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Gary Lewis

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Everything posted by Gary Lewis

  1. Amen, brother! That's the way to do it. And, get a spare cap to put an air fitting on. Hook a garden sprayer to the air fitting and power bleed the brakes.
  2. The headlights don't use a fuse, as you can see in the 1985 EVTM here. And the troubleshooting tips in the EVTM say that if you don't have headlights but the park lamps work you should check the dimmer switch.
  3. Yes, that process should keep a lot of the ne'er-do-well types out. But on the automated idea, the catch is that there doesn't appear to be a way to do that. Nor do we have the info - at present. However, the same process we are testing that pops up the boilerplate discussed above could have a step to have them tell us about their truck. But we have people join that don't yet have a truck, like my son and grandson. So that might not work very well - if we had a way to do it.
  4. I'll hope with you, but it is a nasty job - if it can be done. Oil drains off the block and drips on you, seemingly forever. I'd drain the engine several days ahead of tackling it.
  5. Yes, welcome! Glad you joined. Big Sky Country! It is beautiful up there. And COLD in the winter. Jim is right, would you like to be on our map? You can see it at Bullnose Forum/Member's Map in the menu. We can add you at Kalispell 'cause we don't put in actual addresses.
  6. I have the same thoughts as y'all. If the process doesn't work well will we run them off? But if they can't bother to say hello do we really want them? I think Jeff is going to try the process today and we should know how well it goes. And we can modify it as we go forward. If it works as it should they'll get a popup that says: We need to know not only if it works but where in the process it appears. If it is after the email confirmation step then that bit needs to be taken out. And if it is after they've ticked the I Agree box for the guidelines then we could add the guidelines to this popup and say "You just agreed to these guidelines."
  7. So you used 1.9L and of that .09L was in the catch can or about 5% of the total. Once you settle back in to your life in Germany maybe you can run a leak-down test and determine where the problem is. Again, at a liter per 1000 miles I'd just put oil in it and enjoy it. However, I'd still want to know what the problem is.
  8. As an update, what I did put everyone back to New Member. So I logged in with another account of mine that showed to my admin account as a New Member, got the pop up to agree to the guidelines, and then was shown the main screen. Sure enough, looking with my admin account the other account had been magically promoted to Regular Member. Then, with the non-admin account, I went to the main screen and saw: And clicking Complete My Profile I saw what is below. But when I clicked Dismiss in the above screen or Skip/Next it went away. Doesn't seem to have very many teeth in it.
  9. As we move to Invision we have a lot of options and some limitations - one of which is in the registration process. The registration process several of us agreed some time ago was for a newbie's first post to be limited to the New Members Start Here folder. That was mainly because we had the guidelines posted there and wanted them to see them. (But there was also the thought in some minds that we are a community, not a place where you pop in to post one question and then pop out, and if people aren't willing to tell us about themselves then maybe they aren't looking for a community.) On the guidelines, in Invision we can require them to tick the box that says they agree to the guidelines. But they actually won't have seen them unless they click the link next to the box. Basically they'll do exactly like we all do and tick the box because we know we will agree in order to get in. On the process, I think I can set it up where new members will get a message that tells them that they won't be able to post anywhere but in the NMSH folder and I think I can give them a link directly to it. But I also think that all of us will get that message when we next log in, although we won't be limited as to where we post. I'm going to give it a try and see how it works, but I'll need someone to use a new email address to register and see what happens. Please.
  10. Jeff - I kept this as a separate response as I wanted to discuss it by itself. I've learned more about what we can and cannot do on the registration process, so I'm going to post a question in the main section to get everyone's opinion on it. I'll tag you on it when I do, later this afternoon.
  11. Yes, all of the links within the forum currently go back to Nabble. For instance my links in my signature. But Stuart, the guy at Invision that is doing the conversion, assures me they'll point at Invision and the right threads and topics after the conversion.
  12. Congratulations, Shaun! Glad that fills the hole in your heart. And I think hanging the door in the shop is a good idea.
  13. How 'bout: Documentation/Body/Bronco Rear Window?
  14. Jeff - I'm pretty sure it is because we have this as the description for NMSH on Nabble. And that is done with a lot of fancy formatting. Somehow that fancy formatting gets brought over to Invision and I can't get rid of it. I think we want to keep the verbiage until we move to Invision, but maybe I should take out the formatting and make it simple?
  15. The first wave of gas down the pipe is cold, according to Innovate. And my sensor is in the forcing cone just aft of the headers.
  16. Ok, I know this situation isn't funny... but I'll mimic a good friend: bummer! Hopping InVision techs will explain that missing. I confirm Captain, Regular Joes do not see them: Perfect! Thanks!
  17. Yes, good job! Having done that kind of stuff plenty of times I know how much work it can be. But your trailer doesn't have a place to bolt the winch on? Mine has a platform where I can move it if I want to and pull things on the trailer. But what is easier is to hook Big Blue to the trailer using the front hitch point and just run the winch line out to the vehicle. Your winch goes in the hitch, right? That won't work in that case.
  18. If you install an AFR meter do NOT put it on the accessory feed. And preferably put it on something that is only powered when the engine is running. I, too, have an Innovate AFR MTX-L+ and I just put the third O2 sensor on it - @ $100 each. After the 2nd one went out I called Innovate and the guy said the problem is that I have the power going to it in accessory. So I turn the key to accessory and the O2 sensor heats up, and then I turn the key to Start and a wave of relatively cold air comes down the pipe and cracks the ceramic in the sensor. So I've put it on a relay pulled in by the stator output of the alternator. That works fairly well as it only pulls in when the engine is running. But, sometimes when I let off the throttle and the RPM's drop they drop far enough that the relay drops out and the AFR gauge goes back into heating mode. That doesn't hurt anything and is far better than killing another sensor, but I need to move it to the fuel pump power feed.
  19. Good idea. We'll have enough job in order to fine tune the way InVision works, so all tasks that can be done upstream in Nabble will free up time for tweaking InVision to match our needs. Yep, but how sure can we be certain that the conversion process itself will not result with nasty surprises. For example, the various InVision fonts for same kind of descriptions... could it somehow come from Nabble..? We can't be sure, but to this point Invision has done a good job picking up the font from Nabble. So I think they will next round. But I think I've found another problem. The Picture Gallery doesn't appear to have come through. I've done a bunch of searching and can't find it in the Invision conversion. Also, can some of y'all take a look to see that I've hidden the Admin Only and Administrative Area sub-forums properly? Members shouldn't be able to see them, only admins and moderators. Here's what I see but you shouldn't see the two circled in red.
  20. CJ - Any measurements on them?
  21. It is ok to replace just the front bushings and leave the rear for another day. As for rubber vs poly, rubber gives a softer ride. Poly firms the ride and handling up and should last longer - but may squeak. And yes, bad bushings can easily cause serious problems and handling problems.
  22. I've posted on the Invision help forum to see if anyone can tell me how to get the guidelines to pop up when a newbie joins. Or how to put a newbie into the New Members group instead of the Members group. That was earlier today and no joy yet. But maybe. Also, I'm going to clean up the descriptions of our sub-forums in Nabble so when the conversion is done there won't be as much cleanup to do. But I think I'll start by getting it the way I think we want it to look on Invision and then put that in Nabble. Does that make sense?
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