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Bullnose Forum

Gary Lewis

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Everything posted by Gary Lewis

  1. Jim - I've now shortened the title of the folder to New Members Start Here. And, I've implemented the change Greg suggested, which now puts the same set of links at the bottom of the page as well as the top. See if that helps, please.
  2. I'm going to bring this up again. Not because I don't think it registered with you, but because I didn't see any response. I've asked the folks over at Nabble if we could get numbering of the the posts. But to this point only my friend Greg has responded, and he doesn't work for Nabble. His response was that it probably isn't going to be high on Nabble's radar since they are supposedly developing a new "forum". But in the absence of that we could use the date and time the comment was posted. So I was waiting on a true Nabble response. But apparently that isn't going to happen. So can we live with the date/time stamp approach? On the link back issue, Greg has tested a "fix" on his forum and it appears to show the whole path back on the bottom as it does on the top of the page. I can try to implement that here as well and see if that helps. But then we will have the world's longest breadcrumb: New Members Start Here - Read The Guidelines & Post A Blurb About Yourself. Instead the folder's name should be something like New Members, or possibly New Members Start Here, and put the & Post A Blurb About Yourself explained in the info about the folder. And that's only one of the many helpful suggestions Greg has come back with after studying our forum. As for how and where to collect the info, I don't know. However, we aren't getting much help in this thread. People seem to only respond to new threads. Perhaps that's due to the way this forum works where you have to be subscribed to a thread, or the whole forum, to get an alert by email that a new response has been posted. But I'll leave that to you as I'm running out of time very quickly.....
  3. Congrat's!!!! Glad it worked for you. Jim is right, a whole bunch of this thread could be in the main section rather than in New Members. So if you want, after you start a new thread there about your truck I can move all posts starting with the one where you introduce the issue about the alternator.
  4. Looks good, Dane. I've not used a tee like that for fear of not getting an accurate reading since the sender isn't in the flowing coolant. But maybe you can disprove that by using an infra-red thermometer on the thermostat housing and compare that to the gauge? Perhaps my worries have been for naught.
  5. Yes, Steve has been there, done that. You can too.
  6. You have/make good points. I grant that there's an issue/problem here. And I do want to sort it. But I think there are a lot of things in play at the same time that I'm not able to tease apart, so it looks really complex. On the one hand there's a seemingly simple problem where in a thread in a sub-forum, meaning the folders on the main page, there is a menu at the top of the page that includes a link to both the Bullnose Forum as well as a link back to that folder. For instance in the New Members Start Here folder each thread has this link at the top of the page: Bullnose Enthusiasts › New Members Start Here - Read The Guidelines & Post A Blurb About Yourself. But at the bottom of the page there's just the link to get back to the sub-forum, meaning New Members Start Here - Read The Guidelines & Post A Blurb About Yourself. That's a simple problem and is, I think, where you started. And if that were to be solved it might get people out of the New Members Start Here folder. Right? But you are alluding to other problems. And while I don't doubt that there are other problems, I don't know what they are. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, I have my buddy from the Nabble Support forum, the guy from the UK that solved the smiley problem, telling me that the whole forum and website are fraught with problems. Given the family plans that are on the horizon, I'm not going to get to the bottom of things with my Nabble buddy any time soon, and he holds the keys to sorting out things like the difference in links at the top and bottom of pages. So can you, Jim, try to put together a list of issues from people on here while I work with Greg/Nabble in the background? If you want to start a new thread asking for their input please do so and explain that I've asked you to do it.
  7. The only odd part is that the chart says 83/up and the truck in question is an 81. Mistake in the documentation? Likely...lol. In any case, that 4 is a new one on me. I've seen the 2 before, but not the 4. I would agree - that's probably another mistake in the documentation. Here we have an '81 that has a "4" in that field and yet the documentation says that can't happen. Yet it did.
  8. Gary, it's up closer to the top on the axle ratios page...but it says it refers to the front axle? I know 2 and 3 are front axle, but this being a 2wd truck... THANK YOU! I knew it sounded familiar, but looked right over it.
  9. There were three levels of heater or A/C in some years:Heater: These had only floor & windshield registers and no vents in the dash. High/Low Vent: These systems had the vents of the heater plus vents in the dash. So you could direct cool air on you from the outside. But no A/C. A/C: This added an A/C system to the High/Low Vent
  10. Yep. Clamp the sweep in place and drill a hole. Insert a rivet to align things and clamp it there. Then drill again.
  11. Cory - I'm with you on the 17 being a 2.47 ratio. And while I am sure you are right, I don't see the bit about 4. Where is that? I put it somewhere, but where?
  12. Don't use staples! The plastic is brittle and may break. DAHIK. Instead, use pop rivets. And use a washer on the far end to spread the load.
  13. LOL! Yes, we do. And I’m not fully reading/comprehending as I’m at the marina cleaning the boat in order to take the g-twins out for skiing. This is the first outing for the boat this year due to all the rain and the height of the lake. And some kind soul had unplugged the extension cord to the HF chargers. Fortunately it started. Then I found that the cooling system has another crack in it. We had the same piece replaced two years ago due to a crack. According to one of the guys here in spite of draining it as Mercruiser says I should turn the engine over after draining it to blow the water out. But we should be good today as it just goes in the bilge and there’s not a big leak. 😳
  14. Yes. But I said area. Then I multiplied that by the length. 😉
  15. I agree fully. But the easiest way to approximate the area of an oval was to use a rectangle. And that is best-case on sizing.
  16. Actually, the top of the page has a link to Bullnose Enthusiasts and to New Members.... But the bottom of the page only has the link to New Members. So, if we got the bottom to have both links wouldn't that do it?
  17. An oval tank would be limited to the ~26" length. The 13.5 gallons comes from a 8 x 26" tank of 5.7 gallons and an 8 x 36" tank of 7.8 gallons. The longer tank is on the outside as it will clear the front spring hanger, and the shorter tank is on the inside and is between the spring hanger and the front of the bed. A rectangular tank of 8 x 16" x 26" would hold 14.4 gallons. But that's rectangular and not oval. So I'm not sure an oval 16 x 26" tank would be any bigger than the two round tanks at 13.5 gallons. And, it might have to be made of thicker material given the longer run on the top and bottom, so might be heavier overall. On the other hand, the round tanks have more surface area.
  18. We didn't check his box, but the RedHead has a painted line where the setting is now and a big disclaimer that says that if you change it you void the warranty. So he needs to work with Bluetop before making any adjustments.
  19. Oh no!!! That's awful! I'm so sorry. That is going to be a hard decision to make, but isn't it going to take a lot more than $25K to replace what you have?
  20. Jim - I don't know when I'm going to have time to shoot a good pic of one of the gels so you can find the font, but I certainly will do it. And, I do appreciate the offer. The issue is that things are about to get very BUSY for our family, and in a good way. We are going to have the whole family together for over a week, and we are in the count-down phase of that right now. Steve - It doesn't look like that barrel is going to work. The max height/girth I want is 8" and those things are much bigger - right? All - Which takes me to my conversation yesterday with WelderScott and fabricator Ben about tanks and bottles. (Which, I should add, was cut short by someone coming by and reminding me that we had a meeting about to start. ) Scott said that he'll give me plenty of the steel oxygen bottles as they've gone over to aluminum and no one wants them. The bottles are maybe 4" in diameter and 24" long, which my calculations say would be 1.3 gallons. I think I could put 4 of them side-by-side and stack them 2 high for a total of 8 bottles, which would be 10.4 gallons by my calcs. On the other hand, Ben said he could make one-off tanks of any size. So, I could design two side-by-side 8" diameter tanks, one ~26" long and one ~36" long. And my calc's say that would give a total of 13.5 gallons. I could draw them up on CAD and include the brackets for mounting, probably to the frame, as well as the bungs into which I'd put the various fittings. And, I could include a skid plate. And speaking of drawings, Ben said he hopes to get to my bumper soon.
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