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Gary Lewis

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Everything posted by Gary Lewis

  1. Maybe I'm blind, but I don't see that in this listing for a 460 in an F-Series. Am I missing something? Jermd21 - Can you find the ID# on that part? I should be able to cross it to the PN.
  2. Yes, he's showing base # 3A732, as shown below.
  3. Jim - I pulled those bits out of the bin and checked them out, and if I got the right one you were talking about then I'm pretty sure that's not it. The ID# is E5HE 9C476-BA. (There is no E5HE 9C478-anything, so that's actually a "6" not an "8".) And that decodes to E5HZ 9B450-A, which is a BRACKET (EXHAUST AIR SUPPLY PUMP MOUNTING) with a 85/87 E-F250/350 & a 460. The illustration seems to match the pictures. So let me do some research to see what else I have and what part is needed...
  4. Do any of the parts in my pic look like what you need? If so I'll see if I still have them.
  5. I doubt it is all the gunk. Some of it is in the torque converter if you haven’t drained it, and it holds about half the fluid. How much does a full change of fluid cost? Lots less than a rebuild. Maybe run the skimmed & filtered fluid a while longer then change to fresh fluid if it is acting better?
  6. That's U.G.L.Y! But that doesn't mean the tranny is dead. I would clean it up, put fresh fluid & filter in it with a quart of "snake oil" and give it another chance. Cheaper than a rebuild.
  7. Thanks, Bill. I, too, hope "we" stay around for a long, long time. And by "we" I mean, you, me, and the community. But stents, back injections, and another set of birthdays give a sense of mortality. Anyway, I have you down as a contributor and will hit you up when the time comes.
  8. Will - If you aren't going to use those connections then I'd get a housing w/o them. Or you can plug the openings. Those things were used to control several things, like the vacuum to the vacuum advance unit, air injection pump, and even the EGR valve. You can see how Dad's 351M was plumbed in the diagram below, and your 400 would have been quite similar. We didn't use any of that after he took the smog equipment off, and the engine ran fine. So if your engine doesn't have that equipment you could do w/o it as well.
  9. Here are the brackets I took off of Big Blue, and I don't see one that looks like what we are looking for. Am I missing it?
  10. I'm looking through pictures of pulling Big Blue's original engine to see what that bracket looks like....
  11. Lol! Having front wheels touching ground enough for steering it? Big Bro uses to slowly tow a manure trailer, once a month. He probably drinks 12 gpm while doing his duty. Sometimes we hit the road, mostly highways, with some streets and small roads ride too. Average 12,3 mpg. Without heavy load. Good point, Jeff. Forgot to report on the trip where Steve/FoxFord33 and I took Big Blue and the car hauler trailer to Stillwater and back to get a Mercury Mountaineer. The Mountaineer is said to weigh ~4500 lbs and the trailer is about 3000 lbs, so we were towing 7500 lbs. On the way over we ran 65 & 70 in 5th gear and the 460 didn't care. But on the way back we mostly ran 65 in 4th gear 'cause it took a lot of throttle to pull the hills in 5th, and there are some pretty steep hills on that trip. But it went up the hills with no problem at all in 4th. Round trip it was pushing 200 miles, with a fair bit of time idling to get the trailer into position or charging the battery while using the winch. And overall we got 10 MPG. As for the front tires, I don't think they got much wear on the way back. We got that Merc too far forward on the trailer and didn't want to try to move it back given the D-shaped tires and the fact that it was stuck in Park. I'd put quite a bit of air in the air bags so the truck didn't squat at all, but the steering sure was light.
  12. But, if this choice happens to win, we’ll probably need a second round polling, in order to decide who’s gonna be THE enthusiast… or to add an “s”. Funny man!
  13. According to the MPC the part number for a 460 w/o A/C is E3TZ 3C511-D. But I don't see a listing for one with A/C so is there one bracket for the A/C compressor and PS pump? And apparently this truck doesn't have A/C?
  14. Bob - Good point. I’ll check with my tax consultant.
  15. CJ - Thanks, but the farther I get into this the more I realize that the main issue is taxes. Here are the options I see: So the up-front fees are a wash at $2250 - 2300. The difference is in the annual costs of $1000 vs $1250. And even that's not too hard to cover. Let's wait and see what the lawyer says, maybe next week. At least we will have a definitive answer and we can make a decision based on facts.
  16. I, too, usually drive like the grandpa I am - in old trucks. (Don't expect grandpa when I'm driving our other vehicles with turbos as you need to keep them lubricated. ) Big Blue will turn in 12 - 13 MPG if I keep the speed to 65 MPH and manually feed it. But that gets painful so I put it on speed control and it'll get 11 - 12 at reasonable speeds. Not bad for a 460 carrying 6500+ lbs on its back. Oh, and there's very few mountains it won't climb in 5th gear. Dad's truck, though, is more frugal. When I got it with the stock 351M/C6/3.50 combo it got 10 MPG. And wouldn't climb nor accelerate very well at all. When I put Rusty's warmed-over 351M and the ZF5 in things got a whole lot better. We ran 65 - 70 MPH on a 3000 mile round trip to Delaware from Oklahoma delivering a bed FULL of furniture and got right at 14 MPG - using speed control the whole way. So I'm here to tell you that the C6 is a waster of fuel, and an overdrive can change everything.
  17. I know that the C6 is susceptible to problems after sitting for some time. I don't know if the seals shrink or what, but I've seen it where something like Sea Foam "cured" the transmission after a bit of driving. Ken from NZ reported years ago that driving as fast as you dare go in Reverse tends to force fluid in places it wouldn't otherwise go, and I've heard people say they tried it and it helped. So if it was my tranny I'd try all the tricks I could before pulling it and having it rebuilt.
  18. You are welcome, Chris. Happy to help and hope this solves your problem.
  19. To Qualify c/7 or Not To Qualify c/7, this is The Question. You aren't a dummy, Jeff. It is confusing, for sure. When I talked with the lady this morning she'd talked with the lawyer and he'd advised that he doesn't think we qualify as a c/7. I asked a lot of questions and provided more info and she seemed to start questioning his decision. So I put together the info shown above and sent it to her, to which she responded:
  20. And the reply came right back: "The closest fit would be c/7 – it would not meet the operational test required to be a c/3." That's after I'd sent this as background info: Website: https://www.garysgaragemahal.com Forum: The first page of that website is a forum where we ask & answer questions about the 1980 - 86 Ford trucks, show off what we've done, and pat each other on the back. While the forum is visible to anyone on the internet you have to be a member in order to post on it. We allow anyone to be a member, even if they don't have one of these trucks, and as of today we have 2131 members from Poland on the east to Australia on the west. Library: The other pages of the website are, for the most part, our library of technical information. We use it to answer questions for the members. It has come about because I've purchased and have been given a huge quantity of Ford documentation and have scanned much of it and put it on the website. There are about 1000 webpages (I added 4 yesterday) and each page may contain multiple documents, some of which are over 100 pages long, so it is a large library. It is available to anyone on the internet, not just members, but it allows us to definitively answer questions on the forum since I'm the curator and know where to find the needed document. (It is arranged logically - my logic. 😎) But to be honest, it is used by a wide range of Ford guys, from those on Ford Truck Enthusiasts forum, Full Size Broncos forum, and the 20 or so Facebook pages on these trucks - which easily have over 200,000 members. It is the Bullnose Bible. Meetings: We have an annual Ford truck show in Skiatook, which is open to the public, and the night before we have a meeting of the members that have come. But we don't have that many members actually come, and last year there were only eight. Having said that, many of our members interact daily with each other posting questions, answering them, providing encouragement, telling how they've used their truck today, etc. I'm not sure that qualifies for "personal contact", but in this on-line environment it should. Funding: To this point my wife and I've funded everything for the last seven years, including the dinner for the annual show, the trophies, the website, etc. The website has cost around $250/year, the dinner about the same, and the trophies maybe $75. So there have been no fees, assessments, etc. However, now our free forum platform is about to go away and we need to move to something viable for the long haul, and the costs are going to be $1800 one-time, assuming no legal fees, and $1000 per year for the platform. We have not had fees of any kind, nor do we have a way to assess them. There is currently no mechanism to send an email to each member, and some of them haven't been on in years. (Life happens, they sell their truck, etc.) So our plan has been to fund everything via contributions. And I have commitments to cover both the migration as well as the annual fees. Voting: Heretofore we've not had much, if any, voting. Right now I have a poll up to see what we want to call our new entity, assuming that we'll actually have one, and we've had 20 votes in 24 hours. So if we have to vote in a board of directors election we'll have an issue getting many voters. As said, the current forum platform doesn't allow emailing, and it doesn't allow for a banner. But the new platform at least allows for a banner so we could use it to call attention to the need to vote - but only when the members log on. So we might struggle to get 100 votes in a week's time. Given the above, do you think we qualify? If not, what are our options? I'm thinking that I just need to set up a separate bank account and pay taxes on all contributions. Is that the best approach?
  21. Chris - Email me your address. I'm sure I have one of those and I'll get it out to you tomorrow as I need to mail something else anyway.
  22. Larry - I've asked them if 501c3 might be an option. We shall see.
  23. Larry - I can't edit the poll, but might be able to edit the other text if that is what you mean. But read on before we worry about that. Chris - Well stated. All - The paralegal got back with me this morning and they, she and the lawyer, are thinking that we don't qualify for being a 501c7. Their thinking is: Voting: Membership in a non-profit brings with it voting rights, and at a minimum the members need to vote to elect the board of directors. And there needs to be a quorum defined that says how many minimum votes it takes to be a legit election. In the past they've seen as small as 10% of the membership as the quorum, but she thought we might be able to go as low as 5%. Putting that in perspective, 2131 members x 5% = 107 votes. So we'd have to get at least 107 members to vote. And that would be a bit of an issue on Nabble as there really is no emailing function. Maybe it can be done on InVision? Or, maybe just the ability to put up a notification would suffice, and we can do that on InVision. So, if we could wait to do that until after the move maybe it would work. Exclusive Activities: The whole idea of a "social club" is to socialize and that requires in-person meetings which are exclusive. I explained that we sorta have that in the meeting on Friday ahead of the truck show, but she wasn't sure that would be enough - especially when I told her that we might only have 10 - 15 members there. Dues/Fees/Assessments: They are now not sure that contributions are acceptable as the only way of funding a non-profit. They are one way, but maybe not acceptable as the only way. They gave me links to two publications to read, and I'm in the midst of doing that. And then I'm to get back with them via email to explain how I think we comply, assuming I think we do comply. They'll then review that and let me know if they think it'll work, if we need to make other changes, or just won't fit. The alternative is that y'all send me money and I keep it separate from our personal funding by establishing a separate bank account. But all of that money will be taxable to me at ~25%, so the move will cost $2,250 and the annual fee will be more like $1,250. But we'd not have the $500 fee to set up the non-profit and wouldn't have to have a board of directors, voting, etc. I would appreciate your thoughts on this.
  24. That's in Scott's backyard! I'll tag him, just FYI.
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