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Gary Lewis

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Everything posted by Gary Lewis

  1. Lots of thoughts here. First, in my response to Ron I noticed that the Flareside illustration didn't fully show at 750 pixels. So I kept decreasing the width until I got to 720, and that's where all of it showed. I can't explain that, but offer it as an observation. Second, in thinking about documentation re the forum I realized that there is no reason I can't have a few more pages "nested" under this one in the navigation menu. So I moved the Bullnose Gallery and a new page called Forum FAQ's under Bullnose Forum. Like this: Bullnose ForumBullnose GalleryForum FAQ'sBut I'll get Greg's permission and copy his stuff over to the FAQ's page so we can add info to it as we learn. Thoughts? On Monday, August 21, 2017, Ford F834 [via Bullnose Enthusiasts] <redacted_email_address> wrote:
  2. Mike - Bill did get it to me, somthanks anyway. And he also said: But I need some help from y'all as I'm getting swamped, what with getting this forum going, documenting things, and getting ready for the get-together/show. So, I will try to get the NPD thing added to the web site today, let y'all know, and then maybe you can see if you can figure out any cross-referencing. Ok?
  3. Ok, I understand. Thanks! My plan is to add an arrow pointing to where those go and s few words with the arrow telling what the part is and where it can be found. However, when I get the earlier version of the catalog on microfiche from Bill/Numberdummy we may have the actual part number.
  4. Ron - I haven't seen anything about that, but will ask.
  5. Getting geared up for the Eddy I see. Hope you get it. As for washing trucks, that reminds me I'll have to do a bit of that before the show.
  6. Jonathan - That's a very good find. And it explains a lot. The guy that wrote it, Greg, is the nice gentleman that has helped me significantly on setting up this forum. He seems to be one of the most knowledgeable people on the support forum about Nabble, short of the very few who have Nabble behind their name. Do you think we need to either copy that and post it somewhere or just have a link to it? I'm sure Greg would be happy for us to use it, but I'll ask.
  7. I'm thinking I need to stick and/or archive that thing, maybe even make a pdf before the links break. I dunno, maybe I'm overanalyzing... At the very least we could put links in our to-be FAQ page.
  8. On Sept 16th Jonathan will be at my house in Oklahoma. Along with Chris/ctubutis, David/1986F150Six, and several others. So, come on down! And, if that won't work this year set your sights on Sept 14th and 15th next year. That'll be the international get-together and I already have guys from Australia, New Zealand, Poland, and Germany planning to come.
  9. Mike - I don't remember what engine you have, but it would help if you would put details about your truck in a signature so we do't have to try to remember. Anyway, on most 8-cylinder engines the ground goes to the block and from there to the frame. But, if you still have oil and battery lights when the engine stalls and don't have anything when you turn the key, it sounds like these are two different situations. Yes? Or, if it is an intermittent connection perhaps the engine dies and then the power comes back, illuminating those lights.
  10. Please! How'd you do that? I think I'm having a "senior moment". But, you are more senior than I, so.... On Sun, Aug 20, 2017 at 3:16 PM, 85lebaront2 [via Bullnose Enthusiasts] <redacted_email_address> wrote:
  11. Ok, here's what I've sorta figured out. On the picture size you can choose the Big option and then edit the code given. You can either tell it how many pixels to make the pic wide or tall, and if you do one w/o the other the pic retains its original aspect ratio. But, if you tell it both it will change the ratio. And to do that you make it look like nabble_img src="IMG_6835.jpg" border="0" width="50"/ Or, you can tell how what percentage of full size to make the pic. In the larger of the two above I told it 100%. Orientation: All I can suggest is to try one of the free or very inexpensive apps on your phone. I have Photoshop Express and it wasn't much if it cost - if anything. I haven't tried it here, but can if you want me to. However, on FTE I was having that problem and discovered that just opening and then saving the pic in Photoshop changed its orientation. Post Editing: I don't think there is any time limit for editing on Nabble. There is nothing I can find about that in the support area. Gallery: Look just below Bullnose Forum in the navigation menu. I've had that on the site but just didn't know what to do with it so had it cloaked. But, maybe you can explore it and see if it does what you want, so I de-cloaked it. I know I haven't answered all the questions, and there are sure to be more, so please ask.
  12. This is a test. Original picture coding was nabble_img src="IMG_6835.jpg" border="0"/ but with the left and right ahead/behind it. And that gives this iPhone pic on Big Size. I then added "50" to the code to give nabble_img src="IMG_6835.jpg" border="0" width="50"/ And that gives this little pic: Let's change that to nabble_img src="IMG_6835.jpg" border="0" width="100%"/
  13. Well, I didn't get it added as I can't seem to download that file and can't find the page in the NPD catalog. Can you email me the file? Or, better yet, point me to the right page on NPD. I guess I don't yet understand the file thing on Nabble.
  14. Cory - You may like this story. Last Friday I was making the rounds in "our little town" to put up fliers for the get-together. I went into Skiatook Auto Parts and talked to the guy there, who turned out to be DeWayne. I was driving Big Blue, the truck that currently shows at the top of these pages, and he said "I've heard they are called Bullnose trucks. I've seen that on the internet everywhere, but don't understand who came up with that." I said "I understand where it came from. And I was part of it. It was suggested in a thread on FTE and we had a poll, with that being the agreed moniker." And now we have our own forum and web site.
  15. Ron - I need some help. I sorta kinda understand what you are asking me to do. I think what you are saying is that the illustration on Sheet Metal Page 3 doesn't show the tail gate bumpers that do show in the NPD catalog. But, I don't know where to put them. So, here's my request. Please go to the tailgate page/illustrations tab and do a screenshot of the flareside bed illustration that I've now added - thanks to you telling me where it is in the catalog. Or, download the illustration here: And then use Paint to show me where those bumpers go. Then I'll edit my catalog page, so this doesn't get lost, and re-print the illustration to post on the tailgate page. Make sense?
  16. Dave - I need some help. What do you mean by "scroll like this forum menu does?" Are you asking if there is a way to make it be at the top of the page? As for how the site, not just the forum, works on a mobile device, it depends on how wide the screen is. For instance, if I have my iPad in landscape mode the menu is just like it is on this laptop. But if I turn the iPad to portrait mode the menu goes into mobile mode and becomes what is referred to as "the hamburger", meaning a three-line icon in the upper left. And when you click on it you get the menu seen on the left on larger screens, but it is the whole screen and you can scroll it. And an iPhone does the latter as well. So, is that what you are after?
  17. Mike - Glad you are here. And happy the site is helping. Now that we have a forum to go with the documentation, and lots of guy that know their stuff, I'm sure you can get whatever help you need.
  18. Interesting! Here's a link to that post. And, by the way DeWayne/93F3507.3, that is the thread I mentioned when you asked me where the name came from. And then there was Chris' poll.
  19. Sorry for the delay, but have been on another errand of mercy involving a stranded church member and the trailer. So, let me work this tomorrow?
  20. Da plane!!! Da plane!!! Ok, today's question is whether to have prizes for the "show". Bruno2, aka The Mute as he hasn't posted here after signing up, says we need prizes. Which means we need categories. So, what categories should we have? I'm totally new to this. Here's a stab, out of the blue: Stock: The closest to stock that shows up. But, to be fair, do we need to give a year range? In other words, a showroom-new 2017 is likely to win that one easily. However, I think the intent is to go back several years where most trucks would have been modified in some way. People's Favorite: Let the people vote. Best Paint Best Engine For background I contacted the host of a car show in my home town, and here's what they have: Open Class Pre '49 Post '49 (Hmmm, so you can't have a '49 in their show? Mopar: Obviously we don't need no SuperBees Chevy: Nope, don't need no French Fries Under 21: Intended for the driver, not the vehicle Best Paint Best Engine: Bruno2 says the engine has to be installed Unfinished: Bruno2 says that applies to all our trucks! So, what do you think?
  21. Glad you got it fixed. And, glad the page looks good. Any opinion on having three separate pages vs one that you scroll through?
  22. KULTULZ has now been invited. But, any of y'all can invite folks. Just send them a link: http://www.garysgaragemahal.com/
  23. See what you think now. Couldn't put Page 9 and 11 on w/o 10. But, when I scanned them my program saved the three pages as separate files, so I posted them as three separate pages. However, I can glue them together into one in my pdf program if you think that would be better. Let me know, guys.
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