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Bullnose Forums

Gary Lewis

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Everything posted by Gary Lewis

  1. Jim - Chris has done the bulk of the work, and I really appreciate it. Jeff - This is a totally new forum and it can't spell Nabble. So everything is new, meaning you have to sign up to use it. But, as said, please use the same info as on Nabble or you may have two different accounts if/when we migrate.
  2. Progress! Interested to participate to the “Test Forum”, but not sure how to proceed… I suppose the goal is to test the embedded version. Do we have to wait that the embedded version will be accessible? Cause right now, there’s only the title that is visible, rest is blank. EDIT! Now “something” appears. So let’s test! Jeff - We'd love to have you participate. Go here to do that, sign up, etc: https://j330110.invisionservice.com/ As for the one you can access through the New Bullnose Test Forum link in the menu, I messed up on a change but Chris pointed it out and that one is back up. However, since you don't know if your browser will work with that one start with the one above, the one at https://j330110.invisionservice.com/. If you sign up there your browser may work on the one on Weebly. If not, it should soon. BUT! I RECOMMEND YOU SIGN UP USING EXISTING SCREEN NAME AND EMAIL ADDRESS. AND MAYBE EVEN PASSWORD! That's because if we are successful porting this Nabble forum over to InVision we'll bring your ID as well. And if you are using a new ID on InVision you'll be schizophrenic.
  3. Ok, we have a bit of news to share. First, Chris and I think that InVision is going to do what we need to do. We started a test forum of it this morning and it performed well enough that we embedded it on the Weebly page at New Bullnose Test Forum in the menu. You can go look at it, BUT there is a problem at present - if you are already registered on the forum on the InVision server, which you can see here, you cannot log onto the embedded one with most browsers. (I can get on with Firefox but not Chrome.) The gentleman from InVision said that is normal and will be resolved on a paid-for service, so I signed up for the Beginner service at $49/mo. Hopefully we can get the log-in sorted soon and y'all can try it out to your heart's content. But in the interim you can register on the forum here and that registration will work when the problem is solved. In addition I have a friend that has said he can port our existing Nabble forum to the InVision forum, and will do so for us at no charge. Obviously we have no clue how long that will take. Given that we don't yet have a strategy for the path forward. So for now I would suggest that we use the Nabble forum as our production forum and the InVision forum as our test forum.
  4. I spy a unique transmission crossmember made necessary by that front axle.
  5. Not cheap, but I spy a solid front axle under it. I like it!
  6. That's very interesting - both the response from Claude 3 and the responses from various "authorities". I hadn't expected the authorities to be so all over the map. While I did sorta see most of their thinking, I don't agree with the one about engines. In that case the ECU was specifically programmed to recognize when it was being tested and turn the emissions controls on. But with Claude 3 I don't think that was the case.
  7. Good observation! I'll bet that's a major part of the problem. But I don't have that problem any more since I now have a matched set. I can fill the truck up with ease - which I have to do frequently - it'll pass anything but a gas station.
  8. That app is a very limited forum to run on Weebly. I looked at it and it really doesn't have what we want. It may actually not be as good as Nabble in some areas. And I agree, there's no urgency to move off Nabble. However, the longer we wait the larger the migration problem of moving the existing forum over. And, at some point Franklin may pull the plug on Nabble. In fact, he is doing zero maintenance. So I think we need to continue to look, but not move until we find what we really want.
  9. Yes, and no. You got them in, but this antiquated forum software doesn't rotate them for you. You have to do that yourself.
  10. You are now on the map. And, you got pics posted.
  11. Like I said, you need to read the FAQ's on how to include pics in a post. But for a quick way, I just right-clicked your links, clicked the Insert Image button above, and posted your link into the Or Copy An Image From The Internet field, making sure to overwrite the http:// that's already. And since your pics are bigger than 1MB you'll have to select "Big" in the resizing field. Those seats do look like Bronco seats but, as you pointed out, with only one arm rest they are probably of a later vintage. Maybe someone else knows?
  12. Welcome, Kyle! Glad you joined. What part of Tejas? We have a map (Bullnose Forum/Member's Map in the menu) and could put you on with a town or a zip. How 'bout some pics? But you might want to read the page at Bullnose Forum/Forum FAQ's before you attempt that.
  13. Weebly is both a website builder and a web service provider. Our hundreds of pages of documentation have been built using Weebly's builder and run on Weebly's server(s). And while they have a free service, I've signed up for a monthly fee in order to have multiple editors. As for porting our documentation to another site, this webpage says (with the bolding being theirs, not mine): From what I've seen porting Weebly isn't easy. Two years ago when I was looking for someone to do it no one had been successful. And, as the above says, once you port it you then have to go back in and fix things - on every page. My understanding is that Weebly code only runs on Weebly servers. And yes, our forum uses a Nabble platform and it will not be updated. But our forum does not use a Weebly app embedding feature to "integrate" it in the Bullnose website. There is no Weebly app to do that. We are actually using a Nabble app to do that that runs on the Nabble servers. Having said that, there is the HTML iframe capability that Chris used to put a couple of the forums we tried on the Weebly site. Weebly supports it just fine, and why Xenforo can't use it I don't understand. There are several more well thought of forums to be tested, including InVision which may be the next to try. Its documentation says it can be embedded on another website, and I'm sure if that is true it'll work on Weebly. So I'm not ready to consider moving off Weebly. I believe we have two separate issues and we can solve them one at a time. Last, the reason we have our forum embedded our our documentation website is because we want the user to have the full range of menus at the top of the page. Forum platforms don't do documentation. Website platforms don't typically do forums. So if we want the forum members to have access to the documentation then we have to integrate the forum onto the website.
  14. Don't bother. See my post just prior to yours. Xenforo is a no-go.
  15. Well, bummer! Chris beat his head against the wall yesterday and sent Xenforo a message asking for help as he couldn't get their demo to work on our Weebly server. They sent him a message back that he was spamming them so they'd banned him. Today I sent them a message explaining that we are stuck, and including the message from Chris as well as the banning message. We got back: No apology, but at least we got a definitive answer. Xenforo is a no go, as is Discourse.
  16. Jeff - Discourse does have an app, called Discourse Hub, but it doesn't let you post. The iOS version in the Apple app store says it provides: A central spot to review all notifications, unread counts, and new counts from your forums. Real time push notifications for officially hosted Discourse forums Authentication via Safari quicker access to your sites. And, by the way, it has a 2.8 rating. Jim is right, there's always Tap-a-talk, which says it works with Xenforo. But do we need an app? Have you tried to look at Xenforo via the link I sent on your mobile devices?
  17. You don't need to install a voltmeter or remove the ammeter. But if you move the alternator's output to the starter relay, which is HIGHLY recommended if you go with an alternator with more than 70A output, then your ammeter will only show a discharge, and that will grow as you bring on more loads. If you understand that then all is ok.
  18. Didn't check to see if the censor code would insert an emoji instead of characters. Xenforo looks like it will: Allow us to automate the registration process. They'll have to agree to our guidelines as they join, and we might even be able to send them to a sandbox for a post or two - if we really want to do that. Have multiple levels of "helpers" with administrators and moderators having different roles and capabilities. Have "conversations" behind the scenes between two or more people. Like posts and report posts. Post pics that automagically appear right-side up, and supposedly in the future will be resized to whatever level we set. Format posts like we are using Word. Check out the post here. And on and on and on. I'm like a kid in a candy store.
  19. Delco Remy says an alternator is 55% efficient. ScienceDirect says an electric motor is between 70 & 96% efficient. So if we assume the motor is 80% efficient then converting mechanical energy to electric energy & then back to mechanical will be .55 x .80 = 44% efficient. And that, in a nutshell, is Jim's point.
  20. Oh yes, in a post type "Chevrolet" and then click the preview button.
  21. You do not want the shunt to see the load if you are adding things like electric cooling fans. And there's no reasonable place for you to get power for the relays after the shunt. So just tie into the starter relay's battery connection and run a fused wire to a fuse/relay unit like Jim and others have. Each individual relay can then have its own fuse and you have everything in a neat unit. But I don't understand what you mean by "But adding a second charging cable will help definitely. Its almost like halving the resistance of the shunt itself." You don't want to add a second charging cable. The big red X means to take the factory charging cable out and replace it with one directly to the starter relay.
  22. Jeff, and anyone else that wants to try, you can see the test forum here. But in spite of what it says, and I can't figure out how to remove that text, you cannot log on with admin/admin. You can look around to your heart's content, but I don't think you can register. For some reason it isn't sending the email to confirm your registration. Still, it won't hurt to try. I used the admin function to finish my own registration for Gary Lewis, and could for you if you don't get that email. We only have this demo for another 6 days, so see what you think, please.
  23. I thought about relay usage and its effect on alternator load. Even if the current was directly taken off the battery, wouldn't the alternator be in the "loop" and make up for that current loss. This is waay over my ability to predict, Gary, you are definitely better in electrical assessment. I try but always overlook something Assuming you power the relays directly from the battery or the starter relay, which is easier, then using relays to power high-current devices takes the load off of fuse links L & M, meaning off the cab. Yes, the alternator is still in the loop, but the only load on L or M is the miniscule pull-in current.
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