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Gary Lewis

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Everything posted by Gary Lewis

  1. Send them book rate. Or UPS. That's what Chris/Numberdummy say they may do on Bill's stuff. I have lots to have her do, and will just put them in the mix. And if you get them here before Sept 16th I can show them off at the get-together.
  2. KR - What if you just respond via email? I doubt that path is blocked. But, if you want email notifications you'll have to subscribe.
  3. Bill - The TSB's are easily accessed via the TSB link in the navigation menu, as shown below. No need to go to that thread. In fact, that's one of the beauties of this forum - the documentation is readily available. And on the books, if you want to ship them to me I'll do the scanning and send them back. I have a service here in town that does a really good job for next to nothing.
  4. Thanks Mike! Gary, I can confirm that the pivot mount alternators are 7" & 8.25" C-C. (not 8.125) That the 7" was found on the 3.0l, and the 8.25" on the 3.8l V-6. Let's include the tsb in the writeup? What TSB? Do you have a link? I can add it.
  5. They're ok. I could have bought boxy fabricated covers but don't have aluminum roller rockers, a crazy big cam or guide plates that would require that kind of height. I guess I have a thing for crinkle paint and polished ribs. This has got to be due to my Great uncle Jim who taught me to drive stick in one of his Ferraris. . It was a '66 330 GT 2+2 series 2, silver with a black interior. He moved down your way (to BA) when Citgo relocated to Tulsa in the '70's I can still picture the big oval air cleaner with four down pointing snorkels. The wood of the steering wheel and the enameled badge on console ashtray. Pininfarina did a good job when they restyled from the earlier quad headlamp version of that car. Anyway, enough of my adolescent fantasies. .... I need to figure some kind of standoff for the wire holders. Or something else that will use the space in the middle of those covers. It's difficult without having them in my hands. Wow, that must have been fun to drive. I've never even been in a Ferrari, much less driven one. But I've heard them and love the sound. And have seen them and love the look. I know you are thinking to glue or screw a wire distribution holder in that spot. I'm anxious to see what you come up with, because that may be the perfect solution. As for Big Blue, he doesn't need the tall valve covers as he isn't running any fancy rockers or even a high-lift cam. Let's see what you come up with. By the way, folks, my original valve cover pic didn't work well on this iPad, so I added Width="100%" to the coding and now it fits. But something is still causing this thread to be wider than my window and there is now way to scroll. 😩
  6. Yes, the power distribution systems on the later trucks were far better than ours. Placing the fuse/relay box by the battery and using small-gauge wire to/from the switches solved a lot of problems. And distributing relays around the engine compartment, as they did later, helped as well. I don't believe it is going to be terribly difficult to upgrade Dad's truck significantly by using a later power distribution box. As shown, I have a plan but haven't executed it yet. We shall see.
  7. Dave - Glad you got it worked out. I, too, am learning the ins and outs of Nabble's photo posting. What seems to work best for me is to add width="100%" to the code after Nabble drops it in. That way the pic seems to be full width on whatever screen the viewer is using. I hope. On the drops and the line itself for that matter, I ran copper tubing at a slope down away from the compressor, with a drip leg and valve at the far end. And each "drop" goes up for 6" before going down. That way there's essentially no way to get water into the drop, and no need for a drip leg on them. I've never had water in the system and have never even gotten water out the drip leg at the far end.
  8. Wish you were close, Jim. Brandon was over on Saturday and used the cabinet. We could not only blast them but powder coat them. And then run the sander on them. But, what do you think of these covers? They are made by Ansen and are cast aluminum made here in the US. No fins, but shouldn't leak.
  9. I've done the following: Moved everything regarding beds to a new page called Beds, Tailgates, & Components Added a lot of part numbers in the tailgate section Deleted the Box Rails, Tailgates, and Tailgate Handles pages, and redirected those pages to the Beds, Tailgates, & Components page So, I think I'm done with that section for the moment, although someone might want part numbers for the bed parts. What do y'all think?
  10. Well, thanks to your excellent help on how to design the page , I've done the following: Moved everything to a new page called Beds, Tailgates, & Components Added a lot of part numbers in the tailgate section Deleted the Box Rails, Tailgates, and Tailgate Handles pages, and redirected those pages to the Beds, Tailgates, & Components page So, I think I'm done with that section for the moment, although someone might want part numbers for the bed parts. What do y'all think? Hello? HELLO?
  11. Jim - When you get the valve covers please post a few pics. I'm still looking for covers and am talking with Tim on some he sells. But, I like the finned ones and the OMC covers are mostly finned, so I'm wondering what the spot in the center really looks like and what I might do there. Thanks in advance.
  12. Guys - I'm still struggling with what classes/categories to have in the show, so I am reluctant to introduce another question. However, I will nonetheless as I know you can process several ideas at once. Below is an aerial view of our church's facilities. I'm planning to put Big Blue across the entrance from the street to the east lot, with a sign on him pointing west to the entrance. We will use the east lot for the trucks being shown, the swap meet, and the two "vendors" - Tim Meyer on engines and Scott Ringler with Miller welders. (But, my paint/body man may want to bring a vehicle that demonstrates his wares and we could put it with the vendors.) Visitors will park in the west lot, which is somewhat limited so we should put whatever vehicles we have that aren't in the show in the grass to the west of the gym, although there's now a volleyball court taking up part of that, or to the north of the gym. Registration will be under or close to the breezeway, and we will keep the road leaving the east lot to the north open for people who need to take their truck out before the show is over. The gym has the restrooms and may have the food - we are working out the details but hope to have the church's youth group selling hamburgers, hot dogs and drinks. And, we could use the gym for seminars if we wanted. For instance, I've volunteered to discuss the effects of not adhering to a vision/goal when "restoring" a vehicle, and that might best be done inside. However, David's smoke-blowing demonstration will be outside with his truck. I had originally thought we would line the trucks up by year, but now I realize they'll come in at all different times so that won't be possible. But, if we have classes/categories then we need to have something printed that tells the viewer what class/category the truck is in. Hmmm, the plot thickens..... So, what do you think of the plans? And, what categories/classes should we have?
  13. Jonathan - My head hurts! And not because of your post/observations, but because yours sorta line up with mine. Sorta. I use essentially three devices: Windows computers, albeit one is a Win 8 and one a Win 10, iPad mini, and iPhone 6. I rarely post with the phone, but post a lot with the iPad and I have noticed similar things about not being able to see all of a post. I had thought it was associated with large images, but hadn't caught that some might be from email posts. Hmmmm. Perhaps we can keep a log of posts that don't work? Maybe a new thread in Founder's Forum that documents what we find, with permalinks to the post? And, one of those posts needs to say "Every time I click on a link in an email that takes me to the Founder's Forum I get a sign-in request, even though I'm signed in." (And by the time I click the link above to go to the forum I've forgotten where I was going. ) However, if I want to do serious typing or editing I'll get this laptop (Win 10) or go to the shop on the dual-monitored Win 8 'puter. The ONLY editing of the web site is done from a real computer, as it is almost certain things will get messed up with a mobile device. So I've just adopted the idea of using a computer to do serious things. And, because of that I'm not seeing all the ills you are, or I'm not seeing them as frequently. So, if you can document your findings then maybe we can get our heads around things. And, maybe in doing so we can help people know how best to use Nabble. Having said that, Greg, the guy that runs that boat forum you found and who gave me permission to use his guidelines on picture posting, said this morning: In other words, what we are on is what it is, although we may figure out better ways to use it. But, they are working on a new system that, I hope, solves most of the problems we are seeing - and gives us some new ones to work out.
  14. Dave - As admin I can't edit your post, so can't help you. But, I can say that you have to use the Insert Image button as that uploads a file to Nabble, so you can't just use image tags. Anyway, I tried a dessicant dryer system for several years, but it was a pain. The pellets were getting wet and I had to frequently heat them at up to 300 degrees to drive off the moisture. And it was expensive as it was $200 initially and I had to put another $100 in it two different times. In the end I did what I should have done from the outset, and bought a Harbor Freight refrigerated dryer. Yes, it was $400, but it just sits there and works. No fuss, no muss, just dry air.
  15. Mike - Where you suggested is where I have the relay planned for Dad's truck. But, as you and Jim point out, that won't help the blower speed switch nor the relay. However, I've not had problems with either of those, so I'll take my chances.
  16. Dave - You might want to read the new FAQ's page, which has a bit on picture posting. Follow that link or hover over the Bullnose Forum in the menu to the left and then select Forum FAQ's.
  17. Mike - I wish you could make it. Good thoughts. I haven't tallied the trucks, but to this point I expect: David's Little Red, Big Blackie, Eli's truck, Paul's truck, DeWayne's truck, Jon's, Jonathan's, Cash's Carlos, Keith Parker's (I need to remind him), Steven Fox's, Spitwad's Superduty, Art Scott's '55, Dane's Superduty, Brandon's whatever, James' Pickle, Scott's '78, and JW Timmerman's truck, Big Blue, Dad's truck, and Blue. That's 20 and doesn't account for anyone else. So we could easily have 30 to 40 trucks. I like the longest distance idea, which Jonathan and David would be vying for - unless Luke drives Big Blackie here from Washington. And best daily driver may be better than stock. As for most FTE posts, I think I like the idea of it being the most posts in this forum. On workshops, David is going to demonstrate blowing smoke. And I'm ready to talk about the importance of setting a goal or vision on a project and sticking to it. Tim will talk to anyone about engines. And Scott is doing how-to's on welding and cutting. Plus, I plan to talk about the forum and web site - although it really best applies to the Bullnose fans. Chris - We don't need to fund anything. I'm planning on doing that. But, I do realize that the car show in town charges $25/vehicle and I'm not charging anything. And they have sponsors, including the National Guard who is funding the Mac's bbq lunch for the participants. (I'm hoping to have a food truck.)
  18. I posted this in the Get-Together: September 16th - Be There! thread, and got no responses. (Do you'se guys know you can click on the Topics View button and see a chrono list of all posts?) So, I'm bringing it out of the closet and asking for your help since I'll need to have trophies made if we are going to do this. Ok, today's question is whether to have prizes for the "show". Bruno2, aka The Mute as he hasn't posted here after signing up, says we need prizes. Which means we need categories. So, what categories should we have? I'm totally new to this. Here's a stab, out of the blue: Stock: The closest to stock that shows up. But, to be fair, do we need to give a year range? In other words, a showroom-new 2017 is likely to win that one easily. However, I think the intent is to go back several years where most trucks would have been modified in some way. People's Favorite: Let the people vote. Best Paint Bruno2 says the engine has to be installed Best Engine For background I contacted the host of a car show in my home town, and here's what they have: Open Class Pre '49 Post '49 (Hmmm, so you can't have a '49 in their show? Mopar: Obviously we don't need no SuperBees Chevy: Nope, don't need no French Fries Under 21: Intended for the driver, not the vehicle Best Paint Best Engine: Unfinished: Bruno2 says that applies to all our trucks! And, today I talked with the lady running the car show in Skiatook. They have lots of classes by year, but my guess is we won't have enough depth in any year to make that worthwhile, unless we did best Bump, best Dent, best Bullnose, etc. Anyway, some that they have which we might consider are: Best Daily Driver Best Lifted Best Lowered Best Monster Truck Best Paint Best Wheels Best Interior So, what do you think?
  19. I can access Garysgaragemahal all day without problem. I can view all of the website content. It's only when I click on the bulletin board link that I get blocked. KarlBummer! On Mon, Aug 21, 2017 at 2:39 PM, kr98664 [via Bullnose Enthusiasts] <redacted_email_address> wrote:
  20. Ok guys, I need an opinion or 12. I'm creating a new consolidated page for beds, oddly enough called Beds: http://www.garysgaragemahal.com/beds.html. But it is not yet visible in the navigation menu as it would confuse folks since the pages under Exterior/Bed Components are still in place. The plan is to put everything about beds on one page using tabs, which makes it easier to navigate. I've gotten it going, including Ron's suggested addition of the Flareside tailgate bumpers (please go look). I've gotten the Illustrations tabs done, but am needing opinions on the approach. The plan was to have Illustrations and Part Numbers as the tabs at the top, and then within Illustrations to have Beds, Tailgates, and Box Rails. Then within Part Numbers to have Beds, Tailgates, and Box Rails again. But that makes the user find the part number in the Illustration tab, scroll back up and click on the Part Number tab and hope he can remember the number. So, would it be better to have the tabs at the top level be Beds, Tailgates, and Box Rails and then within each tab have both the illustrations and the parts lists? An example of doing it that way is the Box Rail page.
  21. Nabble is blocked on my computer network at work. We have lots of free time between flights, so surfing at work is not a problem. I'm seeing this blocked access as a big drawback for this forum. Anybody else run into this? Are you trying to access the forum directly on Nabble or on Garysgaragemahal? I'm not sure that would make a difference because the actual forum info is really on Nabble, but just want to clarify that.
  22. Ok, got it. But, do you know that you can go to the top level of Bullnose Forum and click on Topics View, just to the right of New Topic, and get a chrono list of all posts to the forum? I'm not saying that takes the place of "Last Page", but it can get you the most recent posts.
  23. Actually, there has been some discussion about that on FTE. The thread heater recirculated air has a few posts about that. Further, I am planning on a significant upgrade on Dad's truck's wiring, as discussed in Dad's Wiring. And on post #12 of that discussion you'll find the diagram below showing how I'm going to do it. (Yuk! That didn't come across very cleanly. ) But, as Jim said on FTE, the issue is with the small size of wire going to the fuse box. So, while the current draw of the blower motor may be ok for the size of wire running from the fuse box to the motor and back to the switch, by eliminating the load of the motor from the original fuse box the load on the wire feeding it goes down and everybody is happier. In my plans the power distribution box, liberated from a later F150, will go right behind the battery. So there will be a serious power feed to it, and then the big items will branch off from there, leaving what's on the original fuse box to be fairly minimal. Plus, most of the lighting will use LED's, so that reduces the draw even further.
  24. Jonathan - Let me see if I understand. You want the ability from the main page of the Bullnose Forum to go to the last page of a thread instead of going into the thread and then selecting the last page. Right? I think that is a reasonable request. And, I will pass it on, as well as Ron's last-post-first request. (I don't understand why anyone would want last-first, but I understand the request. ) By "pass it on" I mean I'll go to the Nabble support forum and start a topic/thread on something like New Layout Wishes. That's because the folks behind Nabble are to start creating a new Nabble soon, and we need to get our desires in there. But, don't hold your breath on if or when these things will come. They are doing it at their own expense, so it may not happen very quickly.
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