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Everything posted by BigBrother-84

  1. Ah, ok, just 'cause of the name. Nothings to see with the bow tie origin… Pretty sure there was never any Chevy manufactured in France, nor in Europe. But ok, let’s say it’s a French truck.
  2. Congrats! Lot of fun ahead!
  3. You're right Larry. I just don’t remember which one I bought. Will send picts in couple of days.
  4. Rene, I bought one in good shape when I was planning to install a «factory installed» cruise control in Big Brother. But I finally found a NOS «dealer installed» kit and I installed this one. So I have almost all the parts required for a «factory installed» cruise. I’ll give a look in my stock this week (probably Thursday or Wednesday). I can send you some pictures.
  5. Guys, I’m lost. Why a '50 Chevy is considered as a «French» truck? Citroën, ok. But Chevrolet?
  6. Congrats guys! I suppose you’re taking good notes and pictures to remember how to put it back… fonctional.
  7. The cardboard is flexible enough to pry and it goes through an open door. I did it. Here are some picts I found from Big Brother’s restoration: If your cardboard can’t be reinstalled, I’d try with a thin Coroplast board (not too thick so it will stay flexible enough). They also produce fabric laminated boards, maybe this can do the job?
  8. Thanks so much Jonathan and Gary for sharing these wonderful pictures and memories!
  9. This is the Crew Cab ordeal: Anything behind the front seat is impossible to find. For the ceiling vault (the delaminated fabric hanging on our heads), I took it to a upholsterer and he glued a new padded fabric on it. He kept the original cardboard. The result is almost identical to the original.
  10. Local VitroPlus-Zeibart shop is owned by a friend. He came home with an assistant and installed new Big Brother’s windshield right here in the barn. Perfect job, absolutely no issue.
  11. Personal playlist items for me on the drive lol figured I drop em in the pot. Jason Abbott Andrew Gilbreath
  12. Gary, maybe I’m missing something… Does the spare go there? If so, you have to pull it off each time you need to drop the tail gate? And what about the license plate visibility?
  13. Lol! When my 3 were kids, I was driving a “super viril” Montana 7 places. I admit that the gang (plus the dog) would have feel a “little cramped” in a 6th gen Bronco.
  14. Maybe ‘cause of my soft-heart and nostalgic side, but I really like (to not say love) this 6th gen “mimic” look. Matter of taste…
  15. Just an update, to inform you that… I have no update. Two weeks after my email to LMC’s Customer Support, no sound, no image from them.
  16. Hooray! I finally got all the main puzzle pieces! 1- Cluster Amp meter converted to Volt meter 2- Plug’n Play harness (thanks to Gary!) 3- 130A 3G alternator 4- 2.5 seconds LRC Voltage Regulator Will proceed to the swap somewhere during my summer vacations (which begin next weekend). But first I will have to rebuild the C-610 connector (that was cancelled and jumped somewhere in Big Bro’s past life). Thanks (again!) to Gary, I have a good shape part to install. I will document the whole process with picts and comments. I’ll certainly need your advices as the project will go on! See you!
  17. Thanks Gary for the video. Don’t know why but I was (wrongly) under the impression that the LRC regulator was cutting completely the voltage and that the alternator was running “in free wheel” for 2.5 secondes. Interesting!
  18. I often feel “alone” here, in the Laurentian Mountains… Just look at the members map and you realize that Bullnose aficionados are really distant from each other, North of the US border. Thanks to this forum, I too have access to a nice garage with friends helping me! We are a lot here to be grateful to you, Gary!
  19. Are we really going to be relying on so much magic, Harry? Hoping there is still remaining a bit of techno behind the scene…
  20. Perfect timing for me Gary, I’ll be on vacation for 3 weeks beginning next weekend. You can count on me as member of your test pilots crew.
  21. Gary, this is the right move… for US guys. We, poor foreign Bullnose owners, don’t have access to Bluetop. They are only shipping within the United States.
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