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Everything posted by BigBrother-84

  1. Gary, if someday you come to drive in Quebec, just remember that it is strictly prohibited to drive while wearing headphones or earphones in both ears. Same fo bicycles.
  2. John, Big Bro is big, but has a little stomach… Single tank. So we’re going to often stop’n fuel, LOL! Excited about the trip, can’t wait to see y’all at the show! I will create a thread about this road trip, stay tuned!
  3. I love these family truck stories! This was Big Brother’s original color! Wow, you already did to a lot to maintain and improve your truck! Welcome!
  4. Do you have a picture of the bumpers you’re looking for? When restoring Big Bro, I ordered the wrong ones (that I kept in stock). We never know, this could be the right model…
  5. Did you try with another web browsing software?
  6. LOL! I received your “unable to send you an email” email four times! That’s a known bug of this site, we think the email doesn’t go out and have no way to know. Sorry I didn’t see it earlier, I could have confirmed you that it was working.
  7. I wasn’t hoping to save the decal. A new one isn’t expansive. So this could be a futur project for cleaning and protecting the aluminum air filter cover. Nice!
  8. Yep, I bought commercial quality Velcro (with very strong sticky backing). I’m confident that this inverter (it’s quite lightweight and doesn’t come hot) will stay in place. And if needed, I can detach it and move it. Interesting strategy! I take note of it!
  9. Hi Carl, Does your picture respect these criteria? There’s a maximum size of 4Mb and minimum dimensions of 100x100 pixels. If you’re not comfortable in resizing your picture within these limits, email me a copy and I will return you the resized one.
  10. Reservation made! Thanks Gary for dealing a rebate with the hotel!
  11. I agree with Ralph that it happens but not radical, noticeable. I don't trust these fuel quantity systems. Never trusted my 1974 F250, 1986 F250 or 1988 F250 (7.3). My 1992 Bronco and 1994 F250 were and are the only ones I trusted. I never had enough faith or desire to try to fix them, went by mileage or oops better flip the switch. The best way I see to fix them is with the Meter Match that Gary is using. Gentlemen, you were right, and THANK YOU for your advice: The fuel gauge behavior is strictly fuel sloshing related. I am dumbfounded that the fuel level can vary so much just because of the truck movements! I made a serious test on a hilly winding road near home (had fun driving Big Bro as if Montecarlo ), and the conclusion is clear. It is not linked to the engine rpm. The fluctuation can be as much as a quarter of tank(!), for a hairpin turn. The indicated level drops much more faster than it comes back to the “good” fuel level. But driving quietly on a flat highway is very stable, no matter how fast or idle the engine turns. I don’t understand why I’d never noticed this kind of fuel gauge behavior.
  12. Gary, do you think this rejuvenating method could also be applied to the air filter cover?
  13. Gary, is this a short piece of pipe, conical welded?
  14. Gentlemen, I completed the inverter installation yesterday. I installed a 40A fuse holder (6ga) at the battery end of the positive inverter line. The only solution available locally fast. I hope this wire can feed a bigger inverter, in case I decide to upgrade Big Brother’s alternator in the future (not in my plans but who knows). The inverter is located behind the rear bench seat, passenger side. I left about 3’ of free wire, to be able to move around the inverter, if needed.
  15. When searching for some used ones, there was one carpeted pair on eBay (tan color). Not that I don’t like them, but my «as close as stock» sickness made me hesitate… and you should not hesitate too long about rare items. After 3-4 days, they were sold. Since I consider that it will be very useful for my road trip, I finally ordered these plastic repro. You are right, I am wondering about their fragility.
  16. Ralph, the original carb had such a TSP, but the replacement one doesn’t. So now Big Bro’s idle speed should follow the "without TSP" indication?
  17. Oh-oh… Maybe you’re touching something, Dane. You make me realize that maybe it’s not related to the engine rpm, but possibly to acceleration/deceleration/hilly road/turns/etc. This cluster is made of the best parts of 3 used ones plus NOS gauges. This fuel gauge is NOS. And this summer is the first time Big Bro is "really" on the road for long runs, if I can say, since mid 2019. And so for its "rebuilt" cluster. Maybe this NOS fuel gauge is much more sensitive than the old one I used to have? Before more digging the electrical question, I’ll pay attention to its behavior. If it varies only with truck’s movements, we’ll have found something. But one thing I can say is that the fluctuations proportion can be important, not just a little needle movement. Can the fuel sloshing influence so much a sending float, as Ralph described it?
  18. I found them at Collector’s Auto Supply . I wasn’t able to buy directly from their web site, problems with Canadian addresses. I had to go through their eBay store, it worked. They offer a huge colors choice. Be aware that they are very expansive, and the quality is questionable, not sure how resistant they will be. Anyway, I am happy, as it seemed impossible to find some used ones.
  19. All other cluster instruments are perfectly stable. Just the fuel gauge that fluctuates this way.
  20. Excellent news Gary! Not that I do not appreciate to de-yoke the transfer case, and maybe could beat my own record… But I am a lazy mechanic, don’t forget!
  21. Ralph, I suppose that you are decrypting this part of the decal? Or maybe this one? Does this latter indicates an idle rpm that I should target?
  22. Thanks Ralph, so let’s get this PVS! Will be the first client at NAPA’s door tomorrow! And who cares for having to redo a timing again, I’m now a Pro!
  23. You’re right Ralph, this is logical and needs to be verified. But electrical diagrams do not show where the sending unit ground is located. Any advice?
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