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Everything posted by ArdWrknTrk

  1. And they're not wrong! Don't worry, our robot overloads are coming, wether we're ready willing and able, or not!
  2. Take care of yourself! You worry me. Well, if you've seen the WHYDTYTT you'll know that my shims and marking paste are delayed. So, there's nothing to start with, as FedEx is OFD with the Dana carrier right now. 😡
  3. https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2024/04/shoehorned-windows-copilot-key-is-just-a-reprogrammable-macro-journalist-shows/ Has it really been a month?
  4. Like I said, it's no criticism of the dock worker or the driver, whatever. I definitely understand LTL, and the implications for their bottom line. Years back UPS used to be headquartered in Greenwich right down the street from my house they had a big office Park. But this is not the 1970s, and expectations are a bit higher when you can see your package tracking into Illinois and then you don't get any update for days. Somehow, USPS delivers billions of discrete packages every day, pretty much without fail. If I had had an option I would not have chosen UPS in any instance. The final piece of my Rock Auto shipment is on a FedEx truck out for delivery, at 05:15 Eastern Time. Gary says, FedUp, but I am not such a critic. It's insane to me that I can send a package to NY (next door) and it will fly into, and out of Tennessee. Somehow they make it work. UPS has 'disappeared' more packages on me that I care to fathom. Again, I'm not on you or your co-workers. It's incredibly frustrating that the cheapest and easiest piece of this hand grenade AND the one I need FIRST, and also the one that is gonna be FOUR DAYS late! 😖
  5. I had grand plans to work on my diff this weekend. I just got notice that the master shim kit and marking paste coming UPS that "a delivery exception has occured" Shims go in first, then you check slack with a DTI. Now my projected delivery date is Monday the 8th. 🤬. 🤯 Can I mention how much I HATE the big brown truck! I really don't want to take it out on the driver, (nothing he did) so I really oughta not be around here when it finally DOES get dropped off
  6. Don't fret about it. Who knows, you may just stump the chump! But if it's about chemistry, or material science it's not too likely. I'm cognizant enough to know what I don't know.
  7. Please... If you have questions, I have answers or explanations "Why did it turn purple and sprout like grass?!?!" (Maybe I don't have ALL the answers... )
  8. Tabletop epoxies come in pretty small kits these days. White universal pigment can be had at any boat store, or bodyshop supply. If you want technical info, I highly recommend that you visit West Systems/Gougeon brothers website. They have a staggering amount of tech data and fiberglass repair tutorials, written by actual chemists and technicians on staff. (Literally Decades and decades of information!) Good Luck! and feel free to ask, if you think I can help. I'll send you my cell, so you can text, if need be. (It's a lot easier to share a pic of 'a situation' than try to convey it in words to someone as "thick headed" as me.
  9. Yes, it's waxed so it won't get inhibited and remain sticky. You'll have to wash that off when the repair is complete, or between coats. But it won't be as self leveling as epoxy with white pigment, and epoxy is a glue first and a finish second, so you KNOW any loose fibers will be stuck down, and it's NEVER coming off. I think I've told you that my father was director of engineering at a few plastic plants (mostly acrylic and polycarbonate) That's probably where I get my geek on with plastic/adhesive chemistry. You also know "I'm special!" and the smells of monomers and catalysts back then had me asking questions constantly. He also did optics, at Barnes Engineering, Hamar Laser, and Perkin Elmer back in the days of Micraline and the Keyhole satellites. You're in semi. There wouldn't be lithography as we know it without PE's Micraline.
  10. Man! I'm so sorry to see this. You have a beautiful truck. 🤩 You just painted it in the fall, right? But I know that even a bent fender is gonna total one of these trucks. They're just not worth much unless you have agreed value insurance and all the receipts. I tow wrecks, from hoopdies to Lambos. I'm putting a bunch of parts in my rear axle. My truck is assessed and taxed at $400. (Like 1/4 the cost of parts for a 10.25" rebuild) It's a 37 year old pickup with over 450,000 miles. People that flee the scene should go to jail and never see a license again. I encounter it multiple times a week. Cops should be on that crap, instead of hassling some panhandler at the ramp.
  11. They were Puritans. It's: A) amazing there are any left. B) no wonder why this country is so hung up about something every animal does.
  12. Gelcoat, or tabletop epoxy has a better chance of sticking.
  13. Winter gas in summer will leave your bowls dry in three days... You need to drive it, not stroke yourself over it.
  14. Yes, they do! I used to live in the woods and had a flock of wild turkeys, tame to me. 😂 They'd come on by twice a day as they went out to forage, and back to roost. Pretty amazing creatures! I got my spider gears & pin today, also a gasket although I'm just using the green gear oil RTV for now, and it didn't come from the factory with a gasket. (I guess I like paying for pretty blue paper 😉) So, the master shim kit and marking paint comes UPS, you can't ever trust them. And the Dana carrier is FedEx tomorrow (at the local hub, on a truck RN) I had to go to urgent care for antibiotics earlier. I hope I'm in shape to finish this when the cold rain stops blowing on Saturday!
  15. Is there some way to issue a BOLO to all members in costal SC?
  16. This is why a really fubar cam chain spits back through the carb and can't get out of its own way The charge has multiple times the amount of fuel it really wants, and the valves won't close in time to build decent compression.
  17. My air cleaner lid is domed (to shed water) Maybe I'm not reading this right, but the rubber washer under the wingnut usually sticks to the lid. I pull the (non-existent) A.I.R. Pump inlet plug from the passenger side and spray a shot of ether onto the filter element. Or, I take the lid off and fill the bowl through the vent tube.
  18. A horse syringe into the vent tube works every time! Jeff in Quebec doesn't understand the difference between winter and summer gasoline. (at least they don't have some corn farmer -read BIG AGRA- subsidy up there)
  19. Strange things happen when the exhaust has nowhere to go, it's going to find some way out!
  20. But, I can guarantee you she will keep digging for TJ
  21. My sister pegged it as a scam... IDK a damn thing about it, I don't do Facebook.
  22. Right, that's what I said. Canadian built, doesn't mean Canadian spec.
  23. I know Brewster's. They came over on the Mayflower...
  24. I'm not saying there isn't bad metallurgy. But when you look at something like the old Chevy Berettas, you know, that those cams weren't made in China, and neither were the lifters....
  25. She looks like a happy dinosaur, hunting bugs, or whatever... 😁
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