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Everything posted by ArdWrknTrk

  1. Did you have anything to do with Savannah's decommissioning?
  2. That's pretty cool Bill! Are you able to sit for extended periods? And some of you know, I was run over by a tractor trailer 40 years ago. (Mack DM900 for those that care) I know all about broken spines, pelvises and excruciating sciatica. Not to mention discs that don't exist anymore. I can definitely relate. πŸ™„ So what is the cutters plan?
  3. I had a few left over from my dental implants last year, but they were gone last week.
  4. Um..... not quite! Self etching primers are acid catalysed and actually burn their way into the metal's surface. Yeah, they tend to 'stick well'
  5. Back in the day, we would use self etching zinc chromate on rust, but that stuff's not ONLY cancerous in CA... Today there is zinc phosphate, and while it doesn't have quite all the anti corrosion of chrome, it isn't fatal either. Just remember the 7 P's
  6. Jeff's DS-II connectors have black wires but someone needs to point out the detail that the stock wiring switches red & white wires at the power plug! This is important, because otherwise the spark will go away when you let the key off Start.
  7. "opportunity for improvement" meant an ENTIRELY different thing to us... πŸ˜„ (You screwed up! NOW FIX IT!)
  8. Pretty much, you got questions, we've got answers...
  9. That's the plan. Not sure I even have the POR-15. So I'll need to check out what I have and get what's needed. Then I'll have to scuff the goody out of that platform to get the old paint off and give the POR something to hold onto. Lotsa work. I finally tried that stuff,and honestly I'm not too impressed. In it's intended use case (consolidating dry light rust), with a single coat, under a couple of opaque top coats..... Yeah, it's serviceable and works well enough. It is definitely not easy to apply by brush, or clean up, dries super slow, and you can't really spray it without contaminating EVERYTHING . It also doesn't seem to offer a whole lot better performance than other products that are for painting rusty metal. As a "regular" primer or undercoat, it falls short IMHO But that's MY opinion. I'm definitely not trying to tell anyone else not to use it. edit, for clarity
  10. From someone who knows colour, chroma and sheen, believe me, any chart like that can get nailed to the back of the outhouse door. No two manufacturers are the same. No two lines of paint by the same manufacturer are the same. And definitely no two different products (interior v/ exterior, waterborne v/ solvent v/ modified emulsion Just choose something you like and go with it
  11. WAY back in the day our best match to Ford's satin black was Krylon semi-matte black. But no one's seen that since '93. For interior I kinda like the Rustoleum Painters Touch satin black, but it's not quite as flat as the '70's Ford flat if you're looking for concour points.
  12. The last time it was up, it was up for over 400 days.
  13. OTOH Boeing's X-37B seems to have reached new heights https://arstechnica.com/space/2024/02/us-militarys-elusive-spaceplane-apparently-found-by-sleuthing-enthusiast/
  14. Yeah, something like that. They have them stamped too.
  15. Vinyl colour is much better in these shots!
  16. I'm going to suggest that a beam clamp (available in the electrical or plumbing aisle of your big box) would probably be an expedient solution for cheap.
  17. Welcome Tony! You sure have a nice shop! And I'm impressed by your stable. I don't do social media so you are new to me. Glad you've joined.
  18. You have a padded envelope enroute to your location. TYVM!
  19. WoooHooo! That's AWESOME Congratulations! You get why some of us (most of US, actually...) Love working on these trucks. You joined on Christmas day. Now, well less than two months later you're actually driving your old blue truck.
  20. Members here report good results from SMS Auto Interiors. https://smsautofabrics.com/
  21. The smell of singed hair and burning ear wax is indelibly etched in my synapses! πŸ˜‚ I can laugh now, but you better believe I sat bolt upright in a nanosecond and brained myself on whatever chassis that was that I was working on at the time. Thankfully the welding hood took most of the blow to my head! πŸ˜‰
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