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Everything posted by FuzzFace2

  1. Have the rubber fuel lines been replaced yet? They can look good on the outside but be bad on the inside and stop fuel flow. Fave ----
  2. The club member said his top did not work when he got the car and had a vary hard time finding any information on the top. He did say there are 16 motors and twice as many sensors for wwhen all the way up or down. Dave ----
  3. Good to hear it is up and running again. I have had water pumps do the same thing, all kinds of play and no leak Dave ----
  4. I feel for you. They wide & I had all the shots and got it. I dont know where I got it from and gave it to the wife. It kicked our butts, I was on a inhaler and the wife is still fighting a cough that sounds nasty The both of us also get tired easily, wife more then me. Take care of your self, it will take time to recover. Dave ----
  5. Yea that would be nice and I am sure once they have done 1 or 2 it would be in their system and hopw just call them to make more. I sent an email to slicktruckparts.com to see how much they want for the one they have and if not to much may get it to see how much different it is as he told my son they were the same 65 - 83? Dave ----
  6. My truck is down for the count Nothing really bad, clutch pivot on the motor block broke again 3rd time. I could not find the spare I bought so my son tried to re-weld it that I think will not work again. But when he was doing that I pulled the right side mirror to tighten the pivot up some as every time you closed the door it would move. Got it back on and went to adjust it and the mount broke from the pivot. That was the last straw for the day as it was 97*f out, the wifes car would not turn over but had lights the day after we got it back from the drealer for a CEL, traction light and a blicking speed control on light. They said it was because of dirty oil (BS) and found a bad belt tensioner and dirty brake fluid. That I had to fix so she could use it the next day or I was stuck home as she would need my Durango. The car in my garage battery would not start the car so I found out once my son moved it out and not being able to move it into the house garage even with a jump start. Had to clean the battery connections and put water in then a jump start got it running. Son replaced the battery in wifes car so that is done and picked up dinner last night. Still pissed at the truck so I did not go back out today to look more for the new pivot, the 300 six pivots are NA, or put the fixed one in or even order a new mirror. Dave ---- ps my son just said the guy at Slicktruckparts.com told him the motor side clutch pivot is the same from 65 to 83 for in lines are all the same? Picture he sent did not look the same, was not threaded all the way up to the nut part like I think mine was. Also think Gary or was it number dummy (Bill) said it was a 80 to 83 only part? More looking into this I guess.
  7. Nice show. That little rad car looks like a Fiat 128 that was sold here in the states way back when LOL In the 2nd picture that red & black convert Ford looks like a late 50's. Was it a hard top convert? We have a club member with a 58 that is a hard top convert and if he dose not bring his Ford pickup (gm power) he brings the car. Dave ----
  8. My housing did the same thing but I found mine when I was cleaning the old gasket off. I could not get the last bit of gasket / sealer off and when looking closer saw it was cracked. The Auto Zone one I get had the wrong size opening for the heater hose nipple. I got the right size from O'Reilly's https://www.oreillyauto.com/shop/b/engine-cooling/thermostat-housing-water-outlet/248157cbd990/v/a/5281/automotive-truck-1981-ford-f-100?compares=MRY-84913,MCS-4913KT,DOR-902-1025 Dave ----
  9. I also would not use Loctite on the bearings. Dose that bearing slip on to the cam not in the block as I think it should. If not you think polishing will fix that? I have seen fine scotch bright used on bearings to make them to spec. Dave ----
  10. I have not used this on a bearing but on a bushing. Get a wooden dowel larger than the center of what you need out. I then grind down the dowel for a vary tight fit but can be pulled out by hand. Now how messy do you want to get? You then pack the center with either wet bread or wheel bearing grease (messy) as full as you can. Then take that wooden dowel nad a hammer and hammer in the bread or grease. You may need to repack it a few times to drive it out all the way. The tighter the dowel the better. Dave ---- Not today but yesterday. I been using the truck to / from work last 4 days as wife's car would not crank after back from the dealer the day before, and she can't drive stick so left her the Durango. Well a 1/4 mole from the house the motor side Zbar pivot broke again and had to "float gears" to get it home and rolled into the house garage. After being up at 3am for work and it being 97*+ out and wanting to go to a car show the next day and knowing I had a new pivot I figured I would fit it. Easier said than done. Trash had to be done first and look into why the wife's car would not crank and get it fixed if I could. Son moved the car out of my garage, jump staring it that I did not know of at the time. Used the garden tractor to move the truck from house to my garage. Pulled the broken part out was not hard just hot & dirty. You know what happens when you buy a "spare part" you can never find it when needed so my son went to welding the broken part again for the 3rd time. Wile he did that I took the right outside mirror off to tighten the pivot because every time closed the door it adjusted. Got it back on went to adjust it and the pivot broke off the mount! At that point I had enough of the BS! Went out to start the car now sitting in the yard to move to house garage and battery will not turn it over either! Would not start with a jump start. Had to clean the battery connections, fill with water and then jump start. I was done for the day. Son had to get a new battery for the wife's car. it was 5+ years old, and go pick up dinner. Still pissed at the truck so did not get out to garage to look again for the new part or order a new mirror, maybe tomorrow? Dave ---- ​​​​​​​ps you cant get the motor side pivot for a 300 six motor as it is NA
  11. I have not used this on a bearing but on a bushing. Get a wooden dowel larger than the center of what you need out. I then grind down the dowel for a vary tight fit but can be pulled out by hand. Now how messy do you want to get? You then pack the center with either wet bread or wheel bearing grease (messy) as full as you can. Then take that wooden dowel nad a hammer and hammer in the bread or grease. You may need to repack it a few times to drive it out all the way. The tighter the dowel the better. Dave ----
  12. What's not to like about the Mopar's starter sound It is so good ZZ Top used it at the beginning of one song Dave ----
  13. SO how do you grease the greaseable joints if grease dose not get pushed out? I was told you grease joints & tie rods till you see fresh grease come out. This way the old dirty grease is pushed out and new grease is in its place. Dave ----
  14. My trucks did not have any of the plastic line left when I got them so no worry there. After the truck was together I was trying to fix a vacuum check valve, still broken, so when on the throttle the damper doors dont move to defrost. At one point I had no vacuum go to the HVAC controls? Checking to make sure the supply was still hooked up, it was, and checking for broken vacuum line, it was not that I could find? I had vacuum right up to the grommet at the fire wall but not inside? This was the only place I still had a little of that plastic line. Well it broke inside that grommet! I had to make a hole in the grommet and push a rubber hose inside to hook to the HVAC control. It was enouigh to make you start drinking LOL Dave ----
  15. I have one of them glue on covers and got to say it fits pretty good and unless you really look it over you cant tell it is a cover. As for the carpet I am thinking of getting one and use it only when I drive. The reason is the glare off the dash pad reflects off the glass and makes it hard to see when driving. I figure lay it over the cover when driving and remove it at shows. So if any of you go painting your dash pad / cover use a flat clear over it so you dont get the glare that I get. Dave ----
  16. Last year one of the larger shows our car club went to there was IIRC a Datsun 240Z that had a conversion and was for sale. I dont remember how much but the car was ruff looking like a well used car, dont remember much on the electric side of it but think the range was not too good? Think it was an older conversion. Dave ----
  17. Run a straight six and heat is no where near them With a v8 is the exh that close to the inner fender well? I just dont think I have seen them go bad unless there was heat from a fire. Dave ----
  18. When I first started the dash & wire removal I was freaking out AsI knew it was going to be a wile before it went into my truck but felt it was best doing the dash & harness as a whole. With everything marked on the wires before unhooked and any dash bolts & screws bagged & tagged going back together was real easy. All the wires fell into place as they were going back to the same places. It was really not as bad as I thought it would have been. Yes pull dash & wiring as a whole unit is the only way to go Now you tell me about the damper doors & vacuum motors When I had my HVAC box off the fire wall I did not know it was something that needed looking into. So far (knock on wood) the door hinge is good and the motors all work for the most part. I have a bad vacuum check valve on the juice can and when under load the doors swing from AC vents to defrost till I am back to normal load. I have bought new ones and they all did the same thing Maybe a need a 2nd can for more capacity? It really is not that big a deal but would be nice if it worked right when the AC is on. Dave ----
  19. Little by little and before you know it all will be done but ........ the onion has more layers LOL On the wipers the other day mine would not work on interment or park and never done that before? Then got thinking I just washed under the hood as it had pollen and dye from a AC leak I been trying to find and think water got into the wiper motor / park assy. After driving it a few days it had time to dry out and seams to be working as the factory wanted it to. So if you dont have a good cowl to hood deal maybe water got into the wiper motor / park assy. and why it may not be working if it was before? I also dont think you need to drop the steering column to change out the IGN. switch as I dont remember doing so when I messed with mine. It may make it easier but you then have to deal with the column plastic's and I dont want to mess with them and have them break. Good luck on the list Dave ----
  20. Because they are not smart enough to run anything else You think Ford is hard to find anyone that knows try AMC v8 motors Fords may not have a ring for the flex plate bolts? I know some do and why I brought it up just in case it was needed. I cant remember if Chevy and / or AMC used them as it has been a long time since I played with either (mostly AMC). Dave ----
  21. Thanks for looking that up Gary. I guess they're supposed to be 3/4-ish. Funny, the ones I removed from this 1996 F150 are 1" long, and they looked to be original. I might see if I can get a 3/4" set at the engine shop tomorrow. If not, the 1" ones are going in lol. Did the flex plate have a bolt ring? You put the flex plate on the crank then this ring and the bolts, this would pull the threads out a little more. The only thing I would do is mount it with 1 bolt and then turn the motor over by hand. I have heard of the bolts being to long and hitting webbing on the block. By turning by hand if the bolt hit a webbing it would not hurt anything but if by starter it could hurt the threads so it cant be pulled back out or break the block. Dave ----
  22. We need to know what is meant of "dashes"? Is it the gauge cluster or the full dash from door to door with the gauge cluster? Full dash door to door from 80 - 86 and F100 up to the F350 are the same and will swap. Now for the gauge clusters the same years & trucks will swap and bolt in but ..... The 80 cluster has different pin out for the plug for the cluster. They say the wires can be swapped so could be swapped between them. The 81 - 86 clusters the only difference I know of is dose it have gauges or lights for charging and oil. The do not swap as the number of wires to the plugs are different. Dave ----
  23. Welcome She looks pretty good from the front. In the project area start a thread on the truck with some more pictures even if not pretty. Some of us have started with a lost worst Dave ----
  24. Are we talking of the same parts? That inner fender well is plastic so how could it rot, crack yes but rot? Dave ----
  25. Yep thats how I was told to do it from the drive shaft shop. Weight on the suspension, in all the way and pull out 1 inch and measure. If I did seat to seat on the joints I told the shop the same they then could figure it out from there. Dave ----
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