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Everything posted by ArdWrknTrk

  1. Read some about gas law It's a very good analogue for this concept. 😉
  2. https://arstechnica.com/space/2024/05/nasa-wants-a-cheaper-mars-sample-return-boeing-proposes-most-expensive-rocket/?comments=1&comments-page=1 Also, as if it weren't bad enough that they snuffed the guy who was ready to testify in Charleston, they've got to deal with this.... https://www.bbc.com/news/business-68966894 The MBA's need lynching.
  3. I bought ONE 3 pack of oil slingers Send me your street address and I will put one of the two 'spares' in an envelope to your doorstep.
  4. While not a LLM, this is an interesting development in AI https://arstechnica.com/science/2024/05/exploration-focused-training-lets-robotics-ai-immediately-handle-new-tasks/
  5. Do they have wreckers and tow trucks? There's a special type of 'polisher' that seems to get off on flashing lights and sirens.
  6. That was my first thought, Bill. But now I'm rethinking that because on Invision we have two roles above Member, Administrator and Moderator - and I don't yet know the difference. So we need to get our head around those two roles as well as what we want the board of directors to do. On Invision I think I have the joining process set up so that people don't need approval by anyone. They have to agree to the guidelines, and when they do they become a New Member. That means they can only post in the New Members Start Here folder until they have one post, at which point they become a Member and can post anywhere but the Admin area. In other words, I'm not sure what we, the current Admins, are going to do. Will all of us become Admins or Moderators in Invision? Will some of us become one and others the other? And what does the BoD do? Let me noodle on this a bit tomorrow and see if I can make sense of it. A mod is like a cop. An administrator does exactly that... They work behind the scenes to admit new members. Put them in the map. Pin topics. Create polls. Fix issues on the back end or enable new functions. There really shouldn't be any overlap.
  7. Certainly the 5.0 doesn't make any power unless you wring it's neck. 💡 I imagine the 2V 351 is pretty gutless as well. The H.O. is trying to get there and the 460 is about right for a truck, doing truck stuff. The only reason I can see for a Windsor in a pickup is to provide an economical (cheap to produce) power plant that can help the average fuel economy numbers and work for all the people that don't ever 'need' a truck, but drive one anyhow, because it supports their ego. (and we're back to my brother's mid-life BMW! ) But the 300 has torque, and is smooth. It is ideal for economy and lightweight jobs
  8. What can I say? I'm slow. But I'm getting there. However, I think it is safe to say that what we have here is well worth preserving - both the posts as well as the camaraderie. So we need to figure out how to preserve it, and setting up the non-profit with bylaws, board of directors, etc is a good start. I guess I learned at six, while the rest of my peers were in 1st grade, I was growing up feral. 😄
  9. Yeah, well how many do you think were* Windsor's and 460's v/s how many 300's, which would use the 4k tach??? 🤔 *damn phone... 😖
  10. Wow Gary! You're just figuring this out now I'd have thought someone of your generation and background would well know how tenuous our lives really are.
  11. Thanks for sharing your experience. I don't own an automatic truck, so this is important for me to remember!
  12. If you read the linked page you'll see you want a 4 or 6K tach, and NOT a 4,500 rpm one. Diesel tachs do not have a coil trigger to work with. 💡
  13. You're saying that you like the ceramic boot plug wires? How close are your headers and how hot does your turbo run?
  14. My great uncles were contract lawyers for Cities Service. That's why they moved to the Tulsa area in the late seventies when Citgo move from New York to Tulsa.. Broken Arrow was a brand new and upscale subdivision back then... But Jim would tell me a lot about contracts and how they're written. I never followed him to Yale, because I was pretty disinterested in the business world.
  15. Screw ads and sponsors. That's 80% the reason we're here and NOT there! I'm completely sick of getting served someone else's 🐂 every time I open my phone. 😡
  16. Setting up a non-profit is not without it's own expenses. (Like incorporating and filing with the State Department of Revenue Services, at least here in CT) You usually need a Lawyer to file it too. :nabble_money-flying-23_orig: Man, I'm telling you, if you send as a "Gift" there's no percentage to PP/Vmo. Wether this is a one time ask or an ongoing thing to cover admin/server costs, nobody's going to bat an eyelash at ~$1500. (that used to be a Friday night for me. ) NONE of us are worried that you are going to embezzle the funds and run to Thailand. Just make up an email, like BullnoseForumSoftware@gmail.com and get on with it. I will send whatever I may have, when the time comes. Right now I have $0.08 in the bank and a single dollar in my wallet... Who knows where I am tomorrow?
  17. I'm kinda between a rock and a hard place here Gary. While I'd usually be glad to throw a couple of Franklins your way, as you know I've been laid up -out of work- AND hemorrhaging $ to put my diff back together ( ~2k worth of stuff for a truck that's worth $500) I'll do what I can, but I'm not sure how substantial that may be. Have you considered just opening a Gmail address like "ForumUpgrade@gmail.com" and using that a as PayPal and Venmo account? That would make it super easy for anyone on this planet with a smartphone. Currency exchange is baked in and there are no fees, if it's a "gift"... Sure it leaves the onus on you, but I don't know any member that doesn't trust you implicitly
  18. ∆∆∆. These guy's are absolutely correct. You have to have them both face up (or down 🙃) to have the holes align. . If they use the bolt pattern common with Windsors (which are 28oz off) one bolt hole will misalign. Clocking doesn't matter a bit with an inline-6, which has inherently perfect primary balance. My brothers twin turbo BMW GT is glass smooth right up past 7,500 rpm (It's hard for me to judge shifts) I'm surprised that more members that own a 300 truck don't make a bigger point of this. They all talk about the low revving nature, but not how smooth it is. You should feel my 460 as it approaches 6k.
  19. You're dealing with people who weren't even alive when your truck was sold. If you have a 5.0l EFI truck, it's the same for '85-86. When I look that up on Rock Auto I get easily a dozen hits for trucks with EEC IV. The difference being that a DS-II has a cylindrical coil, and the EFI has a square coil. Some sets come with both styles of coil to distributor wires (10 wires total) Here's a screenshot. Personally I would go for either the NGK 52275 or the Standard Blue Streak 10011 wires, but at least you have choices! 💡 But the Standard 6900 will fit, and be 'premium' as well***
  20. Okay, Napa Belden premium is better than the Motorcraft that is available today. It's a windsor engine. 302 or 351 it's all the same the spark plug wires are the same the distributor is almost the same, the gear is a little taller. If you want a number for that, I'll get you a number.
  21. Gosh, I hadn't seen that the OP was gone. I try to be consice and succinct, with answers. I get on enough wild tangents with Gary, for ALL the forum! But, yes in the late '90's Ford moved away from the 5 on 5.5" pattern (and 8 on 6 too)
  22. Fey are a zombie. They are a name consumed by a beast that churns for profit. I had a '77 Datsun pickup I bet that skinny bumper would be perfect. There's a Canadian YouTube channel that has done a playlist of metal finishing a similar truck 💡 Fitzees Fabrications. (sp?)
  23. What EXACTLY are you asking for? There are HUNDREDS, if not thousands, of different wire sets for Windsors!
  24. Not nearly as old as some. Our favourite carb/ignition specialist notched up another year two days ago. It's not like you can ever notch down another year! 🤣 Ive known women who will never admit to a day over 29, although they're senior to me I honestly don't care at all, as long as I don't have to suffer in the end
  25. We have a bunch of NC members I think Dave Grant has been recruiting at the Hot Rod shows and cruise-in's he attends.
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