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Bullnose Forum

Gary Lewis

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Everything posted by Gary Lewis

  1. Oh good Gary. It was 730am Tuesday morning, so I'm past the 72 hr mark now and starting to come around OK. Went for my first short drive today to go to the mailbox and grab some treats for the dogs lol. No heavy lifting for a while, so my truck work is going to be moving at a slow pace for the next several weeks. Prayers answered, Cory.
  2. Gary, I had every intention of helping...I am home doing nothing anyway (recovering), but I guess I should have set an alarm because I forgot to show up lol. Sorry about that. No problem, Cory. How's the recovery going?
  3. Nothing's special? Got the rebuilt Saginaw pump on today. Quite a battle given the lack of clearance there to use the pulley puller and then put it back on. But save for the brace, it is bolted in. However, the return on this pump points down, as shown below, where the one I took off pointed up. So I'm going to have to do some rerouting with the return lines. Maybe I can make it better as I didn't really like what I had before. We shall see.
  4. Probably is. And a not very smart one at that, pricing something that is questionable at half again what a new one would be.
  5. Wow! That was a fast 5 minutes! So, how many of you helped? That would help me understand the numbers. Here's CPU, and we just barely exceeded 10% utilization: Incoming Network: Outgoing Network:
  6. Not sure whether you agree with me that buying an unused-but-old one for $625 instead of a new one for $425 is crazy, or whether you are confused by my confusion.
  7. Yes, it is EXPENSIVE! And why would anyone want an old, albeit never-installed, dash pad for that price when a new one, made out of newer materials, is 2/3 that price?
  8. Good idea!!! Yes, that would help. But doing searches may be the most CPU-intensive things to do. Thanks! And, by the way and I'm sure you know this, just having the tabs open doesn't require anything on the server end. But refreshing them does. And then clicking any links shown on that page, and the next, and the next. Plus, searches take CPU more than displaying pages. So the pecking order is probably searches, then serving up pages with lots of pics or documents (Big Blue's Transformation Pg 1 for instance), then pressing "Post Message", and last would be for you to read a page or type a response. So, if you want to you could respond with one-word responses and post them. You can post on any of the threads ON THE TEST FORUM and not hurt anything. But ONLY ON THE TEST FORUM. We'll wind up writing over the test forum before we go live, so nothing that gets posted will be saved. So, I'm going to have several tabs open and responses typed in on them that include pics and documents. Then I'll hit Post Message on each of them a few seconds after noon and then do searches, click on links, etc.
  9. Good idea!!! Yes, that would help. But doing searches may be the most CPU-intensive things to do. Thanks!
  10. I'm exploring how to show the forum, and one option is supposedly to put it in a post. Let's see: Bullnose Enthusiasts TEST Forum
  11. At 12:00 CST, meaning basically in two hours from now, I am going to run a stress test on the TEST forum. Not this forum, but the TEST one that you get to here: http://bullnose-enthusiasts-forum.7.gabbleforum.org/. (Click that link and I think you'll be automagically logged in. Do NOT use the link in the menu as it doesn't seem to let you log in.) I need anyone that will to go there right at 12:00 CST and look at everything for 5 minutes. Don't worry about posting as that doesn't really take much bandwidth or CPU cycles, although you can if you want. But run searches, which probably take the most CPU. Load pages as fast as you can. Click from page to page. Don't bother to read as that doesn't load the server. Maybe load up the first page of Big Blue's Transformation, go to something else, and come back again. Please join me in hitting it hard for 5 minutes.
  12. Thanks, but no. If it was a Bronco, maybe. But I have enough holes in my head.
  13. Yep, and one way to properly rotate your pics is to open them in an editor app and then save them. The editor usually recognizes the camera's orientation code and rotates it, but if not you can rotate it manually. Then save it, but save it as a file about 500 Kb as anything larger than 1 Mb can't be uploaded to the forum.
  14. You don't see those for sale all that often. Too many people don't bother to put them back.
  15. That's a lot of truck for the price. Appears to be capable of driving home.
  16. That's interesting! But the slow down/speed up on the hills must have been a bear.
  17. Yes, I put that on the one that is embedded on the website. On the one in the link I called it the Bullnose TEST Forum and put: The issue is that if people try to join we won't get email notification thereof. Nor will they get the email they need to get in order to prove ownership of the email address they used. So there's no way to join. But people might try. Until we get the issue of not being able to log on to the one in the menu above, please use this one: http://bullnose-enthusiasts-forum.7.gabbleforum.org/
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