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Gary Lewis

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Everything posted by Gary Lewis

  1. Yes, it’ll be a C6. And an F350 crew cab may have 4.10 gears. But even it they are 3.55’s it’ll pull about anything - from one gas station to the next one. 😉
  2. Yes, I've seen those as well. And that's the look I'm trying to stay away from. I want it to look like it came from the factory that way. Integrated. Like the headliner/Highliner, the F600 radio bezel and switches, etc. So to me the mirror display is the perfect solution. I hope they come through with it.
  3. The bolt is the "key retaining screw"? Here's the procedure from the factory shop manual:
  4. Thanks, Bob. I thought about that and then found this line in the Pormido description of the mirror: "Both front & rearview image can be switched from straight to mirroring, so you can read the plates easily". And if they are truly "working on to exchange the front camera with waterproof camera" then I hope they'll ensure that option is still available. So I'm hoping to be an early adopter/beta tester on the new mirror. I think it'll be everything I need. And, speaking of that, I was in a new Merc C300 recently and it has what looks like an iPad attached to the dash and the rearview camera displays there. Looking at the display, it isn't as wide as the Pormido 12" mirror, and while it is higher I think it is the width that is needed. I really don't need a good view of the sky, but I do need a good view of the things to the left and right. I have high hopes for this mirror.
  5. You did well, Shaun. Thanks. I've banned him and removed his post. Plus I sent him an email explaining that he has been banned and if he thinks that is unfair he can email me with why he should be allowed to remain.
  6. Looks great, Bill! What is that Jim says? Oh yes, progress is good!
  7. Welcome! Glad you joined. Would you like to be on our map? You can see it at Bullnose Forum/Member’s Map in the menu. Haven’t been to your town. Just Stockholm.
  8. Very nice! And us old hot rodders do like to maintain things, so I can believe how clean and unmolested it might be.
  9. I think she doesn't understand that there's nothing to "detect". Either a camera is there and is feeding a video signal or isn't. But I can't educate her, so am going to tell her thanks and drop it with Wolfbox. However, at least she responded. So far Pormido hasn't even responded. Been emailing with Pormido. First message apologized for the slow reply - they are in the middle of a national holiday. But the second got down to business: My response was that I can wait a bit and to please count me in.
  10. Looks great! I like the way it is coming together.
  11. Jonathan - That’s horrible quality, not poor. It should be illegal on brake components. Cory - OK and KS have turnpikes where you pay a fee. But we don’t typically use the term “expressway”, although in the Tulsa area there is the Broken Arrow Expressway.
  12. They are a pain to change later, but easy now. I would replace it, for sure. And I’d use a piano hinge so it won’t break.
  13. Bummer! Glad you got it fixed, but that doesn’t speak well for O’Reilly’s brakes.
  14. Yes, welcome! And we can add you to the map (Bullnose Forum/Member’s Map in the menu) if we had a postal code or city.
  15. Bummer! You’ve really had issues with that tranny.
  16. In the immortal words of Crocodile Dundee, that’s a COMPRESSOR!
  17. Congratulations!!!! Well done! And I’ll bet that thing RUNS.
  18. Starters and alternators, and the starter relay on another. Seems to be electrical season.
  19. These trucks are like onions. You peel and cry, peel and cry. But soon you’ll have enough onions for a mess of onion rings! Good luck!
  20. If the truck has been sitting there for 10 years it isn’t likely to move tomorrow. I think I’d let things sit a bit and see what happens, but make sure your family knows you are interested in the truck. As for your truck and trailer doing it, I think it is possible. But I don’t think it has a high probability of doing it without problems. First, will the truck even fit on your trailer due to the wheelbase? Second, we know the trailer will be overloaded. And the front axle is going to be the most overloaded since you need ~10% of the weight on the tongue. Speaking of that, what will your truck think of 800 lbs of weight on the trailer hitch? I think it’ll squat badly. And that hitch isn’t rated for that either. And then there’s the tranny. The AOD isn’t a heavy duty tranny. It was usually only used behind the 302, which doesn’t have a lot of torque. You have it behind a 300, which does have torque, and you’ll be using a whole lot of that torque moving that 8000 lb load. Will the tranny make it? I don’t know, but you won’t be doing it any favors. Do I sound negative? Good! That’s my intention. I don’t think it is a good idea as it isn’t safe and you have a good chance of tearing something expensive up.
  21. Gary, You just made my day, even if it ends up not going away...lol. At least I can have some hope. I've read reports of where it went away after 300-1000 miles. Happy to help! Big Blue’s clutch is/was grabby. I’m guessing that I have 4000 miles on it, and for the first 2000 it didn’t change much. But on the ~2000 mile trip to Ouray it got better. Maybe it was due to all of the action it saw, and it saw a LOT. Anyway, drive it and slip it a bit as you do. I think it’ll wear in. (Or “ride up with wear” as they always say on Are You Being Served?)
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