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Gary Lewis

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Everything posted by Gary Lewis

  1. The upgrade is to use the later battery tray, as shown below on Big Blue. It is much more solid having that arm above, but while I think the lower bolt holes were there I may have had to drill the one for the arm. And not shown in that pic is the wedge-style battery hold downs that come with those trays. With the right battery that has the lip at the bottom the wedge-style hold downs capture the battery tightly and you don't need the clamp at the top.
  2. So it doesn't pop the guidelines up when you register? You can just tick the box? Bummer! When I turned on the force-everyone-to-accept-the-guidelines button it popped them up and I had to accept them before I could do anything else. I'll check to see if I'm missing something that would force that to happen to a newbie.
  3. I think I found where the guidelines need to go in the registration process and put them there. And in order to see if I did it right I set it up to require all of us to accept the guidelines the next time we log in. I hit refresh and go the popup below. And this is in Settings/Terms & Privacy Policy.
  4. Good find! That will make it much easier to fill with oil.
  5. Ok, thanks. Not what I'd hoped for but it doesn't surprise me. This place is complicated! Lots and lots of capabilities.
  6. Jeff - I see you got on as Jeff-Tester and that you have no posts. But you are already a "member" not a "new member", which is not what I expected. People registering were to become a "new member" and then not be able to post except in NMSH. Then, with that one post they were to be promoted to "member" and be able to post anywhere. What did you see?
  7. Jeff & Vivek, or anyone else for that matter - If you have a spare email address, or can create one, please try to register on the test Invision platform. What is supposed to happen is that you are required to agree to the guidelines, be told you will have to prove you have control of the email you used to sign up and that you'll only be allowed to post in the NMSH folder. And, while you should be able to see and read the other parts of the forum you should not be able to post anywhere but NMSH. So if you sign up please keep track of what you see, and screenshots would help. Thanks.
  8. I'm not sure what you mean by "traceability". But I can see your reply and I replied thereunto. (Was that on the GRE?) I'm guessing that email notification may not be set up correctly yet. I sent you a message via the Invision system. You might look to see if you got it.
  9. Jeff & Vivek - I've busted you back to just "member" as I figured out, I think, how to let everyone see the Invision forum. Please go check that you still can. And I also, I think, figured out how to turn the ability to reply on, so please go check that out. For my benefit, in AdminCP go to Members/Groups and then click the lock beside the group to edit. Change what they can see, reply to, etc, and save. All y'all - Go see if you can get in, please: https://i331881.invisionservice.com/
  10. Ok Gary, so you'll have to write down all the tweaks and settings that these tests will point out as necessary... Ā“cause when the flight tests will be done and the plane will be ready to take off with all its passengers aboard, we'll not have much time to setup the control panel. Betwixt is an OLD English word, and 'twixt is an abbreviation thereof. Few know it and fewer still use it. Yes, I have 7 pages of handwritten notes on what the parameters are/were. But I'm confused as they don't seem to have been changed or reset so far.
  11. I don't know if anyone has, but you might be able to help us figure it out. The Standard & Utility Parts Catalog, which you can see on our page at Documentation/Reference/Standard & Utility Parts Catalog, has the page shown below - although I've shortened it a bit for this post. If you can determine what size is needed maybe we'd have a part number. And if that doesn't work there's the Auveco catalog.
  12. I found him on Facebook and sent him a message. Thanks.
  13. Everything done on Invision 'twixt now and then will get overwritten by the new conversion. That apparently includes the parameters we set up. And one of those parameters is Attachment limits: AdminCP > Members > Member Groups > Edit (pencil icon) > Content tab > Total maximum storage. This increases the amount of storage each member can use for attachments. Default appears to be 500 Mb and I've used 6x that already.
  14. Right. We can't do anything, although I can edit feature via the adminCP. I've asked Stuart about the lack of posting but haven't gotten a response. But so far he's said he's addressed all the things we've found. I hope so!
  15. I've not converted back but I've repaired a manual clutch mechanism, and that's something you'll want to do before installing one. Lots of wear points that rarely got lubed so most of them are toast. I've had to weld up and then turn some of them back on the lathe. And I've inserted Oiltite bushings to provide continued lube.
  16. At the point only admins can see the forum. I may be able to change that, but haven't figured it out yet.
  17. Ok, viven44 is now an admin so should be able to see things. But don't log into the adminCP, meaning admin control panel.
  18. If you weren't already registered you'll have to register now. The email function has been turned on so you should be able to register and get an email confirmation. BUT, that function hasn't been tested so please write down each step as you go through so we can check it out if it doesn't work. Oh yes!!!! You aren't an admin so can't see anything. Let me see what I can do.
  19. Thanks, Jeff. I'll pass the list on to Stuart. But he says he is making good progress on resolving all the problems we've found. So I think things are looking good!
  20. Facebook just notified me that 6 years ago I was in Stavanger, and it was much cooler there than here in Oklahoma. So since you are farther north than Stavanger I can easily see how your weather is cool and wet. šŸ‘ But your repairs look good. The JB Weld should hold nicely. And reversing the wires is what Iā€™d have done. Go for a drive!
  21. I certainly hope a ZF transaxle shifts better than a ZF5. All of those I've been around shift like what they are - truck transmissions.
  22. Sorry the jumper didn't do the trick. I'm still convinced it is a grounding problem. Anyway, on a positive note you are now on the map.
  23. Amen, brother! Anyway, a Vega with a 215 Buick sounds like fun! Light & lighter = fast. And a Pantera would be fun as well, but I guess I didn't realize they had a ZF five speed. If that's a ZF5 then that might take some of the fun away. I've not driven a ZF5 that I really liked - including mine.
  24. It sounds like a poor connection that changes with differing conditions. I'd be pulling connections apart to check or clean them. But I don't know how else to get the window down.
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