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Everything posted by ArdWrknTrk

  1. Jim, how are you doing now, how’s the leg? I'm on another round of Prednisolone and they swapped me over to Cipro. I'm still wearing the compression hose and I'm scheduled for an MRI at 4 this afternoon. I don't know what more I can do (except rest and elevation, like they say) But screw that! They call me Redline!!! for a reason!
  2. https://forum.garysgaragemahal.com/Additive-manufacturing-AKA-3D-printing-tp6333.html
  3. I suggested it multiple times, I even made a subsection for additive manufacturing in the tech department! 💡
  4. We really need a repository (here on the forum) for STL files and G-code....
  5. Can't thank you enough for paying it forward Vivek!
  6. Confirmed, bk/pk is backup lights... I think Ron (Reamer) was repoping those license plate brackets. Maybe look in the marketplace?
  7. Always glad to help, Geoff! The only dumb question is the one that you don't ask. 😉
  8. The adjuster clamping 'ear' of the 3G is either: tapped 8 x1.25 or clearanced (10mm) for a bolt w/nut. If 8 x 1.25 just run a 3/8-16 NC tap in under power. If 10mm, install a 3/8-16 helicoil. Now you are using the bolt that fits the slot in your arc shaped adjuster arm, and you don't need a 3rd hand to hold tension, 9/16 ratchet AND a wrench to hold the free nut
  9. Yup. 150. Glad you went with the 8.25". Hopefully you don't need a slightly longer belt.
  10. Kudos to Crutchfield. Sorry to hear that you were having this problem with the head unit. Mine has been trouble free, but i don't think it was a refurb. Now if I could only drive it at max for more than 5 minutes. (No more headphones emoji!?!?!)
  11. I didn't take it that way, but I'm embarrassed that I wasn't paying more attention.
  12. Mmmmm huh, God I love that movie! While Billy Bob got real deep into character I think John Ritter blew it out of the park.
  13. Oh, absolutely! I'm just saying that if they're unavailable through the usual sources you have a fallback.
  14. It's not an unusual plug (today, maybe, with all the iridium quad ground $25 sparkplugs being sold) Amazon usually has them Prime.
  15. I'm not sure why you need both tanks to read in absolute gallons rather than just full-medium-empty, but I know enough not to ask questions... I'm always glad if I can help someone else! My problem is that I care for others and not a bit about myself.
  16. the Metermatch allows your senders to talk to the display!
  17. That's a very pretty truck! Tell us some more. Oh, Welcome to the forum!
  18. It's a Zen thing for me. I get into the moment, and it just happens... I was on the board of my rocket club for well over a decade, and Range Safety Officer... It was a fun, if incredibly expensive, hobby.
  19. I'm nobody's therapist, but I'm very open about my conditions. If you'd like, I'm more than willing to 'speak' off the forum. (as with a number of other posters) I can give you my email & cell# so you could exchange personal experience. Write it, text it, speak it, whatever... I don't sleep much. (Maybe 4 hrs this past week) PTSD will do that to you.... But I'm ABSOLUTELY here for your truck project as well!
  20. I don't see any choke heater at all, and yet I KNOW there is one....
  21. My thoughts exactly Gary. But does BB wear the stock 4180? (It's a great carb!) Like I said, I have an encyclopedic memory for schematics, but I've never seen a 1984 EVTM.....
  22. Interesting. So your EVTM doesn't have a dedicated page for the 315 HO like the '85 I posted? I can't know it if I've never seen it....
  23. So, therapeutic? 🤔 Yeah, I like looming things too. My dad taught me lacing way, waaaaay back. I used to make up all the avionics and deployment harnii at my rocket club.....
  24. You need to look at 'Carburetor Circuits' Jeff... 💡 Maybe '84 is different than '85? I'm using the EVTM that I can get here onsite.
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