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Everything posted by ArdWrknTrk

  1. My knee is still fubar, but I'm trying! 🙂
  2. Capital Investment groups and beancounters before industry SOP, that's how!
  3. As we've just witnessed in this thread, sometimes you have to 'show them the way' (You like paraphrased lyrics, don't you Gary? )
  4. Only one with a cult worship is you going out of your way to defend electric vehicles. Lets look at the data, electric vehicles are being propped up with government funding because no one is buying the cars in large enough quantities to justify their production. GM had to shut one of their plants down when the government funding was pulled from them and that plant was only building electric cars. Just face the facts, electric cars have been introduced multiple times for the past 120 years and they never caught on and did away with the internal combustion engine. Every time they come out they cry its going to replace the combustion engine, they did it in the teens then the electric starter came out and electric went away, they did it in the 50s and 60s and it failed, they did it in the 80s and it failed, they did it in the 90s and it failed, they did it now and it is still failing. Its like that high speed rail they've been talking about building here in texas for the past 65 years and has it been built yet? Nope. They talk big about how its going to revolutionize travel but then the data comes in that people wont use it and then it falls through. like right now they are citing they will take some 90% of cars off the road along that route it travels but even the state is laughing saying whoa hold a min the best we have ever seen is only 15%. I've unsubbed this thread because it's pointless to argue against strawmen and FUD. You know what they say about wrestling a pig: "You get muddy and they actually enjoy it!". I know two carpenters who drive Lightning's today. Both of them love the power, quiet, almost complete lack of maintenance, plugging in all the tools on a unimproved job site and the V2H aspect of never needing a generator at home. So, I'm going to drop this here and close the door behind me. 😉 https://arstechnica.com/cars/2024/02/ford-rethinks-ev-strategy-is-working-on-a-smaller-cheaper-ev-platform/
  5. 😄 😆 😂 🤣. I can even Ban MYSELF! As I managed to prove. I don't know why I find this so incredibly amusing.
  6. A few years back I told someone on FTE that you could simply plug the output of a 1356 with a stub of 1 1/2 sch 40 pvc and keep right on driving. They called me a liar, so here's proof. Documented for posterity! IDK, maybe they had a fixed yoke and the other type of seal? (I think Jeff had asked about getting 'the wrong seal? )
  7. https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2024/01/boeing-withdraws-bid-for-safety-exemption-as-details-on-missing-bolts-emerge/ Ooopsie! https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2024/02/four-bolts-were-missing-from-boeing-737-before-door-plug-blew-off-ntsb-says/ People should go to prison for this to EVER being allowed to roll out the plant.
  8. Sometimes I know what I want, but I don't have the correct terminology. That's why I love pictures. A picture's worth a thousand words, right?
  9. ABS is another product (Royalite ®) produced by Spartech, nee Polycast, where my dad was director of engineering. The TG is about 105°C (225F) depending on the exact polymer, but it should be serviceable up to 175(F) in any case.
  10. Thanks Gary, I appreciate the help. Thank you, CD! There's a lot of GOOD people here (and good information) if we can ask the right questions, we get the right answers.
  11. Lead batteries are almost always recycled, to the point that we aren't tearing mountains down and towns like Galena are out of work (see Leadville,CO) It's amazing to think that in my lifetime a filthy poisonous industry like this has all but disappeared in my country. 🤯 Battery prices keep climbing, but that's the cost of inflation, more profit to the manufacturer and sane environmental regulation that keeps us from poisoning our water and children.
  12. Edit: , I never got CC'd, but maybe it went to spam? ALL this points to the forum backend being worthless. I'm not sure what happened the other four times??? Except maybe I DIDN'T get all the bits of stairs, motorcycle's or palm tree? I know for damn sure palm trees don't have branches. That's one of the things that defines these arcane monocots. Again, I surely don't like training AI's that are being used for good OR evil, for free. I'm certainly no Luddite. 🤷‍♂️ Google or whatever entity is behind this garbage is not on my side. (see above)
  13. We have Thisoldpart if it ends up too brittle to change over. Two members have said that they ended up reusing the clip on the end because it was difficult to get the aftermarket one clipped into place. But things are always being iterated, and it may be updated/different/better now. IDK, I don't have an auto.,.
  14. I well remember the trials and tribulations.... You were working with him, and Pedro attempting to unscramble whatever the Nabble owner had done. (like borking our joining process)
  15. I'm not trying to frustrate you, Gary I'll be the first to say what an admirable job you were doing. I'm an "admin", in name only I don't know anything about the back end of this forum except for how to make someone a member, or to ban them, or to move a post. I clicked Shawn's name and up pops the option to send him an email. So I tried. Six times..... 😖😡 Then I gave up on the damn Captcha and asked you for it. I didn't even look for the ability to find his email directly. I'm not used to having this kind of POWER. 🙄. 😄 Edit because *screen protector, and this little machine likes to put words in my mouth... 😡
  16. It wasn't non sequitur in the context of being directly beneath Shaun's offer and telling me to send an email. I literally had to ask you for his address because it wouldn't go through
  17. Try sending an email, like I did to Shaun. Do you think I wrote this for nothing????
  18. 😬 🤯 Maybe this should cross post to Gary's CoPilot thread??? Edit, NO I don't do YouTube imbeds any more than I'm willing to "correctly" orient a photo. Edit 2: Gary, this is baked in to YOUR forums backend. How do you feel about that?
  19. I've been thinking about this.... You said it came on suddenly, but it REALLY sounds like a sloppy or skipped timing chain...
  20. But you could! We have a thread going about regional member meetings. 💡
  21. The terminals like to rust out on the bottom, where you can't see them
  22. Cool. You've got it now! IIRC the trailer option involves a relay for all the extra lights you'll be using.
  23. I thought my truck had ALL the towing package. I may be wrong.. Evidently the oil cooler is a stand alone option, NOT part of the trailer/camper equipment package.
  24. No it doesn't. You still use the mechanical energy to turn the fan AND you use electricity to lock it up (plus all the conversion losses, and the minute amount for the "smarts" behind it. How much power does it take to turn the fan? It takes -at minimum- that much to couple the fan to the shaft... on top of that.
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