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Gary Lewis

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Everything posted by Gary Lewis

  1. Bob - I remember you discussing that, and I can see how it would help. And it would be easily done if I can find the right push-button switch and a good place to put it. Now, maybe this is serious overkill, but why not revise the bezel I made for fog lights to be something like "Clutch Switch" and "Push to start"? The button could go just to the left of the steering column and wiring it in would be easy as the connector going to the clutch switch is right behind that spot. Any better ideas on the labeling? Y'all? http://www.garysgaragemahal.com/uploads/6/5/8/7/65879365/waving_orig.gif
  2. Ordered the Terraflex kit, especially because it comes with lots of accessories to let you connect it up and the Amazon kit doesn't. However I think I'll still want to find some beaded chain to ensure there won't be any interference with normal throttle function.
  3. LOOOOOOOL!!! http://www.garysgaragemahal.com/uploads/6/5/8/7/65879365/head-rotfl-57x22_orig.gif Gary, you already mentioned the «Super Bee» in some posts in the forum. You know, I’m very far from a car guy, don’t know a lot about models, performance, etc. My first car was a used ‘72 Super Bee…TLE. So until now I thought you were talking about such bulb car, hahahaha! But I know just enough about cars to remember that the VW Super Beetle came in the early 70’s (71, in fact). So I was wondering, «why Gary is talking about his ’69 Super Beetle and what does it have to see with a Charger?». A little Google, and bang! Not quite the same type of cars! http://www.garysgaragemahal.com/uploads/6/5/8/7/65879365/laughing-25-x-25_orig.gif No, Beetles and Bees aren't quite the same. This is what my current Bee would have looked like from the factory with F3 Light Green. My original Bee had F8 Dark Green on it and was prettier.
  4. I would say that Janey has fine taste. I tend to think so - she chose me.
  5. Interesting. It took a while to find it as I was on the national park services map. But it was easy to find in All Trails.
  6. Ok, Gary, so it’s time for another add-on to Big Blue’s well equipped cockpit? There’s the Cessna throttle style: Or the Boeing throttle style: Yes, Jeff, one more control for Big Blue. I like the Boeing style, but I think the Cessna is more realistic. And, as I think about it, there are times when having the engine spinning a bit faster than idle would be good, like when using the winch as there'd be more current from the alternator. So the hand throttle is a good idea.
  7. Yes, I recognize the Jeep with the rope on the front and the "This side up" sticker. (We used to say "Shiny side up" but I'm not sure that one has a shiny side.) Both of those videos are good, and I enjoyed watching them. Obviously that's going to be an easy day, but very scenic, for sure. But those Jeeps made the corners look easy compared to what I think I'll find. And, as I was watching I happened to look at the videos listed down the right side of the screen. There's the one with the "nice truck" Janey was talking about! (Jeff - I'm going to keep tagging you until you comment. )
  8. Bingo. It's usually always the nostalgia. I don't really want my F150 back because I know it's a lesser truck than my F350, but I would like to have it for the memories and to say I still have it. That's why I now have three trucks that I'll never get rid of. Beautiful is a '69 Charger. Pretty is a '69 Super Bee, which is a Charger from the door forward. An early 60's Valiant is nostalgic, which is being kind. Funky might be more accurate.
  9. Yes, there's a lot of documentation on the site, and some of it I've not fully read. And much of it I don't remember. So I'm not surprised that we have the info on VREST buried somewhere. But I have a large stack of to-be-scanned documents, so I'm sure there will be more I'm not au fait with. Anyway, you are making good progress. You'll have that thing ready to go in very soon.
  10. We are going to need some help on this. Below are the types of those nuts, which is Type 10, and below that the listing of a lot of them from the 1986 Standard & Utility Parts Catalog. If you can confirm the dimensions then we might be able to find them at Auevco with the part number. Which might be N623333.
  11. Depends on the flavor: Two Door, Sedan, Wagon, Convertible? This one but white:
  12. Yes, it does show that it goes to manifold vacuum. And if it is almost instantaneous in dropping the vacuum then I don't understand how nor why it works. As for the emissions book, if it is the Engine Emissions/Diagnosis book then we have the 82 and 86 versions on the site. I'd welcome another, but if you scan it please do so at 600 dpi if you can. I run an optical character recognition program against the files so people can search for text and 600 dpi makes that work best.
  13. I think I want my hand throttle to stay on w/o holding it. There's too many other things to do at that point and I don't want to have to concentrate on holding the throttle steady.
  14. Yep, so when they got dirty, which was easy, it was hard to clean them up. Recently Janey said that was the car she wishes we had kept. I think it was so ugly it was cute.
  15. That diff looked like what I imagined Jeff's father's engine looked like internally, although black rather than brown. Janey and I bought an early 60's Plymouth Valiant in the early 70's. And I changed the fluids as I always do on a new-to-us vehicle. The engine oil came out the blackest, thickest, goo I'd ever seen, and when I put in the 30W I used on everything back then there was a cloud behind it every time I lifted the throttle as the valve guides were bad. And even idling or going down the road there was a hint of a cloud. But early 60's vehicles had a "road draft tube" and not "positive crankcase ventilation", meaning they dumped their fumes outside rather than burning them. So I went to the salvage and found the PCV setup for a later Slant 6 and installed it on our Valiant. No more cloud! But the oil sure turned black quickly. In fact in the several years we owned it I never did get it cleaned up internally.
  16. I hope you can come! I'll share more details as we get closer. As for the vacuum restrictions, I'm guessing that they are put in the line from the ported vacuum fitting on the carb, so has some vacuum from when you are driving and as you stop the vacuum drops slowly until it goes to zero. And if the coolant gets too high then the manifold vacuum comes in to speed the engine up.
  17. I don't know that I can recommend Mission Implausible 2, but it was entertaining. And I certainly can't recommend Thelma & Louise. But I can recommend Forest Gump, although mentioning that movie gets snickers around my family. We were sitting in the Geneva airport at the end of a European Vacation (speaking of movies) and I was wearing khakies (everything else was dirty) and white sneakers (my street shoes had gotten wet). We'd purchased a box of Swiss chocolate, which I had on my lap. I heard snickering and looked over and my wife, my daughter, and my son were about to roll in the floor. Then one of them said "Run Forest, run!" Anyway, thanks for the link on the hand throttle. Amazon has a similar one, and it is the one that everybody seems to carry - TerraFLex. And I found two guys that seem to have used bike shift levers - although I want a throttle kit. This one connects to an EFI system on an 89 Bronco, and this one originally connected to the throttle linkage in the truck but ended up going out to the throttle body. But it isn't as neat of an installation. And now for a funny. As said, Janey is perusing the internet and just asked if we are going to be on Shafer Trail as she'd found a video of a nice truck going on it. I said yep, and looked to see what she had - a nice red and white 1984 F350 Crew Cab. Turns out it has Canadian plates.
  18. Yep, that's the trailer electric brake control connection, which you can see in this page from the 81 EVTM. I have a Tekonsha controller and plugged it into that. Works well.
  19. I do hope you can make it in September. I know how far it is. As for a back channel, many of the forum software packages have capabilities like that. And given what Mr Nabble told me this week, we will need to move. So now we need to find the right package.
  20. Bob - Big Blue's spare is well and truly strapped down in the bed, as shown way below. But I don't have a hand throttle, so that's a good idea. The 460 does have good torque, but it would be handy to throttle up a bit w/o using your feet. I'd hoped to be able to do that with the PTO function of the ECU, but it didn't work, so I'll look into a manual one. Thanks! By the way, Janey's been looking for movies that were filmed out there, so we just watched MI-2, which she'd read has Dead Horse Point in it. If you don't remember it starts out with Ethan Hunt rock climbing and waaaaaaaay down below is a road, and farther down is a river. I told her "I'll bet that's our road and that's the Colorado!" Take a gander at where it is, and I know you know where the Thelma & Louise Point is.
  21. Gary has a Bullnose meet in September in Skiatook. That's too far for many to come, although Jeff did from Quebec last year and some did from Australia and New Zealand a few years ago. Anyway, Gary might attend if someone else sets up another meet.
  22. He and his son were working at his shop, so I came by with some NICE bacon cheeseburgers I made and some chips. We sat down to a nice lunch and then we went out to the shop and took care of my pressing issue! 😁 This: Much more effective than this: 😂 "Pressing issue".
  23. Ahhh! The restriction is a resistor and the line and the vacuum canister would be the reservoir aka capacitor. They get charged up and are reluctant to change.
  24. Excellent! Yes, a press is a huge help on the rear axles.
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