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Gary Lewis

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Everything posted by Gary Lewis

  1. Well, mark another one up for Bill. The brace was turned around backwards, and when I put it on correctly there was a ~5/8" gap between it and the header. So I cut a 3/4" piece off of the 3/4" diameter stick of stainless rod, drilled it 3/8", and it fit perfectly. Here's a shot with a 3" G5 stainless bolt torqued to 30 lb-ft: And here's a shot showing that with the header bolt torqued down there's still a bit of adjustment left where the bracket hits the pump: Then I added the pulley. Note that the tag says that all of this came from a 1990 E350, and by "this" I mean the aluminum bracket the pump is bolted to, the pump, the pulley, and the brace in back. Thanks again, Jonathan!!! And this shows that with pulley installed as the book calls for, flush with the shaft, the alignment with the water pump pulley is perfect.
  2. Ok, thanks. I'll see what I can find.
  3. No sir, there is not, not that I'm aware of at least. Lots of people have been looking for them too. (Are you taking notes Keith???...lol.) I replaced my steering shaft with a used one from a 1987-1991 Bricknose pickup. They had a dry upper joint and the lower rag joint is a bonded/molded rubber. Cory - This is going to sound strange coming from me, but do you have a part number for that? (Yes, I can look it up if you don't have it, but wanted to make sure.) But I have turned this place upside down and cannot find the shaft that was on Big Blue, so I'm going to replace it with one of the later ones.
  4. We are not going to delete your account. And I'm sure the guys here are quite willing to help you. But we need to know that you are going to be willing to play by the guidelines. And disregarding the directions you were given, twice, does not make us feel like you will. But go back to my questions. Do you need to replace the carb with the same one to meet emissions? If not, there are better YF carbs that will bolt right on. On the other hand, why does it need to be replaced. Can it be rebuilt? We can probably help you with that as well.
  5. Those are the good diversions. I wish our kids were close enough to do that. Thought we were going to have live-in grandtwins but that didn't happen. But I have got a lot done on the truck.
  6. Yes, that is excellent progress! And you've basically worked out the kinks, at least the ones in the implementation if not the ones in your back and shoulders. I think you've done a great job. It should last well and keep the mice at bay as well. As for the length of projects, I fully understand what you said. Mine go far longer than I wish they would, but usually not more then twice as long as I expect.
  7. The email you got said, and I quote, "You will then be taken to the New Members Start Here folder where we ask you to start a new thread/topic in that folder about yourself and your truck." You have come to the right folder, and I guess posting about your carb might be construed to be about your truck. But you said nothing about yourself. So let's give you another chance. I'll respond about your carb and if you respond about yourself we are ok. Do you know if the carb is original to the truck? I've checked the master parts catalog and didn't find 7598 nor 7652, as a carb or anything else. Do you have emissions testing where you live? If not, do you really want to go back with the same carb? Some here have had very good success going with an earlier carb that was not jetted for emissions.
  8. I'm sorry, but you did not follow the directions you were sent. You were asked to "Please read guidelines, below my signature, and then click this link to say that you agree to adhere to them: I agree to adhere to the guidelines. You will then be taken to the New Members Start Here folder where we ask you to start a new thread/topic in that folder about yourself and your truck." Until you've done that you are not to post anywhere else. Why? Because if you don't you may never see the guidelines. And we hold people to the guidelines. Some have been banned for not adhering to them, and we do not want that to happen to you. So please follow the directions and post in the New Member Start Here folder. Then we can address your question.
  9. One of these days I'll remember to check the documentation here before I post. Thanks. Not too worry. I'm probably the only one that knows where things are hidden and I've realized even I don't know where everything is.
  10. I believe you. I wonder how many others have that problem. Maybe I need to convert a whole bunch of pages to non-clickable. I'll look around. Anyway, that was an easy fix!
  11. That is a page called Interior. For it to come up is as if you are clicking on it. But there is nothing on that page of interest. And subsequent to creating that page I've learned out to make a non-clickable page that just is a placeholder in the menu. So I just created a new non-clickable Interior page and deleted the old one. Please see if that makes a difference.
  12. Our page at Documentation/Electrical/Radio says there was one antenna. And I know it didn't telescope. Here's the whole thing with lead-in: Here's the replacement mast:
  13. Why not remove springs from the rear? You'll get a better ride and reduce the rake w/o having to spend money. From all I've read, doing much of anything to the TTB up front is likely to cause alignment problems. But dropping the rear shouldn't.
  14. Man, that is a huge PAIN! I was just thinking that the whole menu system needs attention 'cause the old guy with the memory of an elephant just told me about a file that had the pages in the wrong order and it took a LONG time for me to find out where the page is. And now you tell me you can't even see what pages are out there. We need a team to reorganize things. It would need to have someone with excellent organizational skills on it. Someone that understands how Ford did things. And someone that know about what is possible on websites, and particularly Weebly website. HELP!
  15. WHAT!?!?!?!?!? You can't see the stuff that's far down the menu???? Man, that's awful! Please tell me that I misunderstood. Here's what is there:
  16. You are on a roll this morning! You ought to get a commission. Wonder how many people on here and FTE (I'm assuming you are posting there as well) you've found parts for.
  17. Thanks, Jim. We do have a section on seatbelts: Documentation/Interior/Seatbelts. And there are part numbers there, which can then be looked up in the new Standard & Utility Parts Catalog. However, to save time I've snagged the pic below of the section from the SUPC that contains the seatbelt bolts. Would it be helpful if I put that on the Seatbelts page so people didn't then have to go look them up?
  18. Yes, that is true and a very good point if you are junk yarding. However if one were searching there might be NOS E0's available. And if having that number would help, I could get it.
  19. Probably best as the POR will turn whiteish with the UV the radiator support will see.
  20. I just had to jump in. I've added "one of the" to your statement above, Cory, because since that part number is E9 there has to have been an E0-prefaced part number, and maybe even another one before 1989, meaning E9. I don't know what it is, but can find out if anyone wants to know. And the reason for knowing is that you might run across one NOS and w/o that part number you won't know what the thing is or if it'll fit.(And if I go find it I should put it in my MPC and on that page so we will know next time.)
  21. Good job, Vaughn! Thanks for the write-up. It will surely help someone at some point who is struggling getting one of these things going. Who know, it may be me! Is the yellow arrow pointing to your vacuum canister? That's pretty! But it looks like it is mounted on the rare aux battery mount. Is that what it is?
  22. Man, I love those sunrise decals! They sure do look good, and no one is going to miss that truck.
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