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Gary Lewis

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Everything posted by Gary Lewis

  1. John - Yes, the lagoon is natural geothermal. I'd forgotten that. We were there on our way to a cruise in the Baltic. We opted for a couple of days in Iceland, staying in Reykjavik but touring much of the island. And we don't remember any trees. In fact, if I remember correctly the Vikings that settled Iceland stripped the land of trees to build ships. As for the weather here in Okiehoma, we've been having a very mild winter with most storms going either north or, oddly enough, south of us. But this one isn't missing us. And its brother is coming in on Tuesday evening to bring more snow. Apparently it won't warm up until maybe the weekend. So I have plenty of time to get a few things done on BB. Gotta get the switches wired up, a couple more wires run out under the hood for the backup lights, and then wire up the radio when it gets in. Really looking forward to having all of that done. Then the next jobs are: Ox locker actuator: Need to install the electric motor that pulls the cable to lock the front diff. Fog lights: Need to add a relay to power the fog lights Backup lights: Need to tap into the backup light circuit behind the tranny switch, run that to a relay controlled by the switch in Mission Control, and then run that back to the trailer connector as well as the future aux backup lights. Air compressor: Then it is time to take the HF compressor apart and install the tank under the bed, the pump in the tool box, and plumb it up. After all that, about all I can think of that I need to do to have BB ready is to take him up to my nephew and have him make the A/C system work. (Hard to believe that at negative outside temps I'm thinking about A/C.)
  2. Yes, congrat's! For $400 you can't go wrong. Quad shocks and solid over all. That's a good buy. But Jim's gotta like it so he won't have the only '87 on here.
  3. Well, I learn something every day. Wikipedia says "A sex bolt, (also known as a barrel nut, barrel bolt, binding barrel, Chicago screw, post and screw or connector bolt)." http://www.garysgaragemahal.com/uploads/6/5/8/7/65879365/thinking-26_orig.jpg
  4. Ok folks, I need you to review something for me. PLEASE! But, before I 'splain what it is let me 'splain my cunning plan. I'm going to present these ways to do it: with a warning light or with a voltmeter monitoring either battery voltage or ignition switch voltage. That is because there seems to be enough interest in using the LG/R wire from the ignition switch rather than installing a relay. And speaking of the LG/R wire, the relay will be pulled in by it rather than stator voltage. That's because it seems easier to wire it up that way since you can use the LG/R wire both to pull the relay in as well as to provide power to the voltmeter. (Besides, it was easy to draw it that way, as you'll see. ) So, what I need you to do is to go to the page at Documentation/Electrical/3G Conversion/3G Conversion - In Development. Then drill down on the Wiring It tab, then the Ammeter Tab, then the 2G tab. There you'll find these two tabs: Monitoring At The Ignition Switch: This one isn't done as it doesn't have the "here's what your wiring looks like & where you should cut" schematic nor the "here's your harness and where you should cut" picture. But it has the final wiring schematic. And if you agree with the next tab I can finish this tab. Monitoring At The Battery: I believe this tab is done. And, I think it is what John/Machspeed is looking for. But, I need feedback from y'all. And, disregard the tab that says Disregard This Tab. I need to delete it but that isn't the easiest thing to do so will wait to see that you agree with the approach of moving the stuff about the voltmeter into the Wiring It tab.
  5. That is a bummer! But you'll get it sorted, I'm sure. And I can see how the fork lift was handy. Wow! That certainly would be. I know many times I've had to figure out how to hold the end of something long to get to it in the press. Not to mention the many other uses you've found.
  6. Bill - You said the reels on Darth are held with shoulderless bolts. But what about the bolts into the floor? And, do you agree with the revisions below? Also, what's the difference between the above illustration and the one below? Both supposedly are for a crewcab. I'm confused!
  7. A year in Iceland? We spent a couple of days there two years ago. It was interesting, but the best thing I remember was The Blue Lagoon. 58F and raining, but the heat sure felt good. (Yes, I know it is man-made.)
  8. -20 this morning here north of the frozen tundra (Minneapolis is actually farther north than Green Bay). But fortunately no storms. When it gets this cold here we usually have beautiful blue clear skies, which is what we have today, with the bonus of no wind. Still, it's COLD!!! A few years back we lost power for several days following a big thunder storm. I was lucky to find a generator (most stores were sold out) to get our sump pump going (it was desperately needed). But now with the motorhome sitting in the driveway with its generator we've left the other generator at my folks cabin. Not as necessary to have a backup there, but it was sure nice to have running water (not hot though), lights, a fridge and a microwave when we were cleaning up after the wind storm a couple years ago. You have us beat on the cold, but then you are more used to it than we are. Supposed to hit -7 tonight and -9 tomorrow night and then warm up some. About 10 years ago we had an ice storm and were without power for 36 hours. Of course the furnaces didn't work, but the fireplace with its gas logs did, as did the gas-powered water heater. But the gas logs didn't do a whole lot, and we found out later why - there was no insulation in the ceiling. There is a LOT of insulation up there now, so the gas logs are really warming things up right now. At the time I was looking for a 3KW to a 5KW generator, but they were all sold out. Now, with the 3KW inverter in BB I can at least run the furnace every once in a while, and could power a few lights quite easily. But hopefully I won't need to, although people from church lost their power a couple of hours ago.
  9. I got the email, thanks. As for the weather, I was taught to share so will send this your way. We are up to 6F, but headed to negative numbers tonight.
  10. Yes, that's what it appears to be in the picture I took. I'll measure it again when I get out there later. I think I'm going to stay in and watch is SNOW today. Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow! That will give me a chance to edit those illustrations and work a bit more on the 3G conversion stuff. So, if it isn't 1 3/8" please let me know.
  11. Yes, I like it as well. Good job! On how to present it, we can put several pictures side-by-side in rows and/or in columns. So we can play with what looks best and conveys the thought. In addition, we can both put text immediately above or below pictures, but we can add captions to the pictures that pop up if you hover over them. So some of your descriptions might go into the captions.
  12. If that's the bolt I think it is and goes all the way through the timing cover and into a little open spot on the back, how about using a longer bolt with a nut on the back? It isn't the factory way, but tension is tension.
  13. I'd forgotten, so thanks for reminding me. Yes, if you are having carburetion or ignition problems that could easily lead to poor enough performance that it can't maintain speed when it should.
  14. Thanks, Jim. I think I'm going to like everything I've done on and in the cab. It has become a clean and presentable place to ride, with plenty of creature comforts and lots of usable technology. No, not the heated & cooled seats that massage you like Blue has, with automatic temp control. But old school systems that work - save for the radio which is hardly old school. As for the storm, it has started and the NWS says we are to get 5 - 8 inches with locally higher amounts possible. And that given the cold and dryness of the snow, we will have lots of drifting. But while that is a lot more than we've had in quite some time, it doesn't sound like conditions that will take out the power. And while we could use BB to power the furnace, a lot of our friends don't have that capability so I hope that doesn't happen.
  15. Already deleted, which I assume means it is sold.
  16. Looking good, Ron! Bronco, here we come!!!!
  17. I think I understand. The system I had in my Miata had DSP and you could use a mic to not only set the delays but also the frequency response. It ran through several test patterns at various frequencies and auto-tuned the EQ. Worked wonders. Sounds like this one only adjusts the delay, and while 1 or 3 may work fine, the fact that my rear channels are actually above the ears and only slightly to the rear may make using the mic very beneficial. Otherwise the rear channel sound will get to the ears well ahead of the front channel sound, which will muddy things. As for the "concert" setting, I'm intrigued. Yesterday I was sitting in my chair in the shop and became aware of the way sound was coming out of my Bose speakers when listening to 60's music. I have a center channel wired up as the difference between the left and right channels, and it works very well. Whatever song was on started in the left, slid through the center to the right, and then came back to the center. It was impressive. So the radio may be doing something like that through DSP. It certainly can be done, and can be quite effective. I think I'm really going to like this thing!
  18. A leak-down test is the only good way I know of to determine how solid an engine is. It will tell you if the rings are worn, if there are leaking valves, or if there are head or block cracks. If I were in your shoes I'd do a leak-down test and then decide what to do. You could spend hundreds re-gearing only to find that the engine is worn out.
  19. Sounds like a good haul. However, I'm going to suggest that you go with '87 or later sun visors. They have an inboard catch for the rod, which sticks out of the visor a bit, and they don't sag like Bullnose visors do. They use the same three screws to mount at the pivot as a Bullnose visor, and you just have to drill two holes to mount the catches.
  20. David's truck has plenty of miles on a stock 300 six w/a carb. However he's running a carb from a 70's truck to get away from the feedback system. But otherwise there's nothing special about it.
  21. Oh yes! I'd completely forgotten that. Thanks for reminding me, Jim. Having said that, I'm not sure I understand what that does as the documentation is somewhat sparse. But I think what it does is to set the delay to the separate speakers such that the sound arrives at the position selected at the same time from each speaker. However, all I find in the documentation is shown below, which doesn't tell me much. And while I have the Music Center app on my phone, since I don't have the radio I can't actually use the app to see what it does. But, you are telling me that I can use the mic to set the delays for the listening position? I'm not sure I need to do that 'cause I'll probably use either "1" or "3", but I'm just trying to understand if that's how it works?
  22. Ok, it looks like it is unanimous. The MPC is wrong, several times. But can someone confirm that the bolt is 1 3/8" below the head? John, that's what your pic that you texted to me shows, right? If so, I'm going to assume we know the part number and edit the table as well as the illustrations.
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