Part of our A/C upgrade is to install a 2-port heater core shutoff valve. While we are replacing the radiator, we are going to install that valve as well. To that end, I have some questions.
First, my plan is to hook the valve up on the inlet side of the heater core. This seems like the best option but I'd like feedback if anyone disagrees.
Second, does the flow direction matter for the heater core? The reason I ask is that I read somewhere that Ford recommended, at some point, swapping the flow direction yearly. I can't find a source for that now. I do see in other posts where Jim and Gary agree the flow direction doesn't matter. I just want to verify.
Third, while looking at the service manual, I noticed that on the 8500+GVW trucks (which includes ours), the heater core inlet hose was looped up to a bracket on the carburetor choke. In Gary's shut-off valve instructions, he mentions this when he's describing the difference between the 2-port and 4-port valves. When we got our truck, we did not have this loop but we have replaced our carb with one that does have the bracket. However, we are using an electric choke now, so I don't think this loop is necessary unless it did something other than keep the choke warm.