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Bullnose Forum

Gary Lewis

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Everything posted by Gary Lewis

  1. @ArdWrknTrk so i took your advice and removed a side plate. Any idea what the torque specs are on those bolts? I'm not Jim, but you should be able to find the torque spec's in the T-19 section of the factory shop manual here: Documentation/Driveline/Transmissions/Manual Transmissions/WARNER T-18 & T-19 TRANSMISSIONS. It is usually shown on the last page of each section.
  2. Welcome to the forum! Glad you joined. But, you may have missed the email you were sent that asked you to go to the New Members Start Here folder, read the guidelines, and then introduce yourself by starting a new thread and telling us about yourself and your truck. Don't worry, about half of the new members miss that email. But we need you to confirm that you've read the guidelines since we hold everyone to them. So can you confirm that?
  3. Time for another update. We aren't ready to move quite yet. I posted this in a new thread because I want everyone to have a chance of seeing this info and it might get missed in this thread. However, I'm copying it in there for completeness. We believe we are ever-so-close to migrating from the Nabble servers to the AWS servers. Basically the only thing keeping us from that is that most of us cannot log in properly. Yes, that's a big problem, but the solution should be fairly easy as it appears to have something to do with changes that were made to the Nabble code, and we believe we can back those out - but not until September when Pedro has some time to help. However, there are steps that we can take now to start things moving. If you remember we've planned to change from being labeled as "Gary's Garagemahal (the Bullnose bible)" to just "The Bullnose Bible". We've actually bought/leased the URL of bullnosebible.com to go along with this and we need to set up the domain names properly as well as make the needed changes to the website. We are working in the background to get the steps nailed down to make the changes as the timing has to be just right or we could have glitches. But when we have them worked out I'll give you a heads-up and then we'll make the changes. However, don't worry as the old URL will still get you here as it'll be forwarded to the new one. So other than there being a change at the top of the page you shouldn't see any differences.
  4. I'm creating this new thread because I want everyone to have a chance of seeing this info and it might get missed in the Forum Hosting Plans - Update thread that is pinned. However, I'll copy this in there for completeness. We believe we are ever-so-close to migrating from the Nabble servers to the AWS servers. Basically the only thing keeping us from that is that most of us cannot log in properly. Yes, that's a big problem, but the solution should be fairly easy as it appears to have something to do with changes that were made to the Nabble code, and we believe we can back those out - but not until September when Pedro has some time to help. However, there are steps that we can take now to start things moving. If you remember we've planned to change from being labeled as "Gary's Garagemahal (the Bullnose bible)" to just "The Bullnose Bible". We've actually bought/leased the URL of bullnosebible.com to go along with this and we need to set up the domain names properly as well as make the needed changes to the website. We are working in the background to get the steps nailed down to make the changes as the timing has to be just right or we could have glitches. But when we have them worked out I'll give you a heads-up and then we'll make the changes. However, don't worry as the old URL will still get you here as it'll be forwarded to the new one. So other than there being a change at the top of the page you shouldn't see any differences.
  5. You also don't need to overpay for an almost 30 year old truck that doesn't hold a candle to modern trucks capabilities. That's the part I just don't understand about these Aeronose Powerstrokes and their prices. There's nothing strong about them. They're costly to maintain, they're nowhere near as capable of towing as a modern truck, and they're very basic compared to today's trucks. I grew up with these trucks and favor them over new trucks, but if a fully loaded 2018 F350 is only $20k more, I'm going for the 2018. Good points. I don't know the GVWR of that truck, but Blue, my 2015 F150, has the same tow rating as Big Blue. Things have gotten lots better over time, and the 90's trucks are way behind the curve.
  6. Yes, back in the day I used to drive long distances. My son and I drove from my home town in KS to where we lived in SE PA straight through by taking turns driving. But while Janey drove our '72 F250 w/the 9 1/2' self-contained camper on it, that was "back in the day" as well and she hasn't even driven Blue, much less Big Blue. So the driving falls on me and "a man's got to know his limitations". On our recent trip where we drove from OK to Charleston, Palm Beach, and back I considered taking Big Blue. But when we got to Atlanta and I had to change lanes constantly, and quickly, I was extremely glad we were in the GLK that drives like a go kart. As for Nashville, since our daughter and family lived there and our travel companions still do we haven't had the luxury of bypassing it. But we also know it well enough to know the times to avoid, and it isn't too bad then. And on the Disneyfication, as I was reading your note I was thinking "but she's already there!" So I'm glad you recognize that as well. Nothing wrong with it, but you just need to know that you are "there".
  7. Got this in from Anita Parks @ Dennis Carpenter:
  8. 351Fun - Thanks. That one is similar to the one I have in my shop, which had been in my parents' motor home. But it is too big to go in the designated spot on Big Blue, and I really want it in a soft bag so I can squeeze it in. Bob - Thanks for the suggestions. I hadn't thought about flushing the eyes out, but a bottle of contact lens saline solution is an excellent idea for that. And I fully agree that a broken nail, or for that matter even a hang nail, can be annoying. And while I carry a Swiss Army knife which has scissors and a nail file, that isn't as good as nail clippers so they should be included. As for FIRST aid, you have a good point. And I'm trying to take that into consideration in my planning and purchase. I'm not a medic and I'm not trained to handle trauma - even though Scott and I sat through a seminar on the subject. So while I have a desire to have everything that I could ever need to-hand, I'm not sure that's a good idea. On the other hand, if/when we go overlanding we'll be in the back of beyond and may not even have a cell signal. However, I may well pop for a Garmin inReach when we go and that would give me the ability to send an SOS and get medical support in an emergency, so I probably don't need the serious trauma supplies. Hmmm...
  9. Bob - That sounds like an amazing trip. And save for the 700+ mile day, the driving looks reasonable. Hopefully that day was one where you were on the super-slab with few big cities, although if you went through Nashville you may have had to navigate Atlanta. We, too, have slowed down on how far we drive in a day, especially when driving back-to-back days, and 600 miles is towards the upper limit. But then, I'm 74 so you still have more slowing down to do. Janey and I made it to Disney Land in about '72 as we were driving the new '72 F250 w/a slide-in camper on it. And we did Disney World about 5 years ago with our whole family to celebrate the 3 grandchild's first birthday. And then we did the Disney cruise two years ago for our 50th wedding anniversary with the whole family. Janey and I like Disney, but our daughter and daughter-in-law love it. However, I don't think they've decorated quite to the extent you have. Anyway, thanks for sharing. It makes me want to do a road trip. Oh wait, I am in about a month.
  10. I agree. If I had the space and not other stuff I don’t get done… Yes, it needs a lot more pics. And info on the engine.
  11. You'll be fine w/o the belts for a minute or two. Take the front belt off and see if that kills the noise. Then the back belt if you still have the noise.
  12. Thanks, Bob. I found the permalink problem later and reported it as well. It is pretty obvious that they've changed something on the N8 server. The supposedly same code on our AWS servers doesn't have the same problem. And if I go directly into the servers instead of through the embedded version it all works fine. So something changed on N8. And they aren't admitting it.
  13. Thanks, Dane. Scott - The guy at the trauma demo was from Switchback. I really wanted to buy from them, but having looked at their kits I'm not too impressed: Trauma kit: $220 and it doesn't look that impressive. When I compare it to the MyMedic MyFAK in Advanced ($240) the Switchback doesn't seem to match up. First aid kit: At $129 it doesn't seem to stand up to the MyFAK Basic at $120. On top of that the Switchback doesn't tell the size of the bag, at least that I can find. But MyMedic does tell and at 7.5 x 6.5 x 5 it is a perfect fit behind the seat. I hadn't planned to spend anywhere near that much money, but I'm about to talk myself into the Advanced MyFAK. It is one of those things that if you ever needed it you'd be glad you spent the money. But, I'd like everyone's thoughts on it.
  14. Looking GOOD! Nice and smooth. And green!
  15. Excellent!!! That’s an easy fix to a serious problem.
  16. In case you don't know, "617K45" is the basic part number for a "Wire (Front Seat Control) for any Ford vehicle built since the late 60's anywhere in the world. But to get it to a part for your truck you need a prefix and a suffix. In this case the whole part # is D5TZ 13617K45-A. The D5 bit says it was first used in 1975, and the T says it was used on the F-Series trucks. So you can look in the salvage yards for trucks from then until at least 1989. And, you can search the internet for that part number.
  17. Thanks. I appreciate the input. Those kinds of things are easily added.
  18. Is this your seat? Can you tell me which part you need? The illustration shows the basic part number, but with it I can then pull out the whole part number and description.
  19. Correct, thats what I find with a lot of the generic kits out there that they are a good starter but they lack in some areas that you may need. Like the good tweezers for splinters, another good addition is good nail clippers. If you have a splinter under the skin that you cant get out with tweezers you can use the nail clipper to nip the upper layer of skin to get to the splinter. Ive had to do that before with metal shards before. Then if you are dealing with metal for example a good strong magnet is great as in many instances a magnet will pull metal shards out of the skin as well. What I like about the gunshot wound first aid kits is that they come with QuikClot which you can buy separate it also comes with clotting sponges which many people Ive heard used tampons in place of clotting sponges for sticking in the wound. Stuff like that actually works great for more serious wounds not just gunshot wounds which is why I cant justify spending $90 for one of those first aid kits when they lack in general first aid areas. You can buy QuikClot as well as clotting sponges separate and add to a generic kit. Only thing is generic kits tend to not have a whole lot of extra room for adding to. On the link I posted there are two that I am liking, the LXPB15 which is a molle style case which I think would go good on my bug out LBV but it doesnt have a whole lot of room for storage with its 8" x 6.5" x 3". The one that I am looking at for tossing behind the seat of my truck is the LXPB35 which is 9" x 7" x 4.5" or the LXMB10 which is 14" x 9" x 7". On the snake bite kit it is procedure more than anything but the little suction cups for venom removal is a little more sanitary than going the old way of using your mouth to create the suction. I know many claim they dont matter anyways because the venom is already through your system in the matter of seconds but I feel if that was the case then there would be no reason in producing those kits in the first place and many of them are made by big name companies. Rusty - When the Snakebite Foundation says the suction cups and syringes don't work I'll believe them. Yes, big name companies make them, but that's because people buy them, not because they work. Anyway, several of the generic FAK's I'm looking at have clotting stuff in them, and I'll probably go with one of those and then add some things. But I still need to determine what those things will be. Your idea of nail clippers is a good one.
  20. Water in a relay would be a problem, so I'm glad you got it fixed.
  21. Yes, I'm retired and having FUN! The website took a lot of time initially, but now doesn't take much save for when I need to fix or update something. And the forum has been a community effort. A lot of people have pitched in to make it what it is.
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