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Bullnose Forums

Gary Lewis

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Everything posted by Gary Lewis

  1. Jeff - I'll see what I can do. I think they are in a header on Weebly.
  2. Guys - I've found a few things and changed a few things. But some of them may warrant their own threads, so I'd like your input: I added some formatting buttons to the tool bar for "large" devices, like desktops, laptops, and this tablet. But can edit for "medium" and "small" if you like Right now default for "following" so you get notified is off. So even if you create a topic or reply to a topic you won't get notified if someone else comments. But if you click your name in the upper right you can choose "Automatically follow new content I post" and/or "Automatically follow content I reply to". I'm hoping to set those to "on" automatically and then let you turn them off if you want. If you want to tag someone just type the "@" symbol followed by the first few characters of his/her handle and it'll pop up a list of matching handles. Pick the one you want and that person will get notified in whatever fashion they've chosen. And using that option, @kramttocs has found a way to open the forum in a new browser tab w/o the menu for Weebly. Might have some advantages, so maybe he'll fill us in?
  3. Jeff - It make sense for small things like that. But there are bigger things that will probably get overlooked and I think I want to create some posts about them. But I'd like y'all's thoughts on that. So let's go over to this topic for that.
  4. Larry - I see that you "liked" my post. Did you like that I got your name spelled correctly - finally? (Hmmm, how do I tag someone that hasn't posted in this thread? ) @ratdude747 COOOL! I typed in the "@" symbol and then "ratd" and it gave me Larry's handle! Larry - Did you get this? Wow! That was cool! I'd typed quite a bit in but then got out of the editor to do something else. When I came back and hit Reply it filled in exactly what I'd typed and asked if I wanted to keep it. This place is amazing!!!!
  5. I do wish I could clone myself and get a lot more done. But then would I be that much more tired at the end of the day?
  6. I was going to see if I could import the Nabble emojis into Invision. But I discovered that Stuart did it for us! When you click the emoji icon you get the popup shown below. Click Categories and then select Nabble and you'll have all of them, including some we deleted, like Cool!
  7. Vivek - You, and I, may want to take advantage of viewing options we have with Invision that we didn't have in Nabble. I'd include a screenshot but we are over the limit on attachments and I need to fix that, so I can't attach at the moment. But right below the Bullnose Forum text on the left you have options of Browse, Activity, & Support. Click Activity and you then have several more options. Using those options lets you see what has changed w/o having to go look for it.
  8. Jim - It was possible to input Apple emoji on Nabble, but the display thereof was iffy. Nabble didn't know what to do with them.
  9. The forum is on the first page of the website. They are two totally different things. The website is on Weebly and it has the hundreds of pages of documentation. But the first, the homepage, is for the forum. So just because we moved the forum from Nabble to Invision the has been no change to anything else and, therefore, it not only looks the same but is the same.
  10. Glad you are getting it figured out. The Dark Green/Yellow wire goes to the tach.
  11. Wish you had been here as well, Jeff. We had a lot of people asking about "The Big Red Truck from last year". We need to pick a year, maybe next, and get lots of y'all to come. Maybe fly in if you are from far away, like you, Jim, Jonathan, etc.
  12. It looks to me that there are LOTS of opportunities to clean up the forum now that we are in our new home. Lets use this thread to capture some ideas. I'll go first with some ideas: Ditch the Bullnose Forum text at the very top of the page. That is actually a page title on the Weebly page, and I think there's supposed to be a title for search engines, but perhaps some of y'all know how to do that w/o having to show it? Move the New Platform Discussions sub-forum somewhere else. I don't want to delete the stuff in there 'cause there's some good thinking about what we did and why. But we sure don't need it where it is. Ideas? Use sidebars? I don't know if you have, but I have a side arrow that when I click it I get a Manage Blocks sidebar. In it are lots of options to add content to the existing sidebar. Do any of you have that? Do you have a sidebar that shows Recently Browsing, Member Statistics, etc. I just clicked "Follow Topic". But it would seem reasonable that if I post something that I'd want to follow it, so can "Follow Topic" be turned on by default if someone creates a topic or posts?
  13. Posting from my iPhone. Interesting that I can use its emoticons instead of the from InVision. 😬🚛🙏🏻🎁🤷‍♂️🤞
  14. Well done, Scott! (This might be my last post on the Nabble forum. Should be # 40,836.)
  15. Check out the new page for the 2024 version of the truck show. We aren't done as Jaiden, our excellent photographer/videographer, has more she's working on. Truck Shows/2024 Truck Show in the menu above.
  16. Glad you got it sorted, but sorry it took so many tries. Still, forget about the previous attempts and enjoy the smooth and quiet speedo.
  17. G'day, Oly! Glad you joined. 250 crossflow? We didn't get that one here. Tell us more about it? And where in Western Australia are you? We have a map, which you can see at Bullnose Forum/Member's Map in the menu, but don't have anyone else in WA. However, you can be on it if you'd like - just give us the city or postal code.
  18. Right, HEI. The instructions are on the page at Documentation/Electrical/Ignition. Then go to the Ignition Simplification tab followed by the One Wire tab. There you'll see a schematic showing how to wire in a relay. But you might want to check to make sure that the guy that installed it didn't put in a relay. I'd follow the wires coming out of it, the low voltage wires not the spark plug wires, and let us know where they go. And, you are on the map.
  19. Looks good, Stein. But I hope you didn't get the coffee mixed up with the oil. And if you can get to 14.7 MPG you have it tuned very well.
  20. We have a page on bumpers: Documentation/Exterior/Bumpers. It may not have all your answers but should be a good start.
  21. Can't believe U-Haul knows what the axle ratio is, so can't understand their position. But it should handle a Bronco well if you have brakes on the trailer. As we discussed yesterday, the 3.07 axle ratio will cause more slippage in the torque converter than 4.10's would. But to clarify, it takes X amount of torque to push the truck down the highway. The rear axle gears multiply the torque so 4.10 gears require about 1/3 less torque through the transmission, which means less slippage in the TC. So the 3.07 gears are going cause more slippage and, therefore, generate more heat. As Jim says, the C6 excels at turning energy into heat. But if you have a large enough transmission cooler you can get by towing with those gears.
  22. John - It was a great time! Sure good to see you and the others and I certainly appreciate the help. I'm hoping I'll be recovered enough that this afternoon after church I can post up the results. Found my reader glasses so maybe I can decipher the names on the many sheets of paper that show the entrants and winners. But I might need some help. As we just discussed via text, there were several learnings so I think I want to start a new thread about that. It'll be generic to shows, not just the result of this one. But I think we need to kick it around and get everyone's input. Again, thanks y'all!
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