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Everything posted by BigBrother-84

  1. I had the same question, and there's certainly more visual or technical way to determine the tank capacity. I simply ran the truck almost empty than filled it up.
  2. Can't say I don't like the first pict, but my pathological obsession for "as close as stock as possible" makes me giving my vote to the final one, for sure!
  3. I don’t remember to have read how you met Darth. Nice story! So, it’s a chance that the Beach dealer wasn’t able to get you a new ‘94 truck! Hey Bill, how’s your back, did you have your surgery?
  4. Thanks Gentlemen! I didn’t know that the rear tank is also 19gal, so I didn’t pay attention to the description.
  5. Hi there! I plan to drop the fuel tank this spring (or summer. or later this year. as usual.) Big Bro's sending unit is fluctuating a lot. Did all the tests, and everything looks good, so the sending unit is my next stop. I am wondering why JBG offers two models, for the 19gal side tank. Just the stainless steel difference? Any advice? Or maybe other suggestion for very good quality sending unit? Hey, I prefer to pay more and avoid dropping the tank once a year.
  6. Don't know if it is just me, but since Chris added a second "New new Bullnose Test Forum" Menu, the upper part of the windows is hidden. I can force show it again if I narrow my browser window, that forces the upper menus to be grouped in a menu icon.
  7. No problem, I’m a bit stubborn so I’m still here. Thanks so much for the time and energy you put in this journey!
  8. Gary, did you finally find how to permalink? I did. Example from here to there.
  9. In fact, there are two ways to avoid the upside down pictures: 1- Pay attention to hold the iPhone with the volume buttons downside. 2- Force the Exif to be understood by Windows, with a software or following Jeff’s iPhone “Edit-Rotate Pict” trick.
  10. I’m thinking about a possible reason for these upside down pictures. Maybe it depends from what OS they are posted from? Do Non Windows systems (iOS, Android, Mac) have different behaviors, when posting to a Windows OS based forum?
  11. Oh, and just before going bed, I didn’t figured if any signature is possible, in the user settings. Ciao, see you tomorrow!
  12. Ok, so there is no benefit with this new platform, for picture posting directly from an iPhone: An upside down orientation has to be manually fixed from the iPhone, the platform does not automatically rotate an image.
  13. OK. But once in the forum, any button I click gives me this message: I'll give some time to Chris and will comme back later. Anyway, it's dinner time now.
  14. Hahaha! I just cannot get in this forum now. «Go Away!»
  15. LOL! This operation is successful. So much that there won't be a lot of members long staying in this so welcoming community.
  16. You bet, I'm gonna have fun and warm up the engine! First impression... The welcoming is a bit cold. I get this message here and there, when playing in my account settings: And sometimes it just says «Go away!». Ok ok... I won't insist. EDIT: • When I click "close", it kicks me out and I just get a blank page. Have to refresh to get back. • Even if I just try to sing out, I get this message.
  17. Wow, I finally was able to get in! But what a journey! Gary, I never received such email. So I tried to create an account using different settings (screen name, passwords, email address). I finally was able to create "BigBro2", received the confirmation email, and it was done. Once inside, I tried to log in with "BigBrother-84", but since I didn't know the default p/w, I wasn't. So I clicked "forgot my password", I received an email, I entered a new p/w, and done! Can you delete BigBro2? Or should I keep this second account just in case, for testing purposes?
  18. Well, I’m even stuck on the “Contact us” page. http://www.garysgaragemahal.com/uploads/6/5/8/7/65879365/thinking-26_orig.jpg
  19. Yep, I am too enthusiastic, I type my questions simultaneously with Gary’s instructions… So I look like a guy who doesn’t read. So I’ll calm myself. First, I had to modify my password in the “real” forum, cause the “test” one doesn’t accept it (too weak). I was stuck at the password step. Now it looks happy with my new strongest password, but I am now stuck in buckle on the verification step. Can’t go through.
  20. Progress! Interested to participate to the “Test Forum”, but not sure how to proceed… I suppose the goal is to test the embedded version. Do we have to wait that the embedded version will be accessible? Cause right now, there’s only the title that is visible, rest is blank. EDIT! Now “something” appears. So let’s test! Q1- Do we have to create a new member account, or use our existing one to sign in?
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