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Gary Lewis

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Everything posted by Gary Lewis

  1. You might consider buying an engine from Scotty The Mad Porter, aka Parkland Performance. He is considered to be the guru of 460's. I had him build mine and even with shipping it came in pretty close to what I could get done locally - and faster.
  2. Good find, and good info. The MPC says it fits 80/86 E-F-U150/350 - - w/leaded fuel & a 300/4.9L.
  3. Progress is good! Glad things are bolting in nicely. There is sooooo much difference between the dentside and bullnose trucks! I've compared the size of things like tie rods on a dentside to the Bullnose trucks and found that the F100/150 dentside tie rods are about the same size as those on a Bullnose F250 - much bigger than a Bullnose F100/150's. And the crossmembers are so different as well. But, I'm not sure that the issues of a 460 in a Bullnose truck are the sins of the engineers. I say that because I don't believe the Bullnose trucks were truly engineered to ever have a 460. Ford seems to have concluded that the 400 would be adequate and engineered for that. But they neutered the 400 with a 2bbl carb and a retarded cam and nobody wanted it. (An acquaintance put a straight-up timing set and a 4bbl carb on his 400 and claimed it doubled the power.) So someone said "Why don't we drop the 460 in the Bullnose", and the engineers had to figure out how high to lift it before dropping it in.
  4. I think it is the latter - I want it. Was playing with MyBB forum software the other day and it requires you to attach a picture to a post and then click a button to put the picture in the post you are writing. There's no feedback on the button and you can't see the text of the post at that point, so the first time I used it I clicked the button three times and had three copies in the post. I like feedback. When I push a button I want to know that something happened. And the LED coming on will tell me that something happened. Plus it'll tell me if the thing timed out and I have to hit it again. By the way, you can hold the button in as long as you want and the relay stays closed. But when you let up after more than 10 seconds the relay drops out. In other words, it is the first push that starts the timer. And to document my thinking & calculating, the LED will drop about 2 volts, so the resistor needs to drop ~10v @ 30ma. R = E/I = 10/.03 = 333. But that's a non-standard number so it'll probably be a 330 ohm resistor. And that should be an orange/orange/brown resistor.
  5. Ok, here's Plan B. Please pick it apart. The trigger circuit nor the coil are drawn in, but you'll get the gist. The LED will be energized with the key on, but won't have a ground until the relay closes and then it'll use the starter relay's coil and the ignition box as the ground. So it'll go out, or seriously dim, when the starter is engaged. But it'll glow bright red when the clutch safety is bypassed.
  6. Started to move the dizzy, but then I thought I ought to capture this. I pumped it up to 22" of vacuum on Feb 22nd and today, 8 days later, it is on 14". Let me do the math ... I think we have a reject here.
  7. I found that I can't measure the on-board LED's current. So I took it off the board and stuck the lowest-current LED I could find in my stock and that pulled 4ma and just barely glowed. :nabble_smiley_cry:So I'm going to have to come up with a Plan B for an LED to indicate when the bypass is active.
  8. Got to test the 10 second delay module today, and it works perfectly - as you can see in the video below. So now I need to find a 2V panel-mount LED to replace or parallel the one you can see on the board to tell the driver he can crank it then.
  9. You probably have the Ford 9" rear diff. It doesn't have a removable back cover. You can see the instructions on it here: https://www.garysgaragemahal.com/axles--differentials.html.
  10. I'm more thinking AI would provide a way for Google to find the actual documentation we have on the site than parse the posts on the forum. You are right, some solutions are better than others, but I think it best to let the reader determine that rather then AI - since it obviously has hallucinations.
  11. From what I understood of the 60 Minutes episode the Microsoft LLM scans the internet but Google taught theirs using videos. Or at least they did for the part where robots learned to walk, then run, and then play soccer. Anyway, the encyclopedia idea is a good one. But we'd need to be able to run it when we make changes - especially if it includes posts in the forum. One of the problems we seem to have is that Google searches don't find stuff "hidden" on tabs in our pages. Nor in documents embedded on the pages. But tabs facilitate moving from one thing to another, like going from the illustration where you find the base part number to the PN list where you find the complete PN. So tabs are very helpful. And I've not found a way to put a whole pdf on a page on the website w/o embedding it. So if AI could be trained to go through the website and generate the appropriate tags and apply them so people find what they are looking for via a Google search it would be very helpful.
  12. Done, and it should be intact.
  13. Ok, now we are getting somewhere. Chris has the Discourse forum up, and you can see my most recent post here. But in the screenshot below you can see what I saw when I added the pic to the post. Here are the things I noticed: Popup Menu: When you click the image insertion icon you get a popup menu letting you go select the image you want to insert. In Windows this is File Explorer. This saves a step over Nabble as that takes two clicks there. Uploading: When you Open (at least that's what it is for Windows) it immediately uploads the file instead of having to go back to another menu like at Nabble. What I don't know what the file size limit is and what happens when you hit the limit. I'll have to explore that when I have admin access. Orientation: I've not been given the option to re-orient a pic, although when the metadata is there regarding orientation it seems to correctly orient things on its own. So Discourse has promise!
  14. The don't feel "wrong", but more vertical than the captain's chairs. I know my head is higher because I had to adjust the driver's outside mirror up yesterday. And the rim of the steering wheel blocks the high beam indicator when it didn't before - quite. On the other hand, the view of the gauges below the instrument panel is now better than before. So I'll pull the spacer out and see what happens.
  15. Yes, welcome! Glad you joined. I, too, would like to know more about that engine. And see pics of your truck, which might take reading the page at Bullnose Forum/Forum FAQ's to get right. And Jim is right, we do have a map (Bullnose Forum/Member's Map) and would love to add you.
  16. Larry - That helps a lot. Thanks! And I think I understand how Nabble is working, although you cannot upload a pic with the same name in the same post and try to use re-sizing in one and not in the other. Nabble gets confused, which confuses me. Ok, the first pic of the seats, at the bottom, is my pic which you set the metadata to reflect the wonky rotation. And it was uploaded to Nabble w/o resizing. The second pic is the first pic saved with a different name so as not to confuse Nabble, and then uploaded using "big" resizing. And your rotated image gets put "right" when there's no resizing, but doesn't when there is resizing. But I'm still slightly confused. When I look at the pics in File Explorer I see that the first two are rotated wonkily and yours (Seats_With_No_Rotation_-_Larrys) isn't. If I understand correctly there's no EXIF info in the first two indicating that they are not rotated correctly, but there is in yours. Correct? If that is right then I'm not armed with a file I can use to test other forum software - Larry's. But what I don't understand is how my pic doesn't have the rotation info. I took it on my iPhone and then sent it via email to this tablet and then saved it. But in sending it I probably let Apple downsize it, so might that be where the EXIF info was stripped? No Sizing: Big Size:
  17. I’m not trying to understand Nabble as it is a lost cause. I’m trying to understand how to test other forums to see if they auto-rotate pics. I thought I understood but apparently don’t.
  18. If you use something like Word or Wordpad then you'll need to either embed the file, which causes Jim problems, or cut and paste the results into a post. Instead I'd learn to use the editing tools here. With work you can do a bulleted list or a numbered list right here in Nabble.
  19. Jim will object if you do as I've done and create a Word document and imbed it. That way you can edit it in the background and it'll be evergreen on the forum. But you can just edit some post, like the first post of your thread, to keep the documentation up to date.
  20. I'll do you one better. E4TZ 35016B96-A is the part number you need, and that helps to order one - but that # won't be on the part. However the cross reference says that E4TS 35016B96-AB will be the ID # on the part you are looking for.
  21. Looking good! And no worries about it being a 78 Bronco. We are a family and even some of our moderators don't have a Bullnose to their name. I like the documentation that tells what you've done so you, and others, can get back to it if need be. (Try that on Facebook.) Detail it out and, at some point, put it in a document.
  22. It would be possible, but not necessary. There's only maybe 1" at max of movement before things get in a bind. I'm at 3/4" now and wouldn't want to go up for these seats as they already feel like they are very vertical at the back. So I'm thinking I'll take the shim out and see how they feel. Easy to do, and easy to put back.
  23. Ok, it is apparently time for true confessions: I DON'T KNOW WHAT I'M DOING! I had assumed that the picture below is wrongly-oriented and that smart forum software would orient it such that the seats would face downward. Is that incorrect? When I open the file I don't see orientation in the list of info. But I've edited the original file to reduce the size, although leaving the metadata. And then when I uploaded it to Nabble I didn't use any resizing. So, Larry, are you saying Nabble correctly rotates images if we don't use the resize buttons? Why isn't my image rotated so the seats face down?
  24. No problem, Jeff. Posting pics is the biggest problem we have on Nabble. So if we move we should move to a platform that fixes that.
  25. By auto-rotate I mean that the forum software reads the metadata, learns how the camera was held, and then automatically rotates the pic so you don't have to rotate it. But there should also be an option to rotate it manually if you want to do so. From what I've seen Discourse doesn't do that and it doesn't even offer a manual way to rotate them. Right?
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