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Everything posted by grumpin

  1. Welcome! I see them both. Nice looking Bronco!
  2. We called them Polish cannons. Five pop cans, when they were tin, top and bottom cut out of four, a hole in the bottom side of the bottom one. Taped together, lighter fluid and a tennis ball as Gary mentioned. Squirt fluid in it, shake it a bit, stuff the tennis ball in the top and light it in the little hole at the bottom. It would shoot that tennis ball out of sight! I was in the sixth or seventh grade and my teacher heard me talking about it. Asked me to bring in in and demonstrate it. We went out to the football field and I lit it off. He had me explain what and why I was doing. Lit it off one more time. Got an A for that! Cant imagine what they would say now if I brought one to school.
  3. To me, putting those links up is appreciated. I have that store saved on my eBay, it can be tedious to go through.
  4. Yeah, I don’t like those light bars either. The front looks a little different!
  5. I can make something ugly without spending that much money!... did I say that out loud? Sorry, not my type. I’ve seen that before. Wrong interior or engine or whatnot. Always figured they’re a scam.
  6. Great shots! Very nice! Coffee and a nice drive in the Bull, can’t beat that!
  7. I’m interested in what you think. I’ve had long wheelbase trucks for so long that I think they’re great on the road. The Bronco is different. I’ve said they are aptly named. Feel like I'm bouncing all over the place sometimes!
  8. JD may not be the same, but the reason I bought one is because I watched one plow snow, move aircraft and equipment, open and close big hangar doors and anything else needed and never missed a beat. Well, one time it was down shortly. They had sodium chloride (I think) in the rear tires for traction. One of the rims corroded through.
  9. My truck had a steering damper on it when I bought it. I took it off and didn’t notice anything. Im holding on to it, just in case. Could have been for towing or hauling a truck camper.
  10. That’s funny! I told my wife that our Bronco is like a sports car after driving the truck.
  11. I like 460’s, 460’s like gas! Off topic, I was driving the truck the other day and it just seemed nice. Road noise was down, it even seemed smoother. Then it dawned on me that it probably felt smoother because the road noise was down. The road noise was down because I didn’t have my hearing aids in!
  12. Thanks Jim, that looks nice! I’ve joked that the older I get the better my work light collection gets!
  13. Had to laugh at myself. Looked at my jack stands and they’re not HF, got them from my family as a gift way before 2013. Remembered when I saw them. Still would like to get two more combos though.
  14. Which one do you like Jim? 18650 didn’t come up on the HF website.
  15. That’s a bummer on the manufacturing. Good job getting it in!
  16. Yeah, I would like to get another pair of the combos I bought, bottle jack and stand in one, with cash from defective ones, if I have them. Probably will anyway and buy something else at HF.
  17. I guess if you have to get thru a small opening then big is not the way to go. The smallest opening I have to go thru is the small roll up garage door to the shed I keep all the yard equipment in. No yard equipment is kept in MY garage! Dave ---- I “need” a shed like that Dave!
  18. Thank you! Good info. Going to have to check my numbers, can’t remember when I bought them.
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