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Gary Lewis

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Everything posted by Gary Lewis

  1. Lol, I completely missed your instruction about the new menu place for this test! Sorry! Well, I would say this test is almost perfect. I have a suggestion: Why not title each link with just 2 digit year, same as its column title? Even if the table is best viewed in Landscape orientation, it would allow the Portrait mode to be more comfortable too. Oh, and take a look to the column titles, some bold characters remain there. Here are iPhone 13 Mini Portrait and Landscape results: Yes, I think two characters/numbers is enough. That will make it smaller and work better. As for the bold characters, we will probably have several things like that to clean up, but y'all can tell me what you see on your screens as it might not show on mine.
  2. Today’s vacuum. Guess there is a slight leak as we’ve dropped maybe 5” in a couple of days. 😎
  3. I have hit them up. In the past we've gotten stuff from them. But looking at the email responses I'm finding that they didn't respond to my request for help.
  4. Jeff - No, I won't be losing anything. The only thing that will change will be the forum itself. So, how does the table approach work for on your Mini? Can you use it in landscape? Jim - Glad you are getting this on order. And hope your dinner goes well.
  5. Gary, I’m lost. I don’t find the Test Page For Tables… Maybe two ships passing in the night? Jeff - You didn't click the link in the email nor read above that I moved it under Truck Shows. Seriously though, it was causing Jim a problem so I had to move it so it didn't hang down. Too many menu items.
  6. Yes, but the actual question is if you would use it if I filled out the whole table and took both the pdf and Excel off the library page? Or, maybe I should ask if you think other mobile users would? I know some do as I've directed them there from Facebook and they have found what they were looking for. So would the new table be a good improvement?
  7. Ok, remind me to remove that when the time comes. But the table approach is good?
  8. You mean the text in the menu, right? Obviously that goes away when we decide what to do about tables, but in the interim I've hidden it under Truck Shows. Does that work? But the table itself seems to work well?
  9. Jim & Jeff, plus any others that have mobile devices they use here, please take a look at the Test Page For Tables. I've reduced the width to just the Bullnose years and added a suggestion to look at it in landscape mode. It works fine on my iPhone 10 Pro Max, but it has a larger screen than Jeff's Mini so I don't know that it'll work there. And don't get hung up on the glitches like that the columns aren't the same width or that there's a "value" showing below Bronco Miles Ahead. Also, don't miss that there's an entry at the very bottom of the table.
  10. Will this work? How to Control F in Chrome on Android Open the kebab menu (three vertical dots) in the upper right. Tap Find in page. Chrome will search as you type and highlight matching text. Select Search (the magnifying glass icon) to close the keyboard and finish your search. Sep 12, 2022 How to Control F on Android - Lifewire
  11. Thanks for the reminder. Trust me, I am CAREFUL on ladders - now. As for rabbit holes, you've caused me to take a look at the makeup of the users, and despite the way things are laid out 2/3 of our users are on mobile devices. So I need to start catering to them. And the library is an excellent place to start. I'll see what I can come up with and bounce it off of you, and others, to see if it works. But later....
  12. Yes, there's info on the browser, but even better info on mobile vs desktop, screen size, etc. But all of this is on the whole site, inc the forum, not just the one page. Haven't found that yet. The mobile/desktop split is very different from what I found in another report. And given the granularity I tend to believe this one more than the other. But I need to move out to the shop and work on the console for a bit, then head to the church building to install security cameras. Maybe late afternoon to poke around more on this. But I think the time might be better spent trying to make that page more mobile-friendly than figuring out if mobile users aren't using it. So maybe I should just see what I can do?
  13. 788 hits to Manuals & Literature or 1.75% of the 44,911 visits to the site in the last 28 days. (20,617 to the forum itself in that time.) But I haven't figured out how to have it tell me the breakdown between mobile and desktop users on a by-page basis. I'll keep poking around - later.
  14. Yes, if I did deep enough I'm sure I have page-hit metrics. Let me do some poking around as they might show the split of mobile vs desktop users to be different than the rest of the site.
  15. I'll have to see if there's a way to change the order, but that's not obvious to the casual observer. As for Bulletproof, here's what I see with a Cnt/F. And I don't see anybody in the Aleutians.
  16. I think the problem is that I'm trying to squeeze too much into that table. This is a Bullnose site so if we were to limit the years to 80 - 86 on that table then it might work. Or, maybe there is now a better table plug-in for Weebly? I'll have a play with it and see if I can figure out something that works for mobile devices. In the interim I'm going to just use Jeff's pdf and take away the Excel file from the "production" page. To my thinking that page is one of the main draws of this place and it really needs to be usable with mobile devices.
  17. Yes, adapt the carb intake to the heads. Don't adapt a carb to the EFI intake. The very-worn 460 in Big Blue sporting Edelbrock's intake, carb, and cam pulled like a tractor from idle. The new engine from Scotty with his cam and carb adapter on an EFI intake didn't start pulling until 1500, and didn't have any more top end than the worn out engine. But when I went to EFI and got the fuel out of the intake the engine woke up.
  18. I'm not wanting to ban you. All I ask is that you temper your responses a bit and understand the situation before posting.
  19. I do not recommend running a carb on an EFI lower plenum as there's not much torque below 1500 RPM. Apparently they weren't designed for fuel in the air stream and it drops out of suspension, causing a lean condition. So if you are running EFI heads then the adapters and a carb intake would be the way to go.
  20. Yes, it was the fact that Ray has bought into this in a big way so it was indirectly statements about him. And who knows for sure that this isn't going to work well? I recognize that changing from mechanical to electric and back to mechanical has losses, but this outfit seems to have information that says their approach works well.
  21. Thanks, Jeff. Once I get the console in I'm hoping Janey and I can take it for a spin and try out the seats. Mine is in just like the red one was, but I took a wedge out of hers that had it angled back, and she may not like that. So we need to try it out locally before we head to western OK.
  22. You Sir are one sad man. Negative much? Passive aggresion is a sign of insecurity. You ARE the reason I mostly stay off Gary's website. You are constantly judging and condemning others. Everytime I get on here you make some snarky remark about what I or someone else are doing. I bet I could fine 100 things in your life that make no sense, and claim you have no brain cells either. But I don't, because I'm not a low self esteem miserable old man. Good buy. I don't even give a !@#$ anymore. Hey guys, this isn't the agreed-to plan of appreciating each other as the guidelines say. Please don't be yelling or leaving mad. You both have your opinions and reasons why, but that doesn't mean you are right. We agreed to support each other and if we cannot say supportive things then we shouldn't say anything. I respect both of you, but we cannot be acting this way.
  23. Right, the EFI heads take a different intake and exhaust than the carb heads. And there are two versions of the EFI heads with the F3's being slightly better.
  24. That's a really interesting video. I wish mine shifted like that one does! But I'm not about to take it apart given what I've seen them needing to do. I had a pro rebuild mine and if he didn't get it perfect (you have to "wait on 3rd gear as he said) then I don't think I'd do any better.
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