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Gary Lewis

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Everything posted by Gary Lewis

  1. I have noticed the ride height difference before. The 2001 Subie certainly sat higher with new shocks. Anyway, glad that's all it was. Cheap fix, relative to what it could have been, and made the ride better as well.
  2. Thanks. I think it fits right in and adds to the feeling of being well instrumented. Here's another pic that gives a better view of the altimeter. Looks like I bumped the outer ring as I installed it 'cause we are at more like 700' than 300'. But that is easily corrected. Anyway, it is hard to believe we'd have had that thing pointing at 13,000' on some of those passes!
  3. Got the hands-free microphone moved and the altimeter mounted. Below is a driver's eye view of both. And there is plenty of room to get to the radio - if you are wondering. Also, I think I've come up with a way to install the BNC connector w/o dropping the headliner. I'll tie a string to the BNC connector and pull it forward between the roof and the Highliner using the coax that goes up to the radio. If I'm lucky I left enough room between the two to slip it by. Then I'll swap out the connectors and pull it back through with the string.
  4. Welcome to the wonderful world of Ford's #'s. Just FYI, Ford does not put part numbers on the parts. Instead, any # on a part is an engineering or ID #. It was one of the many "better ideas" Ford had. The Master Parts Catalog was created to give people the part numbers, but it does have a few ID #'s as ancillary information. But courtesy of Bill/Numberdummy I have three cross-reference books that usually let me find the part number from an ID number, or vice versa. As for decoding the part number prefix of E1FZ: E means the decade of 1980; 1 adds to the E to give 1981; F means it was a part originally designed for a Mustang; and Z means it is a service replacement part. And, I just learned that we already had those numbers on the site. Here is a snippet from the MPC that we have on the page at Documentation/Interior/Doors/Door Panels and then the Part Number tab. This is from the info on 1985, and you can see we have 6 different colors. But I didn't know that those parts are originally for a Mustang. And you found them on an Escort or Lynx. I'm going to peruse the 1980 - 89 Car MPC and see if I can figure out what all vehicles used those arm rests. Thanks!
  5. Good progress, and progress is good! Cool that the camber seems to have sorted itself out. I, too, like the stance. Are you going to do the tranny rebuild? Hope you are going to document it.
  6. I started to think I liked it, but then discovered the "straight pipes", 35" tires, 8" lift, etc. And there's no mention of a gearing change to accommodate the 35" tires. And there's the aftermarket security system with remote start. I'm sure it was put on with Scotchlocks. No way, Jose! We had a Honda that was installed that way. What a nightmare. Or daymare, as I remember quite well our daughter calling from a babysitting gig she had with the alarm wailing in the background. "Dad, help!"
  7. Beautiful picture! Love it! And, the video proves it gets on down the road. But, what's the deal with the snow blower? Are you expecting a bad winter?
  8. I missed that! Yes, it does look like 9W.
  9. I love that story, - with the exception of the passing of your uncle. And congrat's on 30 years of marriage. And, two boys. I hope you will start a thread to show us what you've done and what you are doing. We'd love to follow along. Also, if you want to have the boys join we'd love to have them. We are family-friendly. Where's home? I ask because we have a map (Bullnose Forum/Member's Map in the menu) and we can add you with a city/state or a zip.
  10. That's got a lot of potential, but he's asking far more than he's going to get.
  11. That's got a lot of potential, but he's asking far more than he's going to get.
  12. Welcome! Glad you joined. You probably missed the request to introduce yourself in the New Members Start Here folder. We won't hold that against you, but would appreciate you giving us some background about yourself in that folder. As for the door you are asking about, is the hinge broken off of the door? That hinge doesn't usually break. So maybe you just need to replace the foam? I used closed cell foam weatherstrip to cover the blend door on mine and it has worked well.
  13. I can't read your certification label because the hot spot from the flash washed the paint code out. The code should be where the 2K is that I've circled below. Does yours say 9W there? And 9W is Dark Charcoal Metallic, which was used from '83 through '85. Is that what you have?
  14. Yes, I saw that as well. And you are right, it does feel like they are saying "don't worry about it." So I think you'll be fine.
  15. That's a good idea, David! I don't know off the top of my head if there is enough room, but I'll bet there is - somewhere. I could probably figure that out by looking at the left-over '85 plenum, although the plenum that's in there is the '90 version from Huck. Still, they are close enough that I'll bet I can figure it out. Or, I could pull the motor or the resistors and put it in there. However, I didn't leave the drain hose in. That's because there's no easy way to tell that you don't have it protruding up into the plenum, which would allow condensate to pool until it gets high enough to go over the top of the tube. And the D-shape of the opening is really hard to seal, which probably explains why the stuff leaked out. And, speaking of "the stuff", it was spread all over the floor so there was no way to tell if it was dirty or not. Yes, the cleaning process appears (smells?) to work. I hope I don't have to use it again, but if I do I'll probably get two cans of Kool-It from O'Reilly's and hit it twice. And I think I'll use more Lysol as I never did smell it this round. Speaking of that, my brother was a bit skeptical when I told him what I was doing. And it was the Lysol that caused him to worry. That's 'cause he said he once cleaned a system using Lysol and the smell never went away. But then he admitted the problem might have been that he used a whole can.
  16. Here's a snip from Page 06-03-6, and it looks like exactly what you have. I don't think anything is missing.
  17. Well, I didn't get the altimeter mounted today. Instead, after packing up the broken scanner for returning it to Xerox, I "cleaned" the HVAC system. First, I put a vinyl tube in the condensate drain. The drain is really hard to reach, and cannot be seen due to the fender liner. So after trying to put a tube in for about 30 minutes I removed some screws and pulled the liner out of the way. (It was a lot easier said than done!) That let me see the drain hole, which is D-shaped, so when I put the hose into it I put some putty around the opening in an attempt to seal it to keep the cleaner in there for the recommended 15 minutes. You can see that in the pic below. As previously said, I only had one can of the Kool-It cleaner, so I only went one round. And, I don't have a syringe with which to measure, so I filled the Kool-It hose "sufficiently" with Lysol. Then I stuffed it up as far as I could in the drain hose and pushed the button to put the full can into the plenum. After pulling the hose out I plugged the drain hose to keep the stuff in the plenum for the prescribed 15 minutes. But about that time the phone rang and I talked with my cousin for 30 minutes. And when I went to check on the truck there was a lot of liquid on the floor of the shop, so there was a leak somewhere. But then I started the truck up, backed it out, and fired up the A/C. With the windows down and the blower on high there was a sweet smell coming from the vents, and maybe a hint of the "funky" smell. But after a bit the funky smell seemed to go away. So I asked Janey to go with me for a ride. She said she got a whiff of the funky smell as she got in the truck, but then it went away. And by the end of a short trip - to Sonic and the gas station - we couldn't smell it anymore. As for the MPG, I haven't calculated it. Looks too difficult to do the math. 108.1 miles and 10.803 gallons.
  18. Welcome back! And it is great to see that your kids were able to use the truck while you were gone.
  19. Ah good call. I'm not all that familiar with factory terms. The part I'm talking about in that diagram is the "Spindle - 3105". Then I don't see any problem with the groove being other than at the top.
  20. Well, in the immortal words of one of your countrymen: In other words, I don't think there is a return. Once you are in Cahoots I think you stay. (Yes, I'm aware of what the term "day tripper" alluded to. nudge-nudge, wink-wink)
  21. So where is that? Maybe if I knew I could find some of my parts.
  22. Gary, I will be getting an Edelbrock aluminum intake, and a Summit 500CFM 4bbl carb. Basic and simple. EFI swap later, maybe...but nothing in the near future. That's a pretty simple solution and should work very well.
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