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Gary Lewis

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Everything posted by Gary Lewis

  1. Nothing needed, you are now on the map. We don't want uninvited guests, so we only use a city.
  2. Welcome! Glad you joined. Nice Bronco! I’m jealous. That’s a great find. Hope you’ll start a thread to tell us how you resurrect it. And, would you like to be on our map? You can see it at Bullnose Forum/Member’s Map in the menu.
  3. Holy smokes Gary, that must have been an incredibly frustrating experience! I mean, look at all the challenges you've endured on Big Blue's EFI alone and a piece of furniture gets the better of you....LOL! Sorry buddy, I just had to take that shot! I totally get it!!! Actually, it is probably the culmination of several things: AT&T: I fought for 18 months to get them to give me internet via fiber. Seven times I ordered it, and three of those times they gave me a date when the tech would come, and he didn't and no one called. And when I called they said it isn't available at my address - even though my neighbors have it. Finally they sent me a letter saying that fiber is available at my address, and when I called and they said it isn't I told them they'd better escalate as I have a letter from them saying it isn't. So if it isn't then I have them dead to rights in a false advertising law suit. They finally figured out that it is available and sent a guy to install it. When he got here he ran it across the creek and through several neighbors yards and said they'd be back to bury it in a few days. Two hours later a neighbor was mowing and cut it. They came the next day and repaired it, but then last Saturday it was mown again. Meanwhile they littered the yards with flags for the utilities, meaning I shouldn't mow, and haven't been back - three weeks later. Plus, they promised a $300 gift card that has not come. ADT: Because we got AT&T fiber we had a significant discount to go with ADT for a security system. We did, but one of the two garage door openers was bad out of the box, and they had to come out a couple of days later and install a new one. Meanwhile the alarm triggered while we were at church and it was an interior motion sensor, which couldn't go off if no door sensor had tripped as no one was in the house. Turns out it went bad. Then the other garage door sensor went bad and when I called a week ago today they said they'd send someone - and haven't. Plus the yard light goes offline with every storm - and we've had one or two lately. I'm calling them today to tell them to come and take it out as their stuff is horrible. They won't do it, but I'm going to fight them. IKEA: Meanwhile, we tried to put this dresser together and very carefully followed the instructions. When we tried to install one particular board the dowel pin was in the wrong spot. We went back and found one page shows to put it in one hole and another page in the other hole. So, we followed the latter and got it installed. But then we realized that the inside drawer rails are lower than the outside drawer rails. We went back and checked very carefully and it is installed correctly. But even if it was to be flipped the rails would be too low. The screw holes are in the wrong spot. I'm going to line the rails up with a piece of string and drill new holes - problem solved. But I have to call IKEA since they shorted us one of the cam locks, and I'll tell them about the mistakes. However, I'm certain they'll not change anything. And I'm also certain I'm done with IKEA. I could have been working on the truck instead of fighting all of these problems!
  4. Didn't do anything on the truck today. Some time ago Janey decided we needed to redo one of the guest bedrooms, and in doing so ordered in a night stand and dresser from IKEA. I didn't realize that IKEA is four-letter word, but my frustration level is maxed out at the moment. Once I finally get this dresser together I'll NOT work on another piece of "furniture" from them, ever again. :nabble_smiley_cry:However, I have done two things "for" the truck. I've joined two more forums - the 460Ford one and EFIDynoTuning. Hopefully one or the other will help me on my quest to translate from Decipha, who has fairly good instructions on tuning, to BE/Core Tuning, whose instructions leave something to be desired.One guy on the EFIDynoTuning forum said "What you need, is the Ford Strategy Module documentation." But I don't know what that is nor where to get it, and a Google search didn't help, so put the ball back in his court. We shall see.
  5. That does look better. And it does look like a Plain Jane truck. As Matt said, bought for a purpose.
  6. Yikes! $530 + 130 shipping? That's very expensive. I guess if you need it, but....
  7. Interesting that the MPC says that part number is blue, but it sure looks green. In any event, it was used in many Bullnose trucks.
  8. It is hard to read your report as the pic is so small. Can you post the pic full size? Also, your tag appears to show 3.50 gears, which matches the Marti report. So, what differences are you seeing?
  9. The cart looks great. But that burner looks awesome!
  10. Scott - I know that you know this since I sent you the permalink to my post on Big Blue's Transformation thread about this. And it differs from what you were told - also by someone at SEM. So I don't know which is the most accurate.
  11. Welcome. And you are now on the map.
  12. I think you have the carb tuned well. It looks like you are a bit rich at idle, but you can easily correct that with the idle mix screws. I'd use a vacuum gauge and find max vacuum and then open the screws about 1/8 to 1/4 turn from that point. And you are a bit rich at WOT, but fixing that requires too many other changes. And since the engine sounds like it likes that AFR I'd leave it alone. You really don't spend much time at WOT anyway. As for the fuel pressure, that's just right. But I don't know what to say about the crack. Anyway, the picture is beautiful!
  13. E0TZ 16054-A was apparently replaced by E2TZ-A and then by E4TZ-A if I read the notes correctly. And I can believe that as the MPC now show the latter. But there were differences, as shown on our page Documentation/Underhood/Fender Aprons.
  14. Oh, that texter is you, John!
  15. Mine are Westin Platinum Series. (Just went to look - and I think I'm going to melt.) And now I'm getting a text. Hang on, texter...
  16. I've been really getting lost in all of the tables regarding spark. There's a table in BE for Base Sea Level Spark, Base Altitude Spark, Base Spark Adder For AFR, Base Spark Adder For ECT, Spark ACT Retard, Spark ECT Retard, Engine Load Spark Adder, & O/L AFR Spark Adder - to name just a few if them. However, with a bit of searching I found this site: EFI Dyno Tuning. And they have a page on Ignition Timing/Spark Advance, which looks like it will help a bunch. However, I'm running into a translation problem. Apparently Ford gave the various tables names like FN2300, but that term doesn't exist in BE. Fortunately the guy on EFI Dyno Tuning, Michael Decipha Ponthieux, has given the tables names that I think I can translate to what BE calls them, although I'm not 100% sure on this. So I've created a spreadsheet that shows the Ford FN#, what Decipha (the name he uses on some forums) calls it, and what I think it is called by BE - as shown below. This is a work in progress as I try to get my head around what is being said. IOW, this will change.
  17. I think you'll be happy when you are done. Good luck!
  18. Janey and I are watching Night Sky, which is a TV series. In it there's a truck in Argentina that is a Bricknose on the outside and a Bullnose on the inside. I don't yet have a pic of it, but I've seen it several times. I'm wondering if they were actually produced that way in South America? Or is it two different trucks?
  19. Welcome, D! Glad you joined. What part of upstate NY? I ask because we have a map(Bullnose Forum/Member's Map in the menu) and could put you on with a city. Nice looking truck. I'll put the picture on for you, but as it is greater than 1Mb I had to click the Big resizing button. (You can see picture-posting instructions, as well as other things, on the page at Bullnose Forum/Forum FAQ's.)
  20. I assume you mean mine. Well, there is Mission Control with switches for the front locker, aux power, the inverter, fog lights, backup lights, and air compressor. And there’s a full-blown security system residing under there as well, with door lock controls, impact sensor, and ignition kill. And the dash cam system, with front and rear camera has a wire or two as well in there.
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