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Gary Lewis

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Everything posted by Gary Lewis

  1. I have seen a lot of changes. Forgetting that I was born in '47 and the very few computers then were huge in size and almost incapable of having their programs changed, computing in and of itself has changed exponentially - sizes are so small and capabilities so huge. As for AI, I remember starting to talk about it in about '88. We were hoping to use it to solve all sorts of problems, like with oil exploration and product shipping. But I don't think we were ever successful. Maybe we weren't smart enough to wrote code that allowed learning. But you are right about learning models. If we could get even the mapping programs to do that some of the congestion we are experiencing in driving could be eliminated. Just take some of us a slightly different way than the fastest and we'll all get there sooner. As for not being gobsmacked, perhaps that's because of my career in IT. Or maybe my career in IT was because of my interest in technology. Chicken and egg? In any event, I watch others only half my age ignore the benefits of the tech and shake my head. Why, at the age of 76, am I the one to create the church website, set up the wifi, install the security cameras and the wifi-enabled thermostats? Not that I mind doing it, but I would have thought that the more switched-on young adults would have jumped at the chance.
  2. Maybe Microsoft's Copilot has a long way to go, but you literally turn around and mention Maps doing realtime problem solving on the fly... And with another node of GPT models Carnegie Mellon is groundbreaking in chemistry: https://arstechnica.com/science/2023/12/large-language-models-can-figure-out-how-to-do-chemistry/ Google Maps, and probably Apple Maps, do good problem-solving on the fly. But only to a point. On Sunday when we left the first ER to go to the 2nd ER to get a CT scan we'd had a torrential downpour here in Charleston. What we didn't know, and Google was finding out sporadically, was that the streets between us and the 2nd ER were closing. Janey was seeing the streets close ahead of us and we'd get re-routed, only for the new route to close and another open. We played this game for a while until our daughter called the 2nd ER and found that ALL of the streets to it were closed. So I'm guessing that it was an input issue for Google, that it was getting poor and limited input on which to calculate routes. And yesterday Janey and her sister were in old Charleston and asked me to come and get them. I was tracking her phone and thought I could get dynamic directions to them, but after I hit start they moved and the directions didn't update. I'm surprised, but it didn't work. Still, it is far easier to use either of those mapping systems than the one in either of our vehicles, and both Google and Apple have essentially the latest info where the cars don't. Just try driving through Birmingham with a 10 year old nav system - it doesn't work as all of the roads have changed. So AI is here, and there, but not everywhere.
  3. Don - Welcome to the forum. Glad you joined. However, you may have missed Jim’s email that asked you to post an intro in the New Members Start Here folder before posting elsewhere. We do that because we have our guidelines posted there and want to give you every opportunity to read them as we will hold you to them. So please follow through on that before we get much farther on the ignition switch. However, check out the page at Documentation/Electrical/Ignition and then the Ignition Switch tab. That has the factory shop manual instructions for installing an ignition switch.
  4. I think you are right. Or a Ouija board. The latest is question it posed:
  5. . Yes, that fits perfectly! Artificial Idiot! But thanks, I’m a whole better.
  6. Bill - I see what you are saying and agree. My problem was that I forgot that the IAC/ISC only has one connection to the ECU. So yes, the circuits are as you are saying. Rene - Are you thinking you may have the diodes in opposing each other? That would cause real problems. Below is the 1996 EVTM entry showing the IAC and diode for 5.8L under 8500.
  7. I had to start the engine to get my Saginaw to draw. And when it got low it made horrible noises. But it wasn't out, just low, and topping it up quietened it again.
  8. Tires look good, and will probably work well for what you have planned. Speaking of plans, those sound like fun! What kind of car are you building?
  9. I'm confused. I see Ckt 67 on pin 22 as one side of the ISC, and Ckt 264 as the other side of the ISC. But I cannot find the pin # for Ckt 264. What am I doing wrong?
  10. Rene - I’m out and can’t study this right now, but have tagged Bill. He’s better at this than I, but I’ll check in when I get back.
  11. It was quite the storm. And coming at high tide made it worse. As we went to the first ER at 10 AM the water on either side of the road looked to be about road height. When we got to the ER I got soaked getting in, and we sat as far away from everyone else as we could given my incessant cough, which put us near the door and I felt sprinkles each time someone came or went. The wind was really whipping the palm trees and the rain. The soil here is sandy as well, and the tide probably went out, so when we came out of the 2nd ER at 10 PM we were able to go the normal route to their house. As for Copilot, I'm losing interest. It just won't analyze anything deeply. All I get is superficial answers, and even those aren't very accurate.
  12. Yes, it was a good outcome, in spite of the weather. Now if we can get the rear window in today, and Loctite the helicoils in for the seat bolts, then maybe we can move on to the Blue Top. Duck Ditch!
  13. Yes, the name change didn't fix anything. It still has a long way to go. I'm feeling MUCH better. But we had the storm you were talking about here in Charleston while I was in the ER's. The first ER got to the point where they could see cloudyness in the lungs and recommended a CT scan, which meant we needed to go to the hospital's ER since that one didn't have the equipment. So we headed out because that hospital was only a few blocks away - a few blocks and two bridges. But the approach to the second bridge, known as the "connector", was underwater. All that rain, that was coming down sideways as you said, came at high tide. So Google re-routed us way north and back down into town. Meanwhile our daughter called that hospital and found that all roads to it were closed. So she re-routed us to her hospital out by your sister's place and then met us there. And all of the ambulances that normally would have gone to the two hospitals downtown were rerouted to that one as well. It was a hopping place! All the while I was just wanting to curl up into a ball and go to sleep. But I was the driver, and the nurse at the first place was insistent that I get a CT scan "and don't stop to eat along the way". So we pressed on and in the end got really good results. Everything looks great and the drugs they pumped into me turned things around almost immediately. But the steroids I'm taking have me wired and I can't sleep. So I'm reading the mail and the news, playing with Copilot, etc.
  14. Dirtymac - Glad it drives so well. I think you have a winning combo. Welcome back, Angelo. Or is it Kotter? Thanks for that info. Might use it on Dad's truck, although I thought I had the Sag pump mount sorted. We shall see.
  15. Interesting article, Jim. Very scary! They've apparently reigned it in a bunch as it seems fairly tame at the moment, but it is very, very obvious that this may be Alpha, not Beta. A lot of things on Copilot do not work well at all. I've been playing a lot more with it while recuperating from some virus. (Spent 10 hours in 2 different ER's on Sunday due to a non-relenting non-productive cough and shortness of breath. After 2 EKG's and 1 CT scan they decided I had bronchitis and gave me a Z-pak, a cough syrup with good stuff in it, and a steroid. So my nurse daughter has confined me to the house until maybe this afternoon.) And I've learned a lot - a lot of confusing things. On Windows you can currently get to Copilot via the icon in the tool bar and use it beside any application. But it seems to work best when opened via Microsoft Edge as it can analyze the page you have open - or so it says. And on Edge you frequently get a chance to provide feedback if you push the thumbs-down button, but on Chrome that happens very infrequently. Why am I pressing the thumbs-down button? Because I'm getting inaccurate results. For instance I asked it if the 460 ever got EEC-V and it say no. Luckily that one time in Chrome it gave me the chance to provide feedback and I told them where the documentation is to prove that wrong. And some "advertised" features, like creating charts, are quite limited. I just asked it to give me an activity chart for the forum based on posts per day for the last year and it said "My current capabilities do not include accessing and analyzing data from specific websites in real-time." The last year is real-time? But I did get it to answer the question of "What are the most active forums for Bullnose Ford trucks. And when considering Ford Truck Enthusiasts consider only the activity of the Bullnose section." And the answer was: So I'm learning how to use it, slowly. But it certainly isn't ready for prime time.
  16. Wonderful! But how does it drive? My recent experience with a Bluetop, Borgeson, and that lower column bearing was amazing. Just AMAZING!
  17. Gary said it was possible to get Brandon's 4x4 351 pan out with the engine in place but that it took the lift, a transmission jack and both of them all day to swap his oil pump. Also that he would never again waste his time as it's easier and quicker to pull the engine (in the Garagemahal) I can't really speak about doing it with a Windsor. With a 4x4 460 or 420 IDI definitely not happening. Amen, Brother!!!
  18. I chatted with DRB on Facebook. He said what he’s found is that someone has tightened the through bolt too much and flattened the shaft in that dimension but made it larger in the other dimension. So take a file to it.
  19. Be careful. Big Blue's PMGR starter was able to start that 460 while hooked onto a loaded trailer. The truck was going somewhere.
  20. Not bad! I dinged the one on Big Blue a couple of years ago so am watching for a pristine one - for not much money. $30 is a wonderful price but, as you said, shipping will be expensive.
  21. This area is fine. Hope you get good recommendations, but I don't know any good mechanics in CA.
  22. Thanks for the clarification. I don't have one, but let's see if someone else does.
  23. Yes, you did figure it out and you got your intro posted. Well done! As for your spare tire holder, are you talking about the one that fits in the bed? Or the one under the bed? Our documentation only goes to 1989 as the master parts catalog is a 1980 - 89 version. So I can't tell if a Bullnose one will fit your truck. Do you know? If not, maybe someone else will.
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