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Everything posted by BigBrother-84

  1. Gentlemen, I plan to stick the new Big Brother's VCL to his door, nice and hot weather finally arrived. Is there a specific measurement to precisely place the decal on the door side?
  2. Wow! James Bond in toxedo just before jumping from a plane to Mud Mission in Mosquito Woods.
  3. The snow level is lowering so fast! I would say at least 8" a day, probably more. I suppose that a lot of the melting snow is simply evaporating in this dry air, under this hot and shiny sun. We'll see next week, but for now there is no flooding ahead, everything seems under control. Unlike the western continent, snow here isn't due to high mountains. Flood episodes usually come when northern lands melt, and all drop their water in rivers, direction St. Lawrence River, which becomes a wide bottleneck. They don't have hot days like us for now, just southern Quebec feels the coming spring presently.
  4. Thinking about your next journey, I suppose we were a few here (if not several of us) sharing the same thoughts with Janey...
  5. We're getting 70°F today. Huge and sudden difference since last days. Still 2'-3' of snow on ground, hopefully will melt fast and let the spring arrive!
  6. Hi Gentlemen! I am planning to replace Big Brother's cluster tachometer blank by a hands clock. I read that installing a tach isn't very complicated (requires a printed circuit, or a used replacement cluster, or a new digital one like these), but, for my use, a clock would give me more useful information than RPM. Matter of taste... I am wondering if I am losing my time, maybe some manufacturer already produces something like this? If not, let's rock the workbench!
  7. Wow, a dream that'll never come true with Big Brother. Average 10 to 12 MPG, depending the kind of road.
  8. Gentlemen, I am absolutely not planning to play in Big Brother's engine. Everything works well and I am fully satisfied. But I am curious... Do some of you have replaced their timing chain with a gear drive? How does it perform? What do you think about it? I suppose it requires a different cover?
  9. The bolt slacked enough to let the key drop (so the spring too). The free caliper was bouncing up and down each time I was braking. Was 200 miles in the deep woods... You'll not believe it, but in the unique lost village there, there was a "garage" (a complete mess of dirty and disparate stock), and after a 45 minutes search, the owner found a key and a spring in an old bolts and nuts box. Kind of miracle. The guy told me that, back in old days, it wasn't rare that wood workers trucks lost their caliper key, due to bad gravel road and high vibrations. Since this day, I keep a kit in Big Bro's glove box.
  10. I went that way for Big Brother's radio. Bluetooth, hands free phone, nice sound, even sub woofer possibility. Not cheap, but I am fully satisfied.
  11. Ignition module, fuses, usual light tools+tape+steel wire+WD40. Plus a «spring/bolt/key» brake kit (yep, once lost on a 200 miles rough gravel road. Very annoying).
  12. Guys, these seat pivot side covers were factory colored? Big Bro has black ones...
  13. Nice job Gary! Don't understand why they are so hesitant about the resistance of the wire. Why not sell it with a split wire loom tubing kit, as you did... For me, that make sense.
  14. Soooo clean! Congrats, nice job! And I like your truck's colour...
  15. Wow! Half of the continent, a long pilgrimage, return to your truck's roots! Gary, is there an annual prize for «farthest distance driven in a bullnose»? Larry is going to be a serious candidate!
  16. Nice job! Frame looks to be in very good shape too!
  17. Thanks guys for your input. I am waiting spring weather to look deeper about this leak... and seems that it will not happen soon. Got snow (again) last night, and weather cast shows snow again next week.
  18. Today I wrote the final «chapter» of my carburetor fuel pipe connexion journey.
  19. Final step done. Recap: 1- The new Holley Carb comes with a banjo, for rubber hose fitting. But original one was Female 1/2"-20 Inverted Fare ended, to screw with the rigid fuel pipe: 2- The easy solution (not satisfied about it): 3- The fittings solution [1/2-20 Inverted Flare F to -6AN Male] + [straight coupling -6AN F to -6 AN F] + [9/16 Banjo -6AN Male]:
  20. Nice! How are installed the rivets, in order to no see them from the top side?
  21. I vote No. I my opinion, chapterizing a club is a way of dividing it in smaller concentrated organizations, each of them going independently and reporting to the Head Office from time to time. The goal of this kind of structure was (yep, I use the past form) to stimulate proximity and easy communication between members. It was probably the only logical way to keep members interacting together on a regular basis. It was before the internet and instant worldwide communication. And, we'll... If we go the chapter way, than I'll probably be the president plus the single and only member of Quebec's one.
  22. Christopher, are you looking for the crossmember/transmission insulators I discussed in this thread?
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