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Everything posted by ArdWrknTrk

  1. Can I ask what you do in South Asia? I knew a young woman who designed fabrics and traveled the world getting them made. Scotland for woolens, Bali for batiks, Italy for lace, etc...
  2. When I went in I knew Tascas price $2.xx & 5.xx. I knew I was never gonna get out of there for under $10, and I would have been okay with up to double MSRP (which was listed at ~5 &10) just to support a local business. The girl came back with $63. I balked! I opened Tasca's tab on my phone and said "I'd be alright with double, or maybe even triple, but there's NO WAY I'm paying over 4x retail!" She tried to counter with "that's the online discounted price" I said "no, that's the MSRP, their price is $7.89 total, and they're not LOOSING money on a sale"... "You've gotta be xxxxing kidding me. I realize you don't make enough with the $17k premium tacked onto that damn electric pickup but this is outrageous!"
  3. And our best to you! I bet you can't wait until spring and the long days of summer to just get out and RIP the afternoons away on your bike.
  4. I've seen plenty of 50/50 roller jobs. With even a little prep they won't shed like a malamute in July There used to be products like Liquid Sandpaper and Gloss Gone that really worked, but that ship has sailed.
  5. Consider an alkyd catalyst/hardener. You can get Cerrokote (ben moore, a BH company) or Valspar at Tractor Supply. A UV resistant clear coat would be optimal. But that's a big step in terms of time and money.
  6. What are your goals for the truck? (Ok, NVM...) Headers that fit inside the frame rails, and clear 4x4 are rare and expensive in my experience.
  7. Horrid Fate has a compact needle scaler for like $30.... 😉
  8. How old are the brake hoses? Baby ever since step on the pedal while you watch, and look to see if cracks open up Is the line of soft pressure is going to make it balloon and the pedal's going to go down Otherwise I agree with Gary On bolt the master from the booster and see if it's wet back there
  9. Too bad you don't have a needle scaler, or a much bigger cabinet
  10. Look at where else we have by bimetallic springs Chokes, gauges, the old thermostat in your house. Maybe a grandfather clock? But in that case it's your key that distorts the spring. Still stores a bunch of energy though. With a thermal fan clutch, it's the heat pouring off the radiator that provides the energy to switch the fan on and off It's a loss that's already built into the system, instead of something additional you're piling on
  11. I don't know about electro-viscous clutches, or if you were talking specifically about that type of clutch or if you were talking more generally. But more generally, the power required to clutch in a load is usually much lower than the power to actually turn the load. It's still an adder to the whole system. As you say, turning a fan takes the power to turn the fan regardless of how (or whether) you clutch it. And if it's a clutch that requires power to operate you have to add that power requirement to the system (and the systemic losses to generate that electric power in the mechanical alternator). But that clutching power isn't necessarily that high. Take the clutch between an engine and a manual transmission. The spring in that clutch doesn't need to be all that strong to transmit the torque of the engine. It's still small enough that you can compress it with your leg, and there's no way your leg can do what the engine is doing. And the wrap-spring clutches that my company makes take a flat amount of power to energize no matter what load they are being asked to transmit. Again, I don't know electro-viscous clutches. I imagine that (unlike wrap-spring clutches) they do require more power to transmit more power. But they probably don't require as much power to operate as they are transmitting. It's an adder, but not a (more than) doubler of the required power. Electro vicious clutches don't have a mu, like a friction material They're really not that far different than the fluid in a thermal clutch full of iron filings or something. Typically I'm not sure what this one is like It might have a solenoid that just blocks rotation At least then no energy is getting turned into heat. All these things, add up to inefficiency in the system Turning motion into electricity, electricity back into motion, the control system to switch that electricity on and off thousands of times a second... You know, thermodynamics
  12. Welcome! We Love family vehicles, even if there's a bit of sad history behind it Gary is creating a shrine in his father's honor.
  13. My reply went poof! 🤬 I went in to the parts counter and couldn't find anybody there Rang the service bell and no one showed up... I waltzed out into the showroom and started looking around. A salesman came, and asked how he could help me I asked him if everyone had gone to lunch. He said he'd find somebody. I went back to the parts counter, looked in the cashier's booth. Went back out to the showroom,, and I hear the door swings shut I go back to the parts counter I know they have it, because I already looked it up on parts voice Finally I meet the woman, and try to give her the part numbers At first she's incredulous, said she's never heard numbers like that I asked her to please just punch them into the system, and low and behold! 😂 Yeah, I'm that guy! Anyhow, now I'm screwed I need like $1,500 worth of parts And I couldn't go to work if I wanted to because my truck doesn't drive. 😖
  14. I don't think Janey is a problem, your son might need legroom to be comfortable. Personally, I wouldn't want anything rubbing on my new vinyl. Id try to find a way to limit rearward travel.
  15. Their valet didn't want to park my truck! 😆😅😂🤣 They have a Ferrari and a couple of Aston's in the showroom. It's not a place for 'people like me'...even though I learned to drive stick at 12 in a damn Ferrari 330GT .All I wanted was a pinion nut & crush collar, not an argument. 🤷‍♂️ I didn't realize just how fragged my diff was, because it drove fine for ~75 miles. 😁 Branford Ford, your lot monkey is not very nice. 🙄
  16. It's almost like they added a JDAM kit and dropped it in from 20k'.
  17. NICE! Congratulations! I wonder if anyone here has had their truck become a Rock Auto refrigerator magnet?
  18. Masking tape bandaid, and the parts are no good? How long do you expect a pivot to work if it's not held coaxial with the other hinge?
  19. At least you have options! I'm stuck in front wheel drive.
  20. This is why I painted my truck with a $50 gallon of Rustoleum OSHA Safety Red and a $15 gun from Horrid Fate!
  21. As with most things, it's FAR better to under promise and over deliver. Things have changed, as you well know! 🙄
  22. I remember that my dad had a cartoon of two vultures on a branch with the backdrop of a desert in his basement shop. One vulture turned to the other, saying "Patience my ***, I'm gonna kill something!" Yes, this was completely normal for my childhood. 😂
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