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Everything posted by BigBrother-84

  1. Lol! But isn't a "snorkel add on" a too simplistic challenge for you?
  2. Gary, Here is a different project that could solve your water/intake issue and amuse you for a while. One more step in Big Blue's transformation. Just have to design a telescopic ladder to jump in-out the cab and the bed.
  3. Yessir! Going throughout «Documentation/Picture Galleries/Dad’s Truck» does the job. 👍 Thanks!
  4. Ok, thanks! 👍 Probably going to have time today, after family left.
  5. Good to know, thanks Gary. Although I hope to not have to take them off, I'll memorize your trick!
  6. Jim, yes I plan also to do a battery load test, as you suggested. And for the paper clip, I didn't see that trick during my search. What tutorial are you talking about?
  7. Gary, this link in your text: «... and you get there by About Me/Trucks I Have Known/Dad’s Truck - Overview.»
  8. Gary, Tried your Dad's Truck link, got 404.
  9. Guys, many thanks for your help! We presently have a gathering of family, cousins, children & spouses, couple of kids (and lot of dogs 🙄) at home. 🥳🎉 They arrived Saturday and everybody leaves tomorrow (Tuesday), so going to have time for Big Brother. I plan to: 1- Recheck and tighten every contact (battery, grounds, starter, relay). 2- Verify the voltage at battery, and between battery and relay poles. 3- Unplug the S wire and jump the relay +|- poles, and therefore see if the starter and battery work well. 4- «Light continuity tester» between battery negative pole and S wire, to check if the starting wires/switch work well. 5- If required, change the relay (but all car parts are closed here for couple of days). I will update you on my progress!
  10. Thanks Jim for the precision! Not so cold. Night 5°F, day 20°F. Last winter I had to change the battery after a whole week under -22°F, the old battery was frozen. The battery looks very good, testing the charge indicates complete full charge. I'll continue to investigate, although a new relay isn't really expansive. Won't spend a lot of time before trying a new one... I just hope this is not a fusible link or other "no evidence" issue.
  11. Hi Gentlemen! Hoping everybody has nice Holiday! Big Bro refuse to start Yesterday I wanted to take him out for the Christmas picture, but had a lot of difficulty to start. After successfully started, I had this nice idea of stopping the engine to "see" if Big Bro will start easier... Total fail, nothing goes. Battery fully charged but same behavior as if the battery was too low. Low lights, one unique "clonk" at key startup, ceiling light yellowing. I feel that insisting to start burned something... I am planning to test the relay, but not sure about this jumping test: I understand I have to disconnect the push-on wire, but not clear what to jump. Anyone can clarify this for me? Thanks!
  12. Merry Christmas people! 🎅🎄 Pict of BigBro in the snow to come, but the guy is stalled in its garage. Electrical startup problem, battery fully charged but same behavior as if the battery was too low. Low lights, one unique "clonk" at key startup, ceiling light yellowing. I guess the solenoid, but have people at home, no time for investigation. Maybe tomorrow!
  13. My frosted barn. Horses stayed in today. 🥶
  14. Boy, we're preparing here for this giant storm, we're about to fall in winter in a strong and instant way. But here (Quebec) we use to deal with snow and cold temperatures. But looking at the news, seems that a lot of our US friends are under very unusual temps for them. Lot of you guys are supposed to have mild temps (around 45-50°F) and are now as low as 10°F. Hoping everybody is ok. 🤞
  15. Nice trucks! Thanks for sharing these pictures!
  16. John, this looks as a really strange Frankenstein assembly. 🧐 Looks as if a Ford van towing a boat on a trailer went through a Star Trek teleportation hub, but something went wrong and they fused at the exit. Similar as «The Fly» movie. Edit: Found that they call it a "boaterhome". The van is fused with the trailer, but the boat is separated. Why keep it simple when you can do so complicated!
  17. John, this looks as a really strange Frankenstein assembly. 🧐 Looks as if a Ford van towing a boat on a trailer went through a Star Trek teleportation hub, but something went wrong and they fused at the exit. Similar as «The Fly» movie.
  18. For sure John! We'll finally have a White Christmas, ideal for Holidays picts! 🎄
  19. I agree. We live in a light speed world, in which reading a text (on top of that a technical one) is too much time consuming. Images have much better impact, and "moving images" are at top. If you really want to capture visitors attention, maybe an iPad sitting on the radiator support, with a loop slide show of your best pictures, a front cover from Troy, and your voice explanation in back ground, could have a huge success. Even the shiniest truck exposed too close from BigBlue with a dull old fashion 8 1/2 x 11 in the window will fade away. It's all about seduction, the game is never a fair one, no?
  20. I am afraid that «etc» is the key word... Gary, a single book won't suffice, you're going to need at least a trilogy, probably a quadrilogy, and more likely an encyclopedia. The truck will disappear behind a wall of picts and text. Lot of typing to come! And you'll need to find a different title, ´cause «The Neverending Story» is already used by someone else.
  21. Well, Gary, kind of for Big Brother too. My friend "carb specialist" came back last weekend, because I had trouble with cold start since the beginning of colder weather this winter. He made quick choke adjustment, but we concluded that my major issue is because Big Brother stays in his garage two to four weeks between each start. One pedal pumping isn't enough, he is missing gas. Now I know that, I pump 4-5 shots before cold start and everything goes well. They were announcing a snow storm for today, so Big Brother and I urged to tow the manure trailer yesterday evening, before the snow (when I came back from office, ). The trailer was not balanced (very heavy on the front), Big Bro was pointing a bit to the moon... Otherwise, this strong guy has driven as if was towing air.
  22. Wow, music cassettes with Ford part numbers, never imagined it could exist!
  23. I also have extra items I wanna give to Forum friends (external mirrors, for exemple), just have to pay shipping. When I did a cleanup of my workshop, I gave some items to my local junkyard, hoping somebody could give them a second life. I am wondering if we could have a kind of "free market" topic where to post this kind of announcement. Don't know how it could be structured, so a registered member looking for something could go see there before digging the web. When no more available, maybe just delete the post... Any advice about such a "parts lounge"? Is it worth the effort, too complicated? Or simply just not a required feature?
  24. I would say... obsessed? Or little cracked? Certainly dotty. Know what? I realize it's been a long time that I am so "straight". When I was kid, I widely preferred my classic Matchbox that were like "normal cars" and didn't play a lot with the sport HotWheels chromed with flames and other jacked BigWheels I had. Maybe I should consult a psy? EDIT: In fact, I am preparing for the next "closest to stock" trophy.
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