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Gary Lewis

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Everything posted by Gary Lewis

  1. That's pretty - pretty to look at and pretty expensive. I don't remember what I paid for mine, but I don't think it was half that much. Do you remember?
  2. Gary, little late to the party, what does the other end of that cable look like? I ask because that end pictured looks like the end that goes to the temp. door arm and the tab would get a screw thru it to the box. Dave ---- Dave - I'll get pics of both ends of the cable tomorrow. All - I added several part numbers to the HVAC/Integral AC part number tab today. And, what I found says that there are only two vacuum harnesses - one for 1980 - 82 and one for 1983 - 86. So that confirms what Jonathan was saying. But, as I said before, there are 3 different temp control cables, so I'd like to know the differences. Jonathan is to look when he heads to the salvage next, but if someone else has examples please take pics and post them.
  3. Yes, please let us know so we can all learn. And, the duplicate thread/topic is gone.
  4. I can add part numbers to the page as we get the details worked out. And I’ve edited my 8:08 AM post to change the control dates. Thanks for that, I wasn’t aware that the controls actually changed in 1983. So, does it look right now? And, did the illumination connector also change as of 1983? If that’s right, it only leaves the cable issue to sort out. And it is possible that the 1983 cable fits the 1984 - 86 controls, but that they had a problem with the ‘83 and revised it for ‘84 - and forgot to change the 1983 catalog entry to show “replaced by”. That happens all the time in the catalog.
  5. Ok, you have the driveshaft situation scoped out. Good. 👍
  6. I think you will be happy. By the way, did you check that the front driveshaft takes the same u-joints? Sometimes the F250’s got bigger u-joints, and the F350’s got double-cardan joints.
  7. Gary, I am perhaps getting a little confused... is there a valve that closes with vacuum that will work using the early controller port #1? I get that the pictured valve functions opposite, but is the idea still valid with the right valve? As far as the web page write up, I can confirm that the HVAC controller swap is possible if you have the cable, vacuum harness, and function switch connector that match the HVAC controller, and the illumination pigtail that matches the truck harness. The things I still have questions are: -1983 specific cable (I don't know what this difference could be, I've just seen the two types and 1983 has the "late" style switch. I see no difference between 1983/84/85/86. -Non AC trucks... I have not looked at the controllers or cables to see if there are any different issues to watch out for. My guess is that the same changes were made (function switch plug, vacuum harness, and cable type) but I have not verified this. Jonathan - Thanks. Yes, there is a vacuum-close valve - I have D6DZ-18495-A on the how-to page, but should have put it in this thread as it may be the only thing people read. 😩 However, there are lots of vacuum-close valves with 5/8” fittings. And I expected someone to take issue with the 2 vs 4-port thing, but there are also plenty of 4-port valves out there that close with vacuum. Anyway, I’ll edit the info about the cable and the 1983 controls. Basically what we have then are: Two types of vacuum controls: 1980-82 and 83-86 Two types of function switch connectors: 1980-82 and 1983-86 Two types of illumination connectors: early vs late, but do we know dates?probably 80-82 & 83-86? Three types of cables: 1980 - 82, 1983, and 1984 - 86. But we don’t know what the 1983 cable looks like nor how it connects. As for the non-AC trucks, that adds another layer of complexity. In 1981, judging by the EVTM there were three factory-supplied HVAC systems: Heater, which had no function switch; Comfort Vent, which had the same system as A/C; and A/C. But by 1986 the EVTM drops the Comfort Vent. So the Comfort Vent heater system would lend itself to this modification. Does that make sense? Thanks again. 👍
  8. Jonathan - That would explain a lot on the cable. As for the flat connector, did you mean 1979 to 1982? So, it changed in '83? Hmmm, I missed that. Thanks!
  9. Dave - I'm not sure what post you are talking about, but I don't believe it will be easy to use the 85/86 controls and turn off the water in both Vent and Max. Yes, you can do it in Max because you can tee into the Recirc door's vacuum, but that won't turn off the water in Vent. Or, you can use a manual valve. Or, an electric valve. If that's adequate for you, then carry on. I'm just wanting to make sure you know the situation.
  10. I found a discussion of this here. But, I'm not sure what the takeaway is from it. Roger - Can I delete the duplicate topic/thread?
  11. Good review of your journey to Jolene. And, welcome to the fraternity of the onion-peelers. We just keep peeling those onions, one problem at a time, and crying a bit along the way. But, ultimately we get to a point where we have enough layers off to have onion rings, and get to sit down and enjoy them.
  12. I guess there have been some additions to the website that I've forgotten to tell y'all about.
  13. Absolutely ok to find pics elsewhere and share them here. I do it all the time. And, that's what I assumed you meant by "flange" and "yoke", but wasn't sure. Unfortunately, w/o part numbers I can't tell when one was used vs the other as Ford calls both of them a "flange".
  14. I think you've found the problem. Better have the alternator tested. Again.
  15. Note that I edited the referenced post as the indicated valve will not work. It opens with vacuum instead of closing.
  16. Getting ahead of the game, I've done three things: So, please read through those and give me upgrades, corrections, etc. And, please answer the question about how the temp control cable attaches to the later control lever.
  17. Heat Shut-off: How to install a shut-off valve to make the Vent and Max A/C functions cooler. See the tab by that name on that page. Swapping Controls: How to change the early (1980 - 84) controls into a later (1985 - 86) truck, or vice versa. See the tab by that name on that page.
  18. I need some help. How does the heat control cable connect to the 1985-86 control? The parts catalog shows there to be three different cables: 1980-82; 1983; and 1984 - 89. But, I thought there were essentially only two different control setups: 1980 - 84 and 1985 - 86. Here's a pic of the cable I have from a 1982 truck and the 1985 control, and I don't see a way to connect it. What am I missing? That appears to be the stumbling block in swapping a late control into an earlier truck or vice versa. Here's what I've found of "connections": Heat Cable: This is the one un-answered question. So, if we can answer this one I think we will have this nailed. Vacuum: There's a vacuum harness for each of the controls, meaning early vs late, and you have to use the correct harness. But, the vacuum motors didn't change, so use the harness for the control you have. Blower Motor: The blower speed switch was the same from 1980 through at least 1989, so this connection is not an issue Tank Selector: There were several different switches, but they will swap from the early control to the later control and vice versa. So, this isn't a problem if you have both controls available. Illumination: The connector for the bulb to illuminate the control is different from the early to late control. But, the socket, wire, and connector can be easily swapped from one control to the other. Function Switch: The connector on this switch went from a square plug to a flat plug, but both have the same 4 wires. So Jonathan/Ford F834 has figured out how to pull the pins out of one connector and put them in the other, so this one isn't a problem either. Bottom Line: If there's a way to use the same temp control cable then I can write up a how-to on swapping the controls. And then I can write up the how-to on the shut-off valve, which will refer the reader to the how-to on swapping HVAC controls. Make sense?
  19. Getting that flange off might be hard in a salvage with hand tools. And with the stripped hold-down, taking the whole thing might be better. Would that be a faster/easier solution than wrestling with getting the flange off and getting the gear out plus figuring out the hold-down? Sometimes there’s a trade off between time and money.
  20. I read part of that thread, and got to the part where "someone" said: Then I looked at the page Driveline/Transfer Cases and found 1345's used in a few more applications than that, and the screen snag below is only about half of them. 'Tis a shame that guy didn't have a better resource to turn to. Seriously though, with what I read in that thread it would seem that the green gear would work for you. Can you buy the gear and not the whole t-case at the salvage?
  21. Thanks for the explanation. I kinda thought that was the case. But it didn’t matter as far as the catalog is concerned as both are called a “flange” by Ford.
  22. I recognize Darth, so I guess that’s Bill? Cool! Yes, that truck has given a lot to several. 👍 Glad your trip went well, and hope Bill’s did as well.
  23. I'm not sure I understand the "flange" vs "yoke" question, but it isn't something I can answer from the catalog. That's because Ford calls it a flange, with the generic part # of 4851. So, whatever goes there is called a "flange" in the catalog even when most of us would call it a "yoke".
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