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Everything posted by kramttocs

  1. Not sure on the cfm since eBay lists them at 2150. Even at 0 resistance that's much higher than big name brands and I can't see them throwing in some miracle fans as part of a radiator combo. This shroud may very well be too restrictive as I agree the cruising behavior is suspect. I've seen some mention of rubber flappers (where the slots on mine are) to fully open when cruising. In the current state, not giving those slots much credit, a large area of the radiator is covered by a flat wall which can't flow well vs the funnel like factory shroud. I've heard the same about those OEM fans. For anyone else trying that's what I'd suggest also. This just kind of morphed from a fitment test and at this point if the SPAL fan doesn't work I am done putting money into the idea. Will go back to what worked and throw the shroud back in the corner.
  2. Definitely planning on bringing it Some photos: Wire routing and terminal block Sensor installed in intake near thermostat housing Controller installed. Hard to see. The display is easy to read when looking over the fender though Wired up Sadly, I don't feel comfortable using this setup as-is. I did a first test in my shop with an outside temp of 93 and no air movement in the shop. Fans came on and were able to cool it down to where they shut off but it wasn't quick. Kicking the a/c on though and the temps slowly crept up with them seeming to level off at 199. While not at risk of overheating yet, I want the temp to drop and the fans to cycle like the stock fan does. I then took it for a drive. Even when driving 65 the temps stayed around 198 with the fans not shutting off. This put the gauge between M-A. Still going 65 I turned the A/C on (was a hot drive prior to that) and the gauge went up to A-L. Pulled it in the shop and immediately checked it while idling and it was at 204. Far cry from it previously being between O-R with it creeping up to M-A with A/C on but then going back down when the clutch kicked in. I don't mind the temps getting hotter than previously as I think it was running a bit cool but I want to know that the fans can bring them back down. Since these are the cheap ebay fans I decided to try a better SPAL fan before I call it quits and go back to mechanical. Just did one because I didn't want to spend double on something that might not work and I also want to have both kinds running side by side to see if there is a noticeable difference.
  3. I don't have any great ideas but very interested in what you figure out. Been staring at your photos and the ones in the FTE link but nothing new is coming to mind.
  4. Looking for any specific states? Pretty sure I have one from MO off my Ninja but it's a recent one (i.e. nothing neat). Welcome to it but no problem if you want something more unique.
  5. Can't recall if this was already referenced or not but some info: https://www.ford-trucks.com/forums/1522843-how-to-and-product-review-spectra-ac-condenser.html I am not sure what would give if you try to bend it. Afraid it would stress and fracture where the side pipe goes into the main unit.
  6. Hey Tim - understand but sad to hear it and even sadder that you are so far away That is the truck I looked a long time for a couple years ago. My first thoughts would be FB Marketplace and CList but there's also the online auctions (Ebay, BaT).
  7. Thanks Gary. That's the R doc I had checked and is extremely useful. Really thought it would have them. I'll check again tomorrow but all the photos I found for the numbers were the truck side of the molding.
  8. Thanks for checking on this. Sadly I haven't been able to find an eng number. Have looked through the 'R' fastener reference, called LMC to see if they had a cross reference, checked with ebay sellers, performed various other online searches but no luck. This one is similar to the yellowish ones you found but instead of a hole for the pop rivet, these have a prong that goes into the truck similar to the over-the-wheelwell trim.
  9. Good point Jim - the Tips and Techniques is a better place for this. Forgot they were under there
  10. We have a Resources section For bolts, anti-seize is commonly used. I use it on some things but I use blue loctite more often than not. I also like the ARP fastener lubricant. I've only ever put some oil on the distributor o-ring and surrounding area but I don't see why one couldn't put the aluminum anti-seize on the housing. Never done it so will rely on others to chime in.
  11. Reservations made. Thanks Gary for setting that up.
  12. Anyone know a place to purchase this plastic piece that goes into the trim itself? Been watching LMC for a year and they seem to always be out. Plus shipping is more than a handful of these are. Probably should just reuse the old at this point but would like to find fresh. LMC: 40-1665
  13. The whole time I was thinking: "I should be taking photos" Thanks for the temp confirmation! Yes - actually the controller has a built-in a/c trigger wire for that purpose or if one wanted to manual override the fans. I had already reworked Circuit 348 to go through a relay in the ssVEC before the pressure switch when I added the vacuum switch (rpm boost at idle) so I added this to that relay's output as well. The 10s delay is to reduce the amp spike by having the two fans staggered. It won't come on if the temp has dropped already and both turn off together. So fan 2 runtime is fan1-10s. The big question is still whether or not the fans will be able to handle it in all situations
  14. That's entirely understandable. Not always enough hours in the day or Saturdays in the week
  15. When you get your booth number, let me know. I hope to be there on the Friday.
  16. While the alignment leaves a little to be desired, you are right - those L&L brackets are thick chunks of metal. Got the fan controller installed today but am waiting on a terminal block to finish it up followed by some cable management. The 0444 (or 0445) is pretty nice. For the record the leads are 18". The fan leads are also 18" but no matter what config I tried there wasn't a way to install the controller without requiring an extension somewhere. Ended up removing the soldered fan leads (can't recall now if 14 or 16 awg) and soldering longer 12 awg wire to the motor terminals to avoid the inline extension. The controller is installed on one of the passenger side core support buttresses allowing the 18" fan power leads to reach the top passenger corner of the fan shroud which is where I am installing the Blue Seas 4 post terminal block. The new fan wires will meet them here. Terminal block and sensor adapter (1/4npt to 3/8npt for the intake) should be here tomorrow. One nice benefit of the 0444 is that it provides a digital current temperature readout. The instructions say that once up to operating temp set the fan turn on value to 18 degrees F above that. I have a 180 thermostat so guess I'll start out at 198 and adjust as needed. This would cause fan 1 to turn on when the intake coolant temp is 198, fan 2 comes on 10 seconds later and both shut off when 189.
  17. Nice job! Those hardware kits are well worth it if the brakes haven't been serviced in a while. Beats dealing with grimy parts or waiting on the parts washer if time sensitive.
  18. Do you have access to one of those wand type leak detectors that squeals? My neighbor and I used his when redoing the 86. It showed us that a fitting wasn't snug and was pretty accurate about it.
  19. I went down the spectra route as well but never was happy so ended up sticking with the original. For the shims I went to Lowes and grabbed a few of the vinyl plank samples in various thickness. Then used a scrollsaw to cut the pattern out.
  20. Maybe someone used it as a body shim just because it was handy? I would sit it aside and use it to level the core support if needed
  21. Do these need to be in our possession before or after we arrive at the hotel?
  22. Looks great! Thanks for doing that - not a big deal but saves some real estate. If we want to move these posts to Search Tools we can since I derailed the original purpose. I think you turned off the magnifying glass one (Weebly) in the top right as I don't see that icon anymore. Here are the two I am referring to. I hid the "header" div so I could screen capture them. I think the top one should go since it's never really been accessible. The freefind was but the header must have grown a bit with the logo since it's now covered. From a clean perspective I think just Weebly and Nabble should survive but I know you found a learning curve when searching in Weebly using quotes.
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