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Everything posted by ArdWrknTrk

  1. I'm sorry you seem so angry, Bradley. I can't really say what your generation was exposed to. Back in my day music was thought provoking, slanted towards social justice and Free Love. I will say in 1984, after I got out of 2 1/2 months in traction, I went to work for Westinghouse in their satellite transmission services. They beamed Lifetime, The Nashville Network, Arts & Entertainment, Satellite News Channel as well as Muzak. That '80's elevator music was enough to make you want to stab your eardrums out with a pencil!!!
  2. ARP doesn't have the right ones.... But like I said, place bolts are available. The link above, or the local Cat/Deere dealer definitely has something that could be trimmed to fit. Cutting a bit off the end didn't hurt too much, and held up over time
  3. Once in a while I have a clue about what to do! .
  4. I'm sorry I was so pushy about that, Gary... But it did work out for the best,in the end!
  5. Appreciate your doing that! Hopefully we have a bunch of members willing to participate.
  6. I have some details, but am no expert Basically subscribing to see if I can glean any more details for the brain box. 🤔
  7. Ooof. G-8 and normal (not Belleville) washers as spacers? I hope the very best with this driveline.
  8. It looks A LOT like my old neighbor Ben's cruise control fire, that I reported on FTE back 2008-9 Those constantly on, unfused brake off switches burned hundreds of thousands of vehicles
  9. You don't need it. Stay with a stock 95A 3G. The GOOD reason that the small body is limited is that the fans and heat sink are smaller and can't shed heat fast enough for more than 130 (maxed out)
  10. Sad to see her go! But, if you don't need a 12 horse trailer you don't really need a dually either! 🤔 Please update the great electric debate in the FORD Lounge, with how this P/U works for your use case.
  11. Holy smokes! Are you and everyone else okay? Do you know what caused it? Look in the marketplace, or put in a WTB ad with your desires.
  12. Well, Jim, I’ve not make my choice yet. In fact, the main goal is to keep the V-Belt layout, with the higher amperage it can support. I read couple of testimonials here and there about guys who upgraded to 130A (!) and single v-belt. Majority of them has belt slipping at startup, no more issue. There was a guy who installed a custom tensioner: So, I am wondering if this higher AMP squealing can be controlled only with LRC Voltage Regulator. Or maybe LRC combined with a high quality single V-belt? If not enough, can a double V-belt pulley be installed? If so, what is the belt routing, longer water pump/power steering belt going around the first V-belt notch, and the second one same routing as the original 1G? A) if you decide 130A (148 mm diameter) you're going to want the additional adjustment range afforded by the 8.25" pivot length. Also, I don't know anything about belt slip, except for the first couple of seconds from a tired battery. Using a double belt means that you have to find a crank pulley with two adjacent sheaves the exact same diameter. I haven't bothered to look for this unicorn yet, because I don't have any problems
  13. This is a new paradigm, in propaganda especially... https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2024/04/microsofts-vasa-1-can-deepfake-a-person-with-one-photo-and-one-audio-track/
  14. So, you're going with the small diameter (135mm)95A 3G, that fits the same as your 1G? You should be okay, but be sure to check the plane of the belt (pulleys)
  15. Is there a Crutchfield vendor review page? We had a discussion, a few years back when I was upgrading my cab with a dedicated, relay triggered circuit.
  16. Welcome! We're here to help! Gary will ask if you want to be on our members map. (We only ask for a zip code.) If you want to explain what's wrong or what you want to accomplish, you should do that in the main forum where more people will see your request!
  17. Maybe just few years difference can explain. In early 70’s I was still playing with my GI Joe’s. At home Dad was listening at French singers (Aznavour, Brel) plus couple of crooners. And since I was living far from school, I was not exposed to “modern music” (schools we silent back in time, no Walk-Man, no permanently EarPods plugged). Just one TV channel at home, maybe two radio stations. That could explains my “70’s black hole”. Certainly not because of acid… Maybe my brain is just too fragile for that heavy style? I mean t say that George Clinton i(and BOTH h bands were fuel by psychedelics. In the '70's the P-Funk Mothership would open Frank Zappa' annual Halloween show (typically at the Palladium) You cannot begin to imagine the costumes fans wore to those shows! Frank may have written outrageous lyrics but he was an amazing composer who only bothered with excellent musicians
  18. When you listened to Alice Cooper. EVERYBODY listened to Alice Cooper!!!!
  19. Gotta admit, I didn't even notice the change in title . But I was wondering where the reference to an obscure album came from. I used to listen to music all of the time, mostly what are now often called "the good bands", Beatles, Stones, Zep, Skynyrd, Boston, Steve Miller, Kansas.... Then I got married. Lesley listened to country music, so that was usually what was on any time we were in the car. And then we had kids, and "Barney's Greatest Hits" became the norm on the tape deck. Later I was driving groups of Scouts on campouts or whatever. Through those decades I often didn't have my music on and kind of got out of the habit of listening to music all of the time. I don't even have a stereo in the garage anymore. I do have all of my music digitized, and I put it on MP3 disks so I can listen to 10 hours on the stereo in Oswald before I need to change the disk. But the stereo in Pluto died again a few years ago (it gets water in it from the leaky fold-down windshield), and the Dodge stereo doesn't play MP3s. So I don't even listen to anything while I'm driving anymore. I was listening to Zep4 yesterday. Back in high school I would BLARE Black Dog on my 400w Kenwood to wake the neighborhood when I got home from my overnight shift around 7, then I would be at school by 7:30 homeroom. Some neighbors didn't like me much, but at least It was (for the time) monster tunes from LZ like Kasmir 😂 I like both types of music, Country & Western! Have any comments about the uproar today, about a certain VERY TALENTED singer of another genre releasing a country album? I've listened, and I may not be the country demographic but I think it's quite good!
  20. Trout Mask Replica! ETA: My first album ever was Hot Rats. I wore the grooves out! My favorites were Willy the Pimp and Peaches en Regalia.....
  21. Jim, I have an iTunes list which I called “Jeff-Divers” (could be translated as Jeff-Miscellaneous, or maybe Jeff-Assorted?). I’ve put in it every song I like, no matter the style. Kids and wife hate it. It makes me laughing, and I admit that various styles and rythmes back to back can be a little ear-scratchy. I realize that my music taste looks more as the visible light spectrum, compared with yours, which I would tag as “infinite electromagnetic spectrum”. I understand diversity In your case assorted or random I don't eat the poison Apple, and don't trust the Goliath with any more of my demographics or interests than I absolutely have to.
  22. Wow, I didn’t know this group. Think I’m now too old. You're never too old for outlandish, acid fueled Funk. George Clinton is a monster of music! I could relate a story about a certain Disco awards ceremony, where his alter ego was to receive a award with Parlement. But I think that most of the members already don't believe the things I've seen.
  23. I'm changing the thread title back. I didn't get nearly the responses I expected. Maybe I'm just toooo far out there for you guys??? This morning (didn't dawn) I started my day w/ Mingus and Coletrane. I LOVE all awesome music!
  24. I lost thousands of records in a house fire. The acrid black smoke could be seen and SMELT for miles. Next week I get a 4Tb Micro SD card! You could put an entire Empire State bldg full of vinyl on it! 🤯
  25. [quote name="BigBrother-84>%5D%0D%0A%5B/quote%5D%0D%0ADanger,%20danger!%0ADanger,%20Will%20Robinson!!!%0AJeff,%20this%20cracks%20me%20up!%20 HTH can you say you're too old for a funk band that was at their best in the '70's???
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