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Everything posted by BigBrother-84

  1. IMHO, appealing more members could be nice, considering that half of us never posted, and less than 5% have a relatively constant activity. BUT I suggest that we go step by step: First, fine tune this new toy, the way we register, it's arrangement, subjects sorting, etc. And THEN we could look how we can pop up more efficiently on Google searches.
  2. Is there a "Cancel" button we could put beside the "Submit Reply"? Or, what's the best way to get out of a replying process, just "Go to topic listing"?
  3. Maybe use a letter punch and mark each one on it's reverse face? Cause I'm not trusting painting them, they'll certainly scratch and peel easily.
  4. Cannot quote Gary and keep the typing space under. I'll need to investigate...
  5. Yep, we noticed that couple of months ago, and were happy to realize it has nothing to see with InVision community platform.
  6. David, no need to pass through the NMSH section. Once you've reset your password, it's done. Although I'm not sure that our signature and avatar pict follow automatically... @Gary Lewis, any thoughts?
  7. I'm confused, sorry. When pressing and holding "Bullnose Forum", I get similar menu. But any of these tab choices will take me back to the web page, can't have only the InVision forum on screen (not embedded, out of the web page).
  8. Yes, absolutely, just "Add Files" as any pictures. Limited to 48Mb.
  9. Gary, is there a way to get rid of these two menus, at the top of the web page? We don't use them and they push the Forum lower.
  10. Guys, I suggest that we share these nice finds in this topic. Does it make sense?
  11. @ArdWrknTrk Jim, you'll love this one: You can choose the page you want by clicking on "page" word.
  12. Annual funding strategy: Gary, are the maintenance fees paid monthly, or once a year? Depending of the method, we should elaborate a strategy: If a yearly paiement, let's begin a funding couple of months ahead of the date. If monthly, we have to find a way to keep the thermometer at an acceptable level. What would be the minimum level where an alarm pops and members are solicited to help "fill it up"?
  13. Good question! 😆 Anyway, not sure Janey would approve. Two Garys...
  14. I forgot to mention that, during all these trials and multiple replacements, I decided to modify the firewall opening. Let me explain: When I installed a NOS "Dealer Installed Speed Control" I noticed that the cable was bent behind the speedo (due to the speed sensor length). I suspected that the cable course could participate to my jumping needle issue, so I created an opening for the cable, the higher I could in the firewall. Maybe this helped (with the new cable and gears).
  15. Not an IT guy neither, but Gary is a good teacher, and I was able to understand that the Forum (Nabble or InVision) is in fact "embedded" in Gary's "garysgaragemahal.com" web site. The top of the web page, and the top menus are in fact a web page, and the Forum is embedded in a "window" in this web page. That's why we feel at home, only the forum changed, the web page is still the same. 😎
  16. For those who (like me) are nostalgic about the ol' Nabble animated GIF emoticon, they're still available, at the bottom of the emoticon list.
  17. I changed all my gears more than once, never satisfied. But I recently understood that we should be a bit patient after renewing the gears (drive and driven). NOS speedo/odo, new cable, new gears (again), and the needle still jumping a bit at low speed. A bit disappointed (a lot should I admit). But after couple of miles, my speedo is now really smooth, at any speed. As new. I suspect that the gears have to adjust themselves, one with the other, kind of "plastic moulding". When new they are probably "too sharp", and a little worn seems good, they now roll smoothly enough that the needle doesn't jump anymore. Well, that's my humble theory...
  18. Been to the menu above, nice show, congrats! Man, I wish that I was there!
  19. Now let's try some picts directly on the phone. Four picts, rotating the iPhone 90° each time.
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