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Gary Lewis

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Everything posted by Gary Lewis

  1. Well, that wasn't my intent, but it did cross my mind. But, for those that might be wondering what we are talking about, see the page here: Driveline/Transmissions/Manual Transmissions/ZF5 and the tab on ZF5 Behind A 351M Or 400. It came about when I was installing a ZF5 behind Dad's 351M, which was written up, exhaustively, on FTE.
  2. The M's used different starters than the 385 series (Engines/Starters), and I think that's because the flywheel is ~3/8" further aft on a 385 than it is on an M. But, the more that I think about it I doubt they've been giving him an M's starter. Not three times. He insists that the flywheel is good, but who knows? Yes, it is hard to diagnose sight-unseen. But, this one may not be unseen for too long.
  3. I don't know what the tranny is, but you are right - there are different starters for auto vs manuals on the Windsors. He was pretty interested in it last night. Unfortunately he has a job that must be done before it starts raining tonight, so can't do anything about the truck right now. Perhaps he can over the weekend. (He'd probably get that job done faster if he'd quit trying to educate people on Ford's engine nomenclature. There are lost causes, and then there's that one. )
  4. No, it isn't an M, but that doesn't mean someone didn't sell him a starter for an M. However, it isn't likely it happened three time, I'll admit. Latest text from Brandon shows he's busy at work and can't go get that truck right now.
  5. I just installed the '96-02 disk, and the '96 manual indicates that part as "N807947-S100 Clip". I assume the difference is that the later clip is punched for the RABS wiring retainer. https://supermotors.net/getfile/74200/thumbnail/installed-2.jpg Good to know. Thanks. But that number doesn't show in my 1980-89 catalog either. I wonder if my OCR engine just missed it or if it isn't in there.
  6. Yep. There are MANY errors in the Ford EVTMs; even the later ones. I find one nearly every time I study a new cell. And Haynes carried (probably STILL carries) the error about the IMS through several editions. Yes, and the trouble always is which Ford publication to believe. I think the more specific one is the best bet. In this case the TSB is more specific to a given year, so it would win. But there's also the publication type to consider. I think brochures, which were on the leading edge, are the least reliable, possibly because the folks doing the manufacturing changed their minds after the brochure was printed. So, with that theory I'd say TSB's are the most accurate as they were written last, well after the fact, to correct a known problem.
  7. The last text I had last night he was still texting with the guy, so I didn't get a conclusion. But the truck is just the other side of OKC, and he has a trailer that is in good shape - I know 'cause it went to Florida two years ago right now to get Big Blue. So he may just do it.
  8. William - We are on the same page. All around. From what I know of DUI, they are a good company with good parts. Tim Meyer was excited to be working with them, and although that didn't pan out it wasn't because of their parts being inferior. So finding someone that dials in the dizzy to your engine and has good parts is a plus. I say go for it. Which then begs the question of whether or not you understood Jim/ArdWrknTrk's directions on how to wire up the relay? If not, I can draw it up if that would help.
  9. You are on the map. As for pics, the size limit for no resizing is 1mb. So if you get a popup that says it is too large just hit the Big Size button and load it again. And you can include pics immediately.
  10. Oh, so THAT'S why I got the text. Ok, now I see. One starter from NAPA and two from.... and the text ran out. But, someone on here got three bad solenoids in a row - from two different stores. It can happen.
  11. I can't wait to see the thread on this truck! You've gotta document that thing. But, I fully agree - Ford threw nothing away, so if they ran low of axles for one truck they would substitute. And it appears that's what they did on this one.
  12. There are two starters - one for an auto and one for a manual. And, there's a different starter for a 351M. Mustang ain't far. Nothing like Florida - almost exactly two years ago now. Can that Dodge pull that much?
  13. My push bar says FORD in it, but looks a lot like that one. Those Baja covers are different. But those wipers look strange. What are they?
  14. I haven't had much issue with starters. I know Jim/ArdWrknTrk did on his 460. But haven't heard of them on a 351W - with the exception of something on FB recently on one. I wonder if they've left the shield out from between the tranny and engine. But he said that it "needs to be repositioned, which suggests that it moves. Dunno. Where is it? If you only had a trailer with good brakes and wiring you could go get it.
  15. That is interesting! I'd missed that. But, you are right, that sure implies that only early '84 4.9's didn't get it. That would explain why others I've seen had it. And, I'd guess that the statement in the EVTM just got carried over from year to year. Easy to see that done in such a big organization as Ford.
  16. I agree that the page needs to reference a later one, like that one. If you have it in bmp or jpg I can create the pdf. Easy peasy, and if it is good/crisp enough I can OCR it. Can I pick up your text and add it to the page? On the file name, that's no problem. Now that you've pointed it out I've renamed it.
  17. Yes, 1985 had a number of changes. The paint line changed, as well as the trim. And the interior door panels got new, soft covers. But in 1985.5 there were a number of internal changes, like in the fuel systems. And in '86 the wire colors changed subtly as the old hash marks and dots Ford had used for decades got dropped for just stripes. Then in '86 the idiot light option went away, but the 2G alternator was introduced. Lots of changes.
  18. Those are interesting. Are they mounted on the factory push bar? I have one of those, but haven't used it.
  19. Radiator supports, radiators, and hold-downs changed in '85, as shown here: Cooling Systems/Radiator Support. And, notice the tab on how to use an '85-96 radiator in an '80-84 support.
  20. You are now on the map as well, Angelo.
  21. Yes, there sorta is: Electrical/Lighting/Headlight Wiring Harness. But it doesn't tell you how to build one, although it has a link to a how-to on FTE. But, personally it is easier, cheaper, faster to buy one. Oh, and here's a sort of companion piece: Lighting Upgrades. It is just in a project thread, and I've wondered if it needs to be upgraded and given its own page. The issue, as I see it, is the proliferation of the LED replacement bulbs, which can't work properly in the stock reflectors. Anyway, tell me what you think - and don't worry about my feelings.
  22. Sounds like a LOT of work, but probably well worth it. And, you are on the map.
  23. Yes, welcome! Glad you joined us. Nice truck. You say it is a C6 "for now", but what are the plans? And, where in Michigan? We have a member's map (Bullnose Forum/Member's Map) and I could add you to it if you'd like.
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