry, they only show a generic bolt photo, so I can't scale it. But SAE calls for 1 3/8 of thread so hopefully losing 1/2 from a 2 5/8 bolt gives you 7/8 " thread and 1 1/4" of shank.
  15. Welcome John! It seems like you know your way around an old pickup... And that SWMBO has fine taste in vehicles! As a longtime fan of the venerable 385, tell us a bit about your plans for a short stroke 460. I'm gonna tell you now that most of the front dress is going to foul the crossmember and frame rails of a Bullnose, but if you have a 460 in there now, you've pretty much got the bases covered. The front sump and timing case dipstick of a 429 are not going to work but I'd really love to hear about the build. Maybe you can start a project thread?
  16. So, run stator power to 85 and use the relay to power the heating element of your wideband as well as the voltmeter...
  17. I'm suggesting an alternative that better expresses your indignation towards modern music. The fundamentalist Muslims share your views towards idolatry and public expression of emotion. I still think "Hate" is perhaps not the best choice to express displeasure or disgust.πŸ’‘
  18. No, not at all. I'm not here to judge anyone! I'm saying that HATE is vulgar and pathetic. And I've seen enough that I'm not ever going to change my mind about that...
  19. You already have a relay that's pulled in by stator and powers your voltmeter, right????
  20. I live in 'New England' We say if you don't like the weather, just wait a minute... πŸ˜‰
  21. Might I suggest lothe? It expresses your incredible distaste without making you sound like a vulgar and pathetic person.
  22. I guess I don't see 'hate' the same way you do.... I've been around the block a few times, and seen enough hatred that I know I never want to be that person.
  23. 5 ⭐!!! Helpful staff that goes the extra mile. Great package deals, and NEVER the pushy upsell. Shipping is on point, and returns are no hassle.
  24. Funny how that tends to work out. I used to listen to an "oldies" rock station and it seemed like every other song was Elton John. And when I lived in Detroit in the '80s there was a rock station with the call letters WLLZ, which we decided stood for "We Love Led Zeppelin" I'm listening to Zep 4 right now!
  25. I'm on it! See about customer relations or corporate communications. They can not only use the feedback, but the kudos too!
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