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Everything posted by BigBrother-84

  1. I can't imagine how much our ancestors were terrorized, before science explained the phenomena. Even us, knowing exactly what's happening, are feeling «strange» when the sun shuts off... It is cool, but really weird.
  2. Ok, thanks Gary for the reminder, that's a very good reason!
  3. Welcome Ian! Glad to see you here! Your Grandpa is a Champ! He’s so proud about his grandkids, I’m sure you feel the same about him!
  4. Today, we had a full solar eclipse here. I don’t have any telescope, so I tried couple of shots with my DSLR Nikon, equipped with a Zoom. We had couple of eclipse glasses, I taped one + a piece of cardboard on the lens: Here are some picts I took: On this one, we can see some solar flares: My wife took some picts during the darkest moments (around 3:28 PM local time). I am at my Nikon on this one: And we can see a star here, down right of the Sun. This isn’t a star, that’s Venus:
  5. Without specials tools and with this sick leg, certainly not easy! Don't give up, you are courageous Jim!
  6. I remember now that Nabble has the same issue with animated GIF. If posted using “resize”, the GIF turns to still image, no more animation. Gary, I had a “testing” break last week, I’m a bit lost… Please remember me why we are giving a try to InVision and phpBB, but not to Discourse? I don’t remember why it was discarded. No reason listed in the comparison chart.
  7. I remember now that Nabble has the same issue with animated GIF. If posted using “resize”, the GIF turns to still image, no more animation.
  8. I’m not familiar with A/T 4x4. Q1- I suppose the floor stick is for 2x4 4x4 switching? Q2- How does it work, needs to be Park or Neutral in order to change the 4x4 mode?
  9. https://classicfordtrucktrader.com/ad/1984-ford-f250-4x4/
  10. Boy! I suppose they grab him back aboard, since he had (at least one) descendants.
  11. Ok, so Jim left his parking really fast!
  12. Wow! This guy left his parking place REALLY FAST!
  13. Oh boy, what a story! Happy for you that the frame wasn't bent. I suppose you'll need a hood, left fender, left beam bezel and flasher, side marker, bumper. Hopefully the inner fender and the washer fluid reservoir will be ok, an so for the radiator support and the radiator itself.
  14. Is that Klingon? During Big Brother’s Big Tour, our biggest “accent” surprise happened while traveling through Tennessee. A pickup was following us and, since I don’t drive Big Brother really fast (well, let’s say “too slow for US guys”), I stopped on the road side to let them pass us. They stopped just beside me (they were two men), and began to tell me… something. I explained (with my strong french accent) that I’m not really fluent in english, so the repeated more slowly to explain me… something. This time I did catch (maybe) some words like «arin’» and “hurch", and while they were pointing the church parking across the street, I supposed that they were asking me to go there. So we met there, they were really nice guys and we all made efforts to understand each other. They just wanted to talk about the truck, we had a cool friendly time with them. Mat, my wife and I are keeping super memories about Tennessee folks… and their “lovely” accent.
  15. Gary, when you’ll have a chance, take a look here.
  16. Thanks guys, we are so happy! My daughter had her first baby the same way my wife did: Difficult, very long, but at the end everyone is in perfect shape. Mother is healthy, although really tired. We are grateful. Gary - I played with InVision link posting, really easy: Just place the cursor at the right place in the phrase and click the "link" button. In the window that opens, paste the link and write the word(s) you want to be displayed. So, compared to Nabble it’s easier, since you don’t have to first highlight the word(s) before clicking the link button (this step is often annoying on iPhone with Nabble, the cursor doesn’t stay on the word and steps a the beginning of the post). This is not the same on phpBB. We need to manually edit the pasted link in order to display word(s) instead of the full link. It is not acceptable imho, we cannot suppose that members have html programmers skills. BUT, I emailed you a link about an extension that probably enables easy link posting on phpBB. Please tell me if it’s the case.
  17. Gary, I agree, this is a MUST. We cannot go away from Nabble to worst. I'll take some time tomorrow to test this feature on the two platforms. Oh, btw, IT'S A GIRL!
  18. Gary, I found this example on the web. Is this useful for pasting a hyperlink too?
  19. Thanks Gary… But I found it since that post. I agree it is not very intuitive. And less with an iPhone, in which you don’t have the “right-click”. But it works if you maintain the pressure on the title, and then a menu appears enabling to copy the link.
  20. I fully agree with you, there’s still lot of US friends speaking french. One of their well known ambassador is Zachary Richard, Quebecois love him!
  21. Jim - Yep, you’re right! Quebecois is much more accurate that “French Canadian”. • You have the “French” foreign cousins, living in a far-far country, somewhere over the sea. • You have the French Canadians, this large group speaking french “from coast to coast”, including all “out-of-Quebec” french speaking friends and the: • Quebecois, having french as mother language at around 80%. About the phrasing habits, I would say that (unfortunately imho) our kids tend to use a lot of english words and interjections into their phrases: cool, sick, quick, down, chill, watch, nice, skills, insane, sketch… I find they are more and more speaking some strange «frenglish». But I suppose this is the normal languages evolution… there’s not a lot of people speaking Roman empire’s latin these days. Who knows, maybe in 400-500 years ahead, people in america will speak kind of englispanifrench? Vivek - It is unknown and misunderstood that the first explorers of american territories where largely french people. I heard (to be verified) that they had easier relationship with first nations people, was more easy for them to go here and there. It’s always surprising to go across the USA and find everywhere french names for landmarks, cities, streets, etc. It’s our story, all of us living here, mixing with each others. We all share a very similar way of life, our cultures are really really close. But sometimes there are funny languages misunderstandings. Like when I wrote in an introduction letter to my future boss «it will be a pleasure to meat you soon».
  22. Here is what I see on my iPhone, Main page and General Discussion page: EDIT: Just for testing purpose, I will create a second user in each platform, to see how "others" appear in discussions, reactions. I'll discuss with my "alter ego". So Admin please don't be surprised! I made some tests in phpBB and InVision. Both have kind of "already read" flagging feature. Not sure to well understand how it works exactly, I mean that the "mother" thread «General Discussions» aspect changes in phpBB but not in InVision. What I understand : • phpBB changes if you click on the title, no matter if your read all the content or not (turns from red to black); • InVision changes (lose the bold) if you read all posts included in the main thread, to the last page of each.
  23. Here is what I see on my iPhone, Main page and General Discussion page: EDIT: Just for testing purpose, I will create a second user in each platform, to see how "others" appear in discussions, reactions. I'll discuss with my "alter ego". So Admin please don't be surprised!
  24. Done. I posted in “General Discussion/Kicking up the post count” and in “Ford Forum”.
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