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Everything posted by grumpin

  1. Yes, I drove it then checked it warmed up and idling. Need to add a quart later today.
  2. Drove my truck to church today. Talking with a few gents after the service, mentioned that I want to work on my truck and why. One guy says sounds like it’s low on fluid, I said that’s what I thought. As I’m walking to the truck I’m thinking I checked it, right?? Well, I didn’t. Thought I did! Serviced it with the Lucas additive I had bought when I bought the filter and fluid. Man, I didn’t remember how thick that stuff is. It was in my unheated garage, which might have gotten up to 30° today. I’m grateful, the tranny is most likely ok and I can service it and put the new pan on in warmer weather. I’ll update on the tranny not engaging right away.
  3. But is Inverter Power better? Less accurate but..... Better ideas, please! I may order tomorrow. Auxiliary Power or Aux Power. That came to mind before I saw the wiring diagram.
  4. Good thought! I was thinking safety wire and oversized heat shrink, shrunk down but not tight.
  5. And right now I'm working through this page to figure out what switches I want to order: That panel looks very nice! Very professional!
  6. A young man escaping a troubled home life and a con man escaping the law meet on an open road in the middle of nowhere. As their friendship develops, they learn from each other. Ha! I always hear the Grateful Dead!
  7. Just remembered, and I’ve mentioned this about my President Bill CB, it has a USB charge port. Interesting, you made me think, and that kinda hurt!
  8. No, anything plugged into the power point, what I meant was the CB was off and drained it and another Xterra owner had a plug in charger with no light draw it down. Just in the socket, a quirk or characteristic of that era vehicle.
  9. That is awesome. Big fish in those rivers over there! When I was working on helicopters logging out deep in the bush, if there was a creek or river nearby I would fish while the Skycrane was moving logs. That’s how I got introduced to Washington, Oregon and NorCal was deep in the beautiful woods! I was born in Indiana, it was so flat that in the winter if you stood on a soapbox you could see your own butt! That’s why I stayed, lived in Oakridge and Portland, definitely like it here away from most things. Edit: we also logged some Port Orford Cedar, spent time in Port Orford and Gold Beach.
  10. Right. That sure is a beautiful area. I'm sure I mentioned it to you before, but I used to have a friend in Myrtle Creek, OR. Funny, but I met him on a forum just like this back almost 20 years ago. My employer at the time had me traveling all over the US, and it allowed me to make business and personal trips to the PNW. Anyway, I haven't talked to him in years, but he was one of those real hardcore outdoorsy guys...all he cared about was fishing and hunting, and maybe 4x4 trucks too...lol. A trip to Portland absolutely killed him...he hated having to leave his area! Anyway, he took me fishing quite a bit, and river boating, etc. Spent a little time over near the coast around Port Orford, I think. Then on one of my drives south to CA (had a big customer in Sacramento), I took the long way and drove from Grants Pass down to Crescent City, CA...what an amazing drive down through there and along the PCH, etc. Just wow. I always tried to take the scenic routes whenever I could. Don't know if I'll ever make it back, but I sure do have fond memories of southern Oregon and the PNW in general. With all of those nice condition old trucks on Craigslist, and the nice climate, I'd plant my ass over there in a heartbeat! It is beautiful. I was making weekly trips to Coos Bay Oregon, this last Monday was the last. So, I had been going through Myrtle Creek once a week. I know some folks from Camas Valley who are like that, hate to leave the area. My boys played sports with theirs. One of their sons is a guide in Alaska now. My wife showed me a picture of him and customers the other day with a huge bear they had got. They have some good stories!
  11. I’m going to throw something in here for the future or perhaps just to remember. My Xterra has two power points, one in the rear baggage area and one in the center panel. I use the one in the center panel for the CB radio. Sometimes my vehicles won’t get driven for awhile. I noticed the starter dragging after it had set. Drove it and everything was fine for a couple of days. It sat and did it again, couldn’t find anything so did an internet search and found people were having problems when they left a charger with no light in the socket. Power is cut to the socket when you switch the ignition off, my CB was turned off also. I started unplugging the CB and it quit doing it as others had said. A strange quirk to me, but thought I’d mention it.
  12. Southern Oregon. About 20 miles north of NorCal!
  13. It wouldn't go w/o an Amazon order number, so used another one of ours. It finally took it and then popped up a message that said "Network is not stable, please contact support@aukey.com". So I sent them an email at that address. But I'm getting suspicious of Amazon. Janey was looking at a board game for the grandkids that normally runs ~$50 and found it on Amazon for $22. She asked me about it and I read several of the comments, many of which said they'd gotten counterfeit games, as confirmed by the manufacturer. Amazon said they were verified purchases, and yet hadn't responded to the claims. Am I paranoid? “Am I paranoid?” No, I think sometimes sellers stick counterfeit items in to see if they can get away with it. Or just unscrupulous people. So...we are paranoid!
  14. I have the ones like number 10 on three of my vehicles. Not as fancy as that one. Just the cheap fake leather ones. https://thedoublecheck.co/leather-steering-wheel-wrap/ Going to make me reconsider now! Edit: add link
  15. https://klamath.craigslist.org/cto/d/bonanza-1982-ford-f150/7240434149.html Too much money in my opinion. Not a lot of info though.
  16. Good to hear, the tranny that is. Getting some warmer weather for this time of year so maybe I’ll get the tranny serviced this week or next.
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