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Bullnose Forums

Gary Lewis

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Everything posted by Gary Lewis

  1. Interesting question. Last night several of us at church were discussing a very similar topic, although it was about battery-powered leaf blowers. I have the biggest Ridgid 1/2" 18v impact and it is pretty stout, turning out a theoretical 325 ft-lbs. But it doesn't hold a candle to my air-powered Harbor Freight EarthquakeXT that says it'll put out 1190 ft-lbs. And I've found things even on Big Blue that were put on recently by some ham-handed gorilla and the Ridgid won't pull off - like the front spring shackles. But the Earthquake makes short work of them. So, I'd say a compressor is still a must-have tool. Besides, if you get into media-blasting you'll need compressed air, and lots thereof.
  2. That is a good question for Jim, as I think he's talked about that before - although I don't know where. The schematic for the various alternators, shown here, look to be the same as for the stator connection. I'd bet they are, but don't know for sure.
  3. Thanks, guys! I intend to use the graphic of the Bullnose to replace the pic of Big Blue at the top of the forum. That pic has only been a placeholder until I found something, and now I have.
  4. Gotta ask how high you'll rev it. The 600's I've used on 351's were good to at least 5500 RPM, but that's only 4,200 R's on a 460. And Tim strongly urged me to go 750 on Dad's since he's seen the vacuum come high enough with a 600 on a 400/408 to bring in the vaccum advance and cause all sorts of grief. But, you also asked about AFB (Performer in Edelbrock speak) vs the AVS (Thunder). The AFB/Performer comes in 600 and 750 CFM varieties, but the Thunder comes in 650 and 800 CFM. The 650 might be enough on a 460 if you keep the R's down to 4,500 or so, and would obviously give better metering at part-throttle than the 800. I prefer the AVS because of the ease of adjusting the point where the secondaries come in. On the AFB/Performer you have to completely disassemble the carb and grind weight off of, or add weight to, an arm that is buried inside the carb. On the AVS/Thunder you just put your Allen wrench in a screw, loosen the set screw, and then dial in more/less preload. However, I'll be honest and say that I've really not found a huge advantage in adjusting the point where the secondaries come in unless you are racing - and I know you aren't. Well, I doubt I answered the questions, but the bottom line is I'd vote for a 650 Thunder or a 750 Performer. You can usually find a used Performer for about half of a Thunder, so....
  5. Chris - I appreciate your comments. However, I suggest we don't discuss issues with FTE here "in the open". I have a lot of friends there and appreciate all of the work that goes on, behind the scenes as well as in front of it. As for a "free provider who is going to inject advertising", I've already said I will pay the freight to ensure users of the Bullnose forum do not see advertising. When my status was not re-upped on FTE I saw ad's that embarrassed me and I'm not going to allow that to happen here.
  6. Thanks, guys. You may have missed the "poll" at the top of this thread. As I write there are 5 votes to go live and 1 vote not to. But, even as an admin I can't tell who voted nor what way they voted. So, I was hoping that the work that's been done to the nav menu would sway the nay-sayer, and I have gone ahead and taken us live. AKA decloaked, meaning turned the cloaking device off. Please let me know of any anomalies. I know that the links in emails were bad for a few minutes, but I think that's been fixed.
  7. I've just cleaned up the pinned folders a bit. We had one for Forum Suggestions, so I created a topic for that and moved all of the comments/posts into that and then deleted the folder. And we had one called Forum Startup, and I moved all of those threads onto the main page and deleted the folder. So, all comments are still there, but the number of pinned folders is down by two.
  8. This topic is to capture suggestions from users for either the website itself or the forum. Let's see those ideas!
  9. Ok, I've done the majority of the editing and promoting to get the navigation menu as discussed. All that is left, and I'm awaiting a few more votes, is to move the forum into the "home" position and make it visible in the nav menu. That takes a couple of clicks and we are live. Oh yes, and making the forum readable w/o registering. But we have one hold-out on going live, so.....
  10. I went through these exact pains, Gary. Sometime around Y2k I purchased 3 .lt domain names from the registrar at Kaunas Technical University on Kaunas, LT. I have: tubutis.lt tubutis-family.lt tubutisfamily.lt I did it that way because they didn't allow surnames as domain names at the time, so I got the two *family domain names and added the lastname.lt sometime later. I've had them all working to various degrees at one time or another but you have to remember that this was pre-WordPress, something around the HTML v2.0 to 3.2 days. I had a friend who was a web site designer finally make some graphics for me but figuring out the organization & navigation was challenging. I was setting up for each of us a web site, e.g. http://susan.tubutis.lt with anSMTP e-mail address of, say, susan@tubutis.lt. I never really implemented any of it in a full-time fashion, I do that stuff for a living in a production fashion and don't want to mess with it when I get home - so I never really pursued who would host my DNS & SMTP nevermind the physical site hosting (virtual machines hadn't arrived yet, lots of heavy iron to run that stuff and so I never did it). Anyhow, I'm rambling again... but I know your pain. ;) Chris - I understand about the domain names. I've been torn as to how to use this one. Initially this site was for whatever I wanted to write about. But time seems to have determined that because there are currently 371 pages, and of those 340 are about Bullnose trucks. So, if 90+% of the content is about these trucks I guess I should realize that I'm going to document them and make access to that information easier. As you can see, I've already made a change where all of the non-Bullnose stuff is under About Me/Contact Me. Now I need to make this forum both visible and the top page so that's where you go when you come into the Garagemahal, and that's easily done. And the final change will be to out-dent or promote the topics like Brakes .... Underhood so they show in the navigation menu. But still we have someone voting not to go live. Mike - Was/is that you? If so, will these changes sway your vote?
  11. Hmmm. I'll have to look Big Blue over tomorrow to see what his T19 looks like. I'm hoping to get the brake controller wired up, so can take a look.
  12. Good to know. I'm not ready to change Big Blue, but if we ever decide to get serious with him I might want to go EFI. Thanks. On Sun, Aug 13, 2017 at 9:58 PM, 85lebaront2 [via Bullnose Enthusiasts] < ml+s12971n271h85@n8.nabble.com> wrote: > I might go aftermarket, but a true port injection system was not available > at the time I started this project. I did not want a GM style TBI system, > to me they are nothing more than a pressure carburetor (WWII aircraft > style). Since I bought a parts donor (a 1990 F-250) I had everything needed > for a speed density system and the E4OD control. It was when I wanted to go > mass air and SEFI that the fun started. Some people have used Mustang EECs, > but they won't work with the E4OD. That put it into the $$$$$ range to get > a standalone transmission controller. > > After asking for any help at all, since I really didn't want to be buzzing > a 460 up like a 302 or having the trans drop out of lockup and downshift if > you sneezed on the gas pedal, I finally was contacted by a group that > specializes in tuning the Ford EECs, primarily the EEC-V. I can direct > flash mine, and have 3 spare EECs on hand if needed, including an actual > California spec FEZ3 box. Having stock Ford components helps for spare > parts. > "Getting old is inevitable, growing up is optional" > 1986 F-350, 2011 Flex > > > ------------------------------ > If you reply to this email, your message will be added to the discussion > below: > http://bullnose-enthusiasts.12971.n8.nabble.com/Darth-Vader-tp246p271.html > To start a new topic under Projects, email ml+s12971n74h78@n8.nabble.com > To unsubscribe from Bullnose Enthusiasts, click here > > . > NAML > >
  13. Well, Jim is wont to say "Progress is good", and I agree with him. But that tranny looks strange. I don't think my T19 looks like that. What's the difference?
  14. Good question, and the simple answer is that I don't know. A gallery is a free option, so I thought I'd give it a try as maybe it could be like the FTE albums, only better. But I'm underwhelmed. So, do you see any value in it? We can leave it hidden and just not use it, or decloak it and let people play with it. But my take is that we should focus on getting the forum itself visible and used, which also means getting the navigation menu sorted, and then worry about the gallery. But, it would not be for brochure scans as we have a place for that on the web site - Literature.
  15. Ok, let's make sure we are on the same page before I start working on it:Bullnose Forum (takes the place of Home and is where http://www.garysgaragemahal.com/ takes you)Bullnose Gallery (not sure that is ready for prime time, but we don't have to decloak it yet)BrakesCooling......TSB'sUnderhoodAbout Me/Contact MeProjectsYouth ClassesWhatever On Sun, Aug 13, 2017 at 3:47 PM, Ford F834 [via Bullnose Enthusiasts] <redacted_email_address> wrote:
  16. Or, what if the forum page was "home"? Then everyone following the link would see the forum.
  17. Ahhh! I missed that what I called "Personal" should be "About Me". I like that better. But I'm still working through what to do for "Home". What about if http://www.garysgaragemahal.com/ took you to the page currently named 1980-86 Ford Trucks? I don't see any need for the info currently on the Home page, other than the contact info, which could move to the bottom of the 1980-86 Ford Trucks page.
  18. Thanks! As you know, the pic originally looked like this:
  19. Offend? I think you may have solved the problem I've been struggling with for some time! I haven't liked the navigation menu at all, and have actually thought about creating another site for the other stuff. So, before I go moving everything around let's see if we agree what it would look like: HomeBullnose Forum (I realize this isn't quite right alphabetically, but it seems like it should be first)Bullnose Gallery (ditto)BrakesCooling SystemsDrivelineElectricalEnginesExhaust Systems......TSB'sUnderhoodPersonalTrucks I have KnownProjectsYouth ClassesI first listed the above with no "Home", but then realized that http://www.garysgaragemahal.com/ has to go somewhere, and it doesn't seem right to drop the user into the forum, and certainly not one of the topics like Brakes or Personal. Anyway, I'm game to move everything around as I don't like the way it is and I believe you are onto something. So, help me sort this out, please. And then, will we be ready to decloak? On Sun, Aug 13, 2017 at 10:47 AM, CountryBumkin [via Bullnose Enthusiasts] <redacted_email_address> wrote:
  20. The lady got back with me late last night. The only issue I see is she still didn't change "truck" to "engine" on the bit about Tim. What do you think?
  21. Guys - What do you think? Is this a keeper? Are we sufficiently "structured" and "staffed" to removing the cloaking? In other words, decloak? If so, I think I should also make it so that non-registered users can see what has been written, but cannot post. Otherwise why would they want to join. Agreed?
  22. I just got the first pass back on the to-be flyer for the upcoming get-together. Please let me know what you think. My comments to the young lady doing it were: I love it! Tim Meyer is a Ford engine guru, not a truck guru Can we put in that the address is the Church of Christ, maybe in parens and a smaller font, as the locals are more likely to know where that is instead of the address I'd like to get a good graphic of a 1980-86 Ford truck to replace the late model one you have at the bottom right of the flier. I'll look tonight. What about a splash of color? No entrance fee Anyway, what do y'all think? Upgrades? Do you have a graphic for a Bullnose? (Do you recognize the graphic at the top?)
  23. Mine is a 9k and it is all the lift I need. One of the things I haven't mentioned with regard to the need for height is the issue with tall trucks. If the max height is 10' and the top of a tall F250HD or F350 is already at 6', and Big Blue is there, going up 4' just doesn't make it fun to work underneath. Yes, the rocker panel may be at 2'+4'=6', but the arms of the lift will be at 4' and getting under is a pain. Even a 12' ceiling isn't quite high enough as the lift's arms are still low enough you have to stoop to get under - and believe me they do NOT move when there's a 6500 lb truck sitting on them and you forget to duck.
  24. Welcome, Bill! Sure glad you are here.
  25. Bill - Would you do the fuel injection system the way you've done it if you were to do it again? Or would you go aftermarket - especially if not running the E4OD?
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