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Gary Lewis

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Everything posted by Gary Lewis

  1. It is not my problem. That is a gif and it loads nicely. But the clip I found of slow clapping from Friends won't load 'cause it is over the 1 Mb max size.
  2. Actually, I've changed it again. Now the first two buttons are Ordered List and List Item. But if you used the H2 or H3 buttons before and want them back I'll restore them. The Ordered List button creates start and stop code for an ordered list, meaning a list containing items numbered 1 through N. And the List Item button creates the start and stop code for a single numbered item. Tomorrow I'll create a guide on how to use the buttons, but you can see how it works in the Fancy Schmancy Formatting Thread.
  3. I changed the button that was marked "H2" to "Formatting" - 'cause that's what it is. And, I replaced the button descriptions within that were H2, H3, etc with something that is hopefully more descriptive. Plus, I added verbiage to tell the potential user where to type their text. So, please have a play with that and let me know if it makes sense to you. I find the Indent and Bullet formatting to be very helpful, so wanted you to know what they do and how to use them. Please give them a try. I might be able to make it a bit more explanitory, but will have to learn more formatting code to make the box bigger so's I can get more words in if we need them.
  4. Yeah, on my threads. Is it better than Do we have a need for both?
  5. Ok, there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of interest in this, so maybe I should stop right here and give it a break. But I added: Money Flying: Sarcastic: Thumbs Down: See what y'all think. And we can pick this up later.
  6. Brian - The part you've missed is that the diagrams above are for the original alternator, not the 3G. I only showed them to discuss the shunt. And while I'm on that subject, yes you do need to run a 10 gauge wire between those two maroon circles. The 10 gauge wire is much larger than the shunt and will have essentially no voltage drop across it so the ammeter won't burn out, nor will the shunt. As for the diagram, you are supposed to use the one on the 3G page, shown below for convenience. It is essentially the same as the top diagram in your link. But those are for a truck with a warning light. Unfortunately I don't have one for a truck with an ammeter on the site. And I can't see enough of the lower diagram in your link to know where it is getting its power going to the "I" terminal on the alternator. So, can you get a better pic of that diagram and include the part in the lower right corner?
  7. I'm going to guess that the documentation is wrong. The engine is original, as is the pump. So the belt that you found is surely the right and original one, regardless of what the documentation says.
  8. We don't have many SCUBA tanks around here as many of our lakes aren't very clear. There are a few people that dive, but not that many. But I might could order one. However, I'm going to guess that Scott will have a good idea what his/our friend Ben can do. They are pretty close so I think he'll have some thoughts about that.
  9. Good to know, Rick. I knew something was awry when the catalog said an E2 center cap was right for an '80 and '81 truck. David - That's the right medallion. But wouldn't the cap itself be chrome?
  10. I had a friend that that drove one, and he was about 6'6". Made that truck look like a toy!
  11. Yes, have a safe and fun holiday!!!
  12. He deserves more than a cigar, that's for sure. I certainly appreciate it. Our WelderScott is probably coming over Saturday to put bushings in his 78's front end, and I'll talk to him about the possibilities. Like using an existing welding or some such bottle. Or even making one from an existing bottle.
  13. Yes, you can quote it and see the source, but that requires being a member. Anyone on the internet can right-click the pic and see the link. But, editing it isn't quite that easy as that gif is made up of 15 frames, and each of them has to be edited. I can do that, but maybe later if we don't find one we like better. As for Dearborn, they'll have to go after thousands of others as well. I found that gif in about that many different places, not to mention all of the places that actually use them. So I'm not too worried. And I've found clapping hands, but not slow-clapping hands. But if we can find them they'd be just the ticket. Simple things work pretty well, but complex things not so well.
  14. I don't see 2028 in your kit. Is that washer supposed to replace it?
  15. Thanks, Dane! Here's what I get from that. It doesn't look like a match made in heaven. But I sure appreciate you getting the measurements.
  16. Say, this just gave me an idea! There are two ways to put emoji or gifs on here. The easy way is to click on the Smiley dropdown above and select something. And that's the menu I've been working on. But those have to be very limited in size since they also show in the menu. However, you can copy the URL of something that you like that isn't on the list and paste that into the Insert Image popup. And I could make that easier by hosting various emoji/gifs on the website so you'd know where to go get some of them. In fact, I sorta have as I created a hidden page to house the various emoji I'm placing in the menu. But, I've just added three things that you could easily use. It is on this page: http://www.garysgaragemahal.com/smilies.html. As said, it is hidden 'cause I didn't think anyone would want it, but if you do I can easily un-hide it. Thoughts? And here are the bigger things that are on that page:
  17. Bastille Day is almost upon us, so that rolling head one might come in handy!
  18. Looks like it was a productive day anyway. Well done!
  19. Jim - Are you saying that all you are seeing is the name of the file? Or what? I'd really like a white background for the Ford oval, but haven't found it yet. But this one is far better than one to which you refer. As for the slow-clapping one, I haven't found one yet that I think will work. Basically all that I've found are like the Bronson one - they have to be large in order to know what they are. Can someone give me a link to a good one that is easy to recognize at smiley size?
  20. Added a couple of ROTFL's, but the yellow/blue guy is too hard to see, so I like the rolling head better. Thoughts? Got a better one? :nabble_rotfl-23_orig:
  21. Ok, I'm wrong. The smilies can apparently be of many different formats. So far I've just tried gif and png, and both work fine. So what I've done is to add a 5th row of smilies at the bottom, and I did that by cloning the 4th row. And now I'm working to add new POTENTIAL smilies. Ones that I think may be of use. Then when I get several in there we can discuss them. Or maybe have a poll to see which ones you like and which you don't. Meanwhile, please suggest some. Or tell me you like or don't like some I've added. Plus, tell me if the sizing is correct as I can change that as well. Anyway, here where I am at present: http://www.garysgaragemahal.com/uploads/6/5/8/7/65879365/bronson-32-x-14_orig.gifhttp://www.garysgaragemahal.com/uploads/6/5/8/7/65879365/laughing-25-x-25_1_orig.gifhttp://www.garysgaragemahal.com/uploads/6/5/8/7/65879365/revolving-ford-lozenge-24-x-32_orig.gifhttp://www.garysgaragemahal.com/uploads/6/5/8/7/65879365/money-mouth-face-23x23_orig.pnghttp://www.garysgaragemahal.com/uploads/6/5/8/7/65879365/love-23x23_orig.pnghttp://www.garysgaragemahal.com/uploads/6/5/8/7/65879365/face-with-open-mouth-vomiting-23x23_orig.pnghttp://www.garysgaragemahal.com/uploads/6/5/8/7/65879365/zipper-23x23_orig.pnghttp://www.garysgaragemahal.com/uploads/6/5/8/7/65879365/rimshot-55-x-32_orig.gif But, the first one is too small to be effective. However, it really looks like this: http://www.garysgaragemahal.com/uploads/6/5/8/7/65879365/bronson_orig.gif And the last one is also too small, but it looks like this:
  22. Well, it is still funny. But, now I know it is also true. Cool!
  23. Interesting approach, Steve. Thanks for sharing. But a few questions or comments: Why go with multiple compressors? It looks like that would be more work to install, plumb, wire. But I'm sure you had a good reason. I love the idea of running the air intake to the compressors from the engine air filter. But did you do that in the end? Do your compressors use oil? If so, do you have a catch can, oil filter, etc? And, I like the tie-down hooks. Those would be so handy on a vehicle that is frequently trailered.
  24. A little bit of Subaru trivia: Bi-drive Recreational All Terrain Funny!
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