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Gary Lewis

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Everything posted by Gary Lewis

  1. Yes, my post from 2:10 CDT/3:10 EDT is the connector that will plug into the connector on the right in the post of 2:34/3:34, which is the one on BB. And I have a plug just like the one in 2:10/3:10's post, albeit for another purpose, in a scrap harness that I've been cutting parts off of. I'll send you that one.
  2. No, the correct plug will not go into a 3G. The 3G's socket is smaller. Let me just send you the right connector. Ok?
  3. I'm sorry, but I got confused. Plug my underhood wire into my 3G?
  4. Let's compare. The one on the right is the power connector to the underhood light on BB. Looks like a match to me. So, what does that say?
  5. Underhood light connector on left and 3G on the right:
  6. My last two tires are still on the move. So far their routing has been: South Bend IN Chicago IL Bloomington CA Grants NM Henryetta OK That puts them on I-40, so I'm expecting Memphis, then maybe Birmingham and then Atlanta. Here's hoping... Huntsville AL! So, maybe get them installed Tuesday?
  7. No, not the same as either of those. My AC clutch connector has 2 pins. And the 3G connector is much smaller. But, I have a spare connector from another harness that your welcome to if you'd like. Here's what the connector looks like:
  8. Jim - Bad news. I have an extra one of the cross-hood cables with the right connectors. But, it is mated to an underhood light, and I don't want to part them. So, I'm going to send you both. Having said that, the lens has gotten toasty at some point, and the wires coming out of the box are ..... OLD. Hard. Breaking. So the light needs to be gone through, cleaned, and re-wired. Can send it one box w/the other thing if you want.
  9. You have a point - clocks were typically on high-end trucks which didn't have the weave bezels. But they were available. As for fixing a clock, I've not seen a bad one yet. They seem to be pretty robust. So I've not tried to fix one.
  10. Seth - Welcome! Glad you joined. Would you like to be on our map - Bullnose Forum/Member's Map? Looking forward to seeing, and hearing, your truck!
  11. Yes, that would work. But you might want to have triangular piece above and below the horizontal pipe where it hits the vertical pipe. It'll give you a lot more welding area and spread the load.
  12. Nope, that's not good. You said there's still a draw with the alternator disconnected? Depending on the charger you had on, it must be a pretty significant draw.
  13. Welcome, Jameson! Glad you joined. By virtue of having posted here, and assuming you've therefore read the guidelines, I now promote you to Member! That means you can post anywhere in the forum save for the Admin-only section. And, you might want to repost your question about the rear window gasket in a new thread in the main section. The reason being that you may get more coverage there. And one approach is to start a thread there about your truck and use that question as part of your first post. That way you have a record of what you are doing/have done on your truck. But how you do it is your call. Also, we have a map (Bullnose Forum/Member's Map in the menu) and we could add you in Ann Arbor with your permission. Also, we've had some discussion re the slider gasket recently, so if someone doesn't quickly answer your question I'll be surprised. And, I'll go looking......
  14. Jim - There are BUNCHES of different ways to make those rockets!!! I'm gobsmacked with the variations. But this one seems quite interesting. I've not yet figured out exactly how the release works, although I can see that the zip ties and coupler form a collet that holds the bottle until the coupler is pulled down. But how the coupler is pulled down isn't apparent to me, although in the still at the very start it looks like it may go under the central cross piece and then up.
  15. In the vein of the drag strip commercials of yore, Saturday! BE THERE! Yep, they hope to get here this Saturday and stay two weeks or so. Given that, they won't be here for the 4th of July. So maybe no "rockets" this year. Over the years I've experimented with several approaches. Rattle cans work ok, as do any other pressurized can. But they are heavy and while they'll stand up to about anything short of a cherry bomb, they won't go as high. And, there's a myriad of different sizes, making the launcher more difficult to design/find. But the pop can/tennis ball combo works nicely as both are standardized. And they fit together nicely, with just enough tension to contain the blast but not so much as to impede movement. However, you are on the edge, as opposed to eve, of destruction. Just a bit more explosive or a flaw in the material and it'll open up like a clam shell. And, some of the extra oomph I've tried includes WD40 or propane in the tennis ball.
  16. True. Sometimes they go out of sight. (And sometimes they split down the side and go almost nowhere.) But they are fun and the kids and grandkids love them.
  17. It is rare to find a lid w/o the tab being broken. And I agree, if something is to be broken the body is the place as it isn't seen when the lid is closed. As for the clips and bolts, here's what I believe they should be. And I think you should be able to find them in the catalog at Documentation/Reference/Standard & Utility Parts Catalog. If not, let me know and I'll measure mine and see if we can't get the right part numbers. (I didn't have that catalog when I put up that page on the tool box.)
  18. That's cool! I've never been around rockets, so can only imagine.
  19. Moved. Interesting on the "crack". Wouldn't have thought about where you can and can't hear it, but that makes sense. As for schlieren photography, I had to look that one up. Interesting! I've seen the results, but had no clue how it was done.
  20. Yes, C327 is perfect. Full power in both Start & Run and, I assume, isn't otherwise used in your setup.
  21. Man, that is quite a range of sizes. And, quite a grin! So, when breaking mach with a rocket what kind of noise does it make? Cory - Want me to move this discussion to the FORD Lounge?
  22. Love it, Jim! That you? I'll bet you took a lot of shots to get that one. Man, is that thing 15' long?
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