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Gary Lewis

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Everything posted by Gary Lewis

  1. You got it, Jeff. I'll cut the big yellow wire at the fuse links and give you plenty of the other wires. I'm sure I have your address from the last round.
  2. Glad you got that going, Chris. On the speed control, go to Documentation/Electrical/Speed Control for schematics, illustrations, part numbers, and instructions from the factory shop manual as well as for the tester. Speaking of which, Scott/Kramptocs has one and I have lots of spare parts.
  3. Jeff - Look what I found. I think this is exactly what you need. And first I was disappointed that the fuse links where cut, but then I realized that you are going to have to connect this big yellow wire to your big yellow wire before the fuse links, so it isn't a problem. But that raises the question of how you are going to make that connection. I have the right sized ring tongue connectors so I could crimp one on this wire and send you a matching one so you could bolt them together, but then you'd need a way to crimp it. Can you do that? I'm assuming you don't solder, but if you have a big enough gun that would work even better. The yellow wire is #10 so it will take a lot of heat. But I'll send shrink tubing to cover the joint and make it safe. I can get this out to you on Monday, but we just need to decide what, if any, connectors go with it and how you want the other three wires to be. I'll cut the big yellow one just ahead of the splice to the fuse links, but can send plenty of the other three if you want it.
  4. The salvage is internally corroded, blades broken. And not sure about the C323 idea… Yep, they “fit” perfectly, but one of the C610 wire has a much bigger gauge (yellow): That big yellow wire carries all of the current to the cab. So I’m not convinced the smaller connector is a good way to go. Let me see what I have in C610 connectors, although it may not be today when I can look.
  5. Username AND password are the minimum. I would be very surprised that forum conversations can be moved without its members database. If possible, signature, avatar, but not a must, each member can go back and edit his/her personal information. The passwords are encrypted on Nabble and InVision may not be able to retrieve them. So my guess is that the user name will come over but when you try to log on the first time you'll have to reset your password.
  6. Well said, Jeff. You are right about the three parts, the only change I'd make is that the documents, which are Word, Excel, & PDF, are stored on my Microsoft OneDrive, not Weebly. And you are right that an empty forum won't attract many people. So we really DO need to migrate the old to the new. I have another query in to InVision's sales team to see what more info I can get on that and will report back what I learn. My questions to them so far are: So if you folks have questions for them please let me know soonest.
  7. Yes, I can save it. But I can't really access it. I back the forum up weekly and it is now up to 7.2 GB in size. But the only way I know of to use it is to have Nabble put it back on the server. And if they go away, which is anticipated at some point, we won't be able to use it.
  8. The question is whether it is worth ~$2000 to have our last almost 7 years of the Bullnose forum migrated over to the new forum as if everything was on InVision from the start. I don't yet know what the cost will be nor how complete/accurate the migration might be, but if it was complete would it be worth that? The alternate would be to lock the existing Nabble forum and just use it for history - as long as it is available. But at some point I suspect it'll go away and we won't have it to refer to. Or, it'll be part of the Way Back machine and we'll have to get to it that way. Wouldn't it be nicer to have all of our history as part of the new forum and not have to go elsewhere to find our comments?
  9. Well, the report will be a bit delayed, sorry guys! Unexpected family dinner tonight, my father (now grand-grandpa), my daughter with her husband and their new born baby are coming. Since C610 doesn't carry much current with our approach you'll be fine with that ignition connector. Or the one from the salvage. Either one. And have fun at dinner with that new grandbaby! Big Bro can wait.
  10. I think I've seen that website.
  11. Interesting! But that brings up lots of questions. What are you building there? Are you going to raise animals like the pig or cows? Where is that? etc, etc, etc.
  12. If the Gates fits I'd go with it. And the only reason I know of for drilling the hole is to aid filling the system. But I've started using Bill's recommendation of pulling a heater hose and filling until it runs out there, which seems to do a good job of getting it full. However, you'll still probably have to top the system up after a few cycles. Having said that, I've been reading about coolant system filling funnels, like these shown on Amazon. Haven't used anything like that, but they look good.
  13. Thanks, Dane. In a way this is a blessing in disguise. She has Sjogren's and/or Lupus, but the cardiologist thinks the heart has been a factor in that and now that the problems have been resolved those symptoms should lessen. Plus he's amazed she could even function with the blockage she had, so now should have much more energy. However, she's not "there" yet and the prayers are very welcome. This morning her BP was 90/44, which is a big change from the 140/X she used to have and her body hasn't adjusted. So there will be a lot of adjusting and learning. I saw a meme the other day that said: I think we now understand.
  14. Thanks, Jonathan! That helps a BUNCH!
  15. Thanks! Time for an update. On Monday (this is Friday) I realized that the connection to power for the AFR gauge is up behind the instrument cluster. So I got the dash pretty well apart, including removing the AFR gauge and clutch bypass switch bezel from the instrument bezel. And I got the clutch bypass switch module unwired and removed as someone hadn't put a connector on it. By then it was lunch time and I went in and found that Janey wasn't feeling well. Long story short, I rushed her to the ER and she had stents put in each of the three main arteries to the heart. She got to come home yesterday afternoon and we are slowly starting to figure out what is next, but we know that she has two months of 3 therapy sessions each week plus other doctors to visit, so things are going to be busy for a while. I mention that to explain why there hasn't been any progress on this and may not be for a while. But, I am thinking about it during the down time. And I've now come around to Jim's suggestion of using the R/O wire running to the voltmeter as the power source for the AFR gauge. The Wire Barn calculator says that even 20 gauge wire is adequate for the 3A draw of the Innovate gauge to 9' with just a 2% drop, and I think that wire is surely at least that big and the run is probably shorter than that. So since I'll be right there with the dash apart I'll probably use that wire to simplify things.
  16. Same for Big Bro’s 351W, pivot is on top. This afternoon I’ll have some time to recap where I am in the process, list the parts I got and the ones I am still waiting for, and take some pictures of the 3G I received to show its clocking, bolts treads, etc. State of the situation to come later today! Jeff - You said in the other thread that you need to rebuild C610. Tell us more about that?
  17. Ok, thanks Gary for the reminder, that's a very good reason! Time for an update, and boy is it a good one! Chris has gotten InVision embedded on a Weebly page like Nabble!!!!! You can see it and even kick the tires here. Thanks, CHRIS!!! Yes, there's cleanup to do and details to work out. I hope to spend some time working on some of the details, like the joining process, today. And at this point the link in the email you get when someone posts on a thread to which you are subscribed doesn't take you to the post, just the thread. But these are cleanup things that we should be able to address. Given that, I'm inclined to say we should move to InVision. It is a commercial platform that is maintained and works very nicely with all the features I think we want. phpBB can be made to work but that will take Chris making coding changes that may need to be redone each time phpBB is updated, and I don't think that is a viable alternative. But there is a cost. Right now it is running about $55/mo and that may go up some as we really start using it. However many of you have said you'll help, so I don't think that's a big deal. However, what IS a big deal is the cost of porting this existing forum over to InVision. They said that starts at $1800 but I'm sure it'll go up some from there. Some have suggested we start a Go Fund Me account to make that happen, but the question to y'all is whether it is worth it to have all of our stuff in one place? And, do you think we can do it?
  18. I don't know if that one will work or not, but I think it will. The ID# on that flex circuit is F3HF 10C956-A. The F3 tells me that the circuit was designed in 1993 and the HF says for a medium duty truck. In fact, this search shows several hits that say it came from a 1993 - 95 F800. And those clusters have been known to work in our trucks. So it should work - assuming the target truck has gauges and not idiot lights. The trucks with gauges have an 18-pin connector to the cluster and the trucks with idiot lights have a 14-pin connector. So this cluster would not plug into the harness on a truck with idiot lights.
  19. Wow! That's impressive! But sure glad it missed your house and your trucks. But I have no advice re the city. I'd suggest hiring a lawyer but that might cost as much as hiring the cleanup done.
  20. Yep, been there too. Blue Hill was a parking lot overlooking town. Nothing else up there but a nice, paved parking lot.
  21. All I can hear now is “All trains to racing mode!” Or “My name’s CB & I’m pretty fast downhill.” Are we talking about the same thing?
  22. Yes, there is a big difference when changing elevation between carburetors and EFI. Big Blue pulled that pass, Monarch, fairly well with the carb. But with EFI he has motored right on up other passes much more easily. As for KSU, in my day Blue Hill was a popular hangout. 😎
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