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Gary Lewis

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Everything posted by Gary Lewis

  1. You did really well, Vivek! It has to be that 3.07 axle ratio. And, but the way, here's a snippet from the 1984 Light Truck Data Book showing that axle as standard with a 460 2WD SRW.
  2. The C5 should bolt right on. But I can't say whether the driveshaft will fit, although you should be able to figure that out by looking at the page at Documentation/Driveline/Driveshafts. The main question will be the length, which that gives you. However, the radiator won't work. All gas-powered V8's use a radiator with the inlet on the passenger's side and the outlet on the driver's side. But the 300 six uses one with the connections just reversed. And you will for sure need the right perches & exhaust, and probably a few other things like the throttle cable. You can see a bit of that on our page at Documentation/Engines/Engine Swaps (don't go to the 300 Six To 302 page). There's a list of things as well as a link to another page on Engine Perches/Stands/Brackets.
  3. Yes, welcome! Glad you joined. Where's home? I ask for two reasons. First, we have a map (Bullnose Forum/Member's Map in the menu) and could add you with a city/state or zip. Second, maybe you are close to one of us and we could help. As for the engine dying, I'm going to guess that's electrical and that you are losing ignition. Jim's question is, as usual, spot on - when you try to start it does it crank but doesn't fire or not crank at all? I'm not sure when the TFI ignition module was introduced, but that is a module that bolts to the distributor. The 1985 EVTM (Electrical & Vacuum Troubleshooting Manual) shows the 300 had one, but I don't have the 1984 EVTM on the site. I can check after church today to see what the 1984 EVTM shows, but I'll bet yours has one and they are prone to exhibit the same symptoms you are seeing. In fact, Ford lost a class-action suit about that as people had the vehicle dying in the middle of the freeway. We can get into the fix later if you prove that ignition is the problem. And the way to do that, assuming the engine cranks but won't fire, is to check for spark. The quick and dirty way is to pull a plug wire, stick a screwdriver in the end (or an old plug if you have one), and lay the screwdriver/plug on something metal attached to the engine. If you are using a screwdriver you want the handle to lay on maybe the valve cover and have the shaft maybe .1" away from the valve cover but not touching. If you use an old plug just lay it on the valve cover. Then have someone crank the engine while watching the screwdriver/plug to see if there's any spark. I don't think there will be, which means the TFI module has gone bad. Of course, this is while the truck won't start.
  4. Thanks, guys! 31 Ford trucks and a PowerWheels car. More on the latter later.
  5. Yep, you had Colin, Scott, and I in disbelief. But I'm glad it works.
  6. Good shot! That's exactly where we'll put the Bullnose trucks in the morning, and with Big Blue replacing my 2015 on the end and John/Machspeed's Blackie we'll have 6 Bullnose before we even get started.
  7. Thanks for the suggestions, guys. I got 37 songs loaded, about 2 hours worth, and played them through. Sounded good, but there was a transient noise I couldn't find. It sounded like maybe the wifi connection wasn't good, so I downloaded all of them to the iPad. Started playing them today in the truck just to see what they sound like, and up to a point they sounded good. Then Mustang Sally came on and there was the noise - loud. So I started looking around and then realized it sounded like it came from under the truck. Slid under and the heat shield on the passenger's side had bad, bad, bad vibrations. I thunked it a couple of times and it quit - for a while. So I got the sound deadener out again and put four patches on and it no longer vibes, but we'll see how the stuff holds up when the heat hits it. http://www.garysgaragemahal.com/uploads/6/5/8/7/65879365/thinking-26_orig.jpg
  8. I might know where you are. šŸ‘ Looking forward to seeing you and your kids.
  9. Depends on how you count. By the way, the C-II pump used in the pickups is the one that sprays if you turn the wheel with the engine off. The Saginaw pump used in the vans doesnā€™t. Which is one of the reasons I have one on Big Blue.
  10. I donā€™t think that 460 is going to know the difference. But the sound is very different and Iā€™ll smile every time I get gas.
  11. $36,800???? That's a nice truck, but no way do I think it is worth that. The VIN shows it has a 460, but that's not mentioned. Nor is anything said about the driveline and what shape it is in. That is NOT conducive to spending that kind of money. The stakebody is slowing down to take a look at me. But I'm not into the Flareside.
  12. But what if I don't want to let it down easy, CJ?
  13. Boom! You are literally on the map. Love that area of the country.
  14. I know that there is a way to insert emoticons, so we'll put that in the "fine tuning" category. Jeff has suggested that we have a thread, pinned to the top, for suggestions and issues that come up after the conversion. I'll do that 'cause I have it in the migration steps page. Speaking of the steps, one of them has me setting the forum to "offline" status while the work is being done. That means that only Admins and Moderators will be able to see it. The reason for that is because there is no easy way to prevent people from posting if they can see it, and we don't want people posting while we are working on it.
  15. I can hear the differences, Bob. And I agree about the tritone - So, do you know yet if the K02's track? In my experience that can sometimes be a result of wheel width and tire pressures, so if it does initially on Pluto maybe you can find a pressure that doesn't? Usually I've had to go up a few pounds so the center of the tire was taking most of the load.
  16. Welcome, Hayden! Glad you joined. As the others said, that's a really nice truck. And a great story. Would you like to be on our map? You can see it at Bullnose Forum/Member's Map in the menu. What town in Southern Utah?
  17. It is hard to tell from your picture, but it looks like you'll have to make a very tight turn - unless you put your air cleaner on a spacer. So if you have to turn tightly then that rubber one may not work. I have an air cleaner spacer you can have and will bring it to the show. It will lift the air cleaner about 1 1/2" if I remember correctly, and that may be enough for you.
  18. Nothing wrong with it at all. But I think I have a part number for a duct that will work at home. Maybe I can find it tomorrow?
  19. I can tell you the day that he bought Sears - late on Nov 14h. We, Computer Sciences Corp, had won the outsourcing contract with Sears in Feb. (I was standing under the Eiffel Tower on Feb 14th when I got the call that we'd won.) Janey and I bought a house in Elgin and moved in on Nov 14th. On the 15th, Janey's birthday, I left home at ~6:00 AM and was listening to financial news on the radio when it was announced. I got to work and the Sears staff was in shock. They knew of Lampert as his notoriety preceded him. And they were all absolutely sure he would cancel the outsourcing contract. I didn't think so because I knew how many zeros were in the cancelation clause as I worked on the contract. But somehow he got it done, and although I know he had to have paid a bunch, I could never find out how much. The Institutional Investor site says "Eddie Lampert Shattered Sears, Sullied His Reputation...".
  20. You just broke one of the rules surrounding DAHIK - you told how you know. šŸ˜¬
  21. Wind resistance goes up with the square of the speed. And while Ford says they spent a lot of time in the wind tunnel for these trucks they must not have used what they learned on them. The recessed headlights, grille, etc are worse than a barn door. 9.5 MPG isnā€™t bad but it isnā€™t good either. The C6 is a big part of the poor economy. As Jim says, it is one of the worldā€™s best at turning energy into heat.
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