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  1. Hey every body still looking for the T-170 RTS Transmission for 1986 Bronco 4x4 4.9
  2. He is a few hours from me as I am 30 min. east of Raleigh. As Mat said I dont know what parts you can get for that transmission to start with and the big one dont know anyone even around here that could rebuild it. I do have a pretty big car / big rig show in Kenly NC at the big truck stop and can ask around. Dave ---- Yes I might try and come down and see what all is there .
  3. Thanks for the reply. I live in North Carolina and I am looking for someone to just rebuild the transmission
  4. I have a Full size 1986 ford Bronco 4X4 with the T-170 rts transmission and looking for a rebuilder does anyone know of a company?
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