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Everything posted by ArdWrknTrk

  1. Cool! It looks better than I thought! I always think of Broncos & Flaresides having the skinny little bumper, but this seems a lot more functional. πŸ‘
  2. Who remembers the Roxbury school bus riots in 74-75? I was in 8th grade and got sent to go live in Somerville, because I had a problem with authority. Man, it was wild! Can you imagine getting pelted with bricks & bottles just because you're riding the bus to school?
  3. Dennis passed away a while back.... I'm pretty sure I posted a link.
  4. Lens is a powerful tool when used for good. πŸ˜‰ Unfortunately it's just as powerful used for evil. πŸ‘Ώ
  5. I think the point is that with even a tiny neural network the computer learns to program itself. For now, computers are only as 'smart' as their program, but if a computer changed from a LLM to developing it's own ideas the game is over... (for us)
  6. We can both attest that LRC is a good thing! Will the whole family be back? Or are Holly & TJ doing their own thing? What's the next step with "that French truck"?
  7. Today Mars is aspirational, but I have no doubt that the cancer of humanity will metastasize and consume every resource in our solar system. Im glad that I won't be around long enough to see it.
  8. I wish I had your rosy outlook. If you ask for X to be at YZ cost, you get what you deserve. I'm not going to bother with LMC or any other company that puts profit ahead of customer satisfaction. I dropped my brother and his kids off at the airport an hour ago. "If it's a Boeing, I'm not going!" Look at the 737-8 max, the 787 whistleblower they murdered in Charleston or the damned astronauts stranded at the space station. I really am DONE with this human race and all the BS that comes with it...
  9. You think China really cares about the environment? Or just that the llightest flash plating makes it across the ocean in a container before it rusts through??? πŸ€”
  10. I thought I had a lot of miles at 47X,000 ish! 🀯 That Explorer has done a LOT of exploring!
  11. If Joe likes, perhaps we can put him back together with his old username? But obviously there's no need for apologies! Joe, we're very glad you're back (and our latest member of the Flareside Owners Group!).
  12. I don't know Did Gary move your post??? Because this definitely is the new members section, and if you clicked the highlighted text it brought you right here. Are you in Boston, Joe? Not so many members in New England. Perhaps all these trucks have been eaten by the salted roads?
  13. I'm thinking he's reading 10ths. The odometer only goes to 99,999
  14. Welcome! Explorer package is on everybody's radar.
  15. I was a voracious reader as a child. Loved Azimov, and he certainly accepted the coming of synchronicity. I remember Foundations, I Robot and a book about the human brain and how it works. The Three Laws were not lost to my young mind, but I don't have any doubt that if silicon becomes sentient, it going to be more like HAL than Robbie. The idea of a robopsychologist is both amusing and terrifying at the same time!
  16. Ah, AI I don't think I'm going to care much about the emotions my computer feels. https://arstechnica.com/science/2024/07/could-ais-become-conscious-right-now-we-have-no-way-to-tell/ Like I pointed out above, we're some 23 orders of magnitude away from silicon (or whatever replaces it) from having a human level of neural network. But breakthroughs happen every day and Nvidia is really at the forefront of processors. (Kudo's to Jensen Huang)
  17. I visited the site but am still a bit confused. This is a data acquisition device that compares actual numbers to whatever desired parameters you've entered into it? It combines a tach, vacuum gauge and AFR in one display? It's a new paradigm since the last carbed 460's left the motorhome line in '90 or so. Processors were painfully slow and memory bulky and expensive. SEFI in pickups was a dream, but we've certainly made progress! I can understand the place for this. I hope they do well!
  18. I loved that film. More than a few of those stunts when I was recovering from being run over and had an office job at a dysfunctional media empire. Mike Juge is great! I was wearing my Brawndo! tee shirt yesterday. I'd bet Fairfield Co. or DC is as bad or worse. I'm used to "27 mile delay to exit 28" and "Exit 10, six mi 40 minutes" Maybe an electric bike is the answer? IDK, but I sure dislike sitting in the rat race.
  19. Those sockets (and the ones for the trailer lighting) are notorious for corrosion on the bottom where you can't see it. As for bypassing the oil pressure switch. I don't see how the inertia switch wouldn't pop if you ended up on your roof. It's intention is to stop feeding a fire but can really be a nuisance as components get old. I do believe that Bill Vose says a Chrysler switch is almost direct replacement and readily available, but I'm sure you have the sense to turn the key off if the truck is on fire.
  20. Paul, if you have any rust on the roof pay special attention to the caulk in the rain gutters and seam continuing to the windows front and rear. When water starts to get in there it will travel down the A&B pillars ending up in the kick or cab corners.
  21. Oh yes! I didn't mean to ignore your namesake. You've done a tremendous amount of work on that. It will be a real sleeper, in the old school tradition!
  22. I really don't want any power to screw things up in the background. Not my domain and I've kept my hands in my pockets so far, except when I banned myself. Im okay with being the hall monitor. We're very fortunate that you have a great membership that doesn't devolve into profane slinging. I catch my own frustration pushing towards a tantrum often enough that I'm not sure I set a good example, but I try to answer questions in a courteous and timely manner. I really look forward to seeing all Invision has to offer!
  23. Carb "heater"? I'm not sure I've heard of a "cheater" other than the Stub Stack I run on my Holley. I've seen big aluminum heat shields that go under the carb and try to pull and radiate engine heat from the base flange while reflecting IR that would otherwise boil the bowls. Do you have a link? I'm old and stupid... πŸ˜‚
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