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Gary Lewis

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Everything posted by Gary Lewis

  1. Got it. Good writeup here: http://www.myo-p.com/Ford-EEC/EEC%20Help%20files/Files/TFI_grey_or_black.html
  2. LOL! That's a true donor truck, with almost every part of it going to a good use. But about that crossmember, I hope you didn't go to too much effort. But, I do appreciate the help. Speaking of bumper, here's the back side of the massive bumper on the '90. This is the strongest bumper I've seen, but is welded to the frame. Think I should cut it off?
  3. Vacuum canisters, like for the HVAC? Mercury switch for an underhood light or? CCD means Charge-Coupled Device to me, and PS means Power Steering. What does it mean in this case?
  4. Well, the hood opens after it scrapes on the cowl pretty badly and the driver's door won't open far at all as it hits the fender. But, the passenger's door opens pretty well - the fender is bent away from it. So, what parts do you want?
  5. Good to know, Bill. I'll probably get one of those. However, after today's experience with Big Blue pinging, I'm not sure I want to increase the compression. Anyway, I got the donor truck with the E4OD on the lift. Here's a pic - boy is the body battered: Here's a shot of the BW1356, which is surprisingly clean: And, here's the engine compartment, with Jim's wiper motor peeking out at you: What are these things on the passenger's fender? And what is this on the hood? Last, is this the TFI module?
  6. Big Blue had an outing today to go get a donor truck. And, in some ways it was an eventful outing. The first thing that happened was the trailer brakes came on when I depressed the clutch. I still haven't figured out why, but I disconnected the brakes and on we went. The next thing was that Scott noticed pinging that I couldn't hear. It was happening during light throttle at around 2000 RPM, and went away with more throttle. So it seemed like too much vacuum advance. However, when we loaded up the truck on the trailer and headed back there was more pinging and some detonation/knocking, again under moderate throttle. I was running 87 octane gas and was down to half a tank, so we stopped and filled up with 91 octane. That helped significantly, but we still had some pinging at times. Looks like I have enough compression and too much advance. But, other than that things went well. Here are some pics:
  7. Bill - That's a good idea. And a neat tool to have. Do you have a link or a brand for the one you have? And, are you doing it to an iPhone or Android? I just hooked up Big Blue to the trailer to pull it out of the hidey hole behind the shop, and in doing so I was listening to the idle. It was dropping one at idle when I first got it, and I think it may still be, although it may be less obvious. Anyway, when the engine comes out for leak fixing I'm going to run a leak-down test. And, from the results of that I sorta expect to have to pull the heads as there may be a burned valve. If so, I'll obviously be able to see the heads and will post a pic or two of them so you'uns can help me ID them. But, that tool would be handy to have anyway, so let me know what you have and how you like it.
  8. Wow! Yes, that would have been a great find. But, I'll take here rather than there. Granted it is 38 F right now, but it'll go right on up to 54 today with not a cloud in the sky. My experience in Wilmington, DE is that we get twice as much sun as the East Coast. And the older I get the more I like SUN!
  9. As Chris is wont to say, "Depends". In length, yes about 1/2 of a truck. In weight, I'm gonna guess 2/3's of a truck since not only will it have the 460, E405, & t-case, but it'll include both driveshafts and both gas tanks plus the fuel lines. In value, normally I'd not pay anywhere near the $800 I'm paying for a truck that I can't drive. But, in doing a bit of research the tranny rebuilders get about that for an E4OD core. And I'll get the running 460 with all of its harnesses, injectors, sensors, manifolds, etc. And that will let me know more about what goes where. Then there's the driveshafts that may work on Dad's truck. And the E4OD crossmember. And, and, and....... But, you are right, it'll look like half a truck.
  10. Ahhh! Dawn. Marblehead. Got it. Yes, I’d list them, on here as well as Craigslist and eBay. Won’t cost anything and someone might need one, or both, as I hear those things sometimes crack. As for plasticine, I’m not very artsy and had only heard the Beatles use the word until I got to the UK. And early on I assumed, incorrectly, that it is something like celluloid. Anyway, I’ll check back later. Gotta get busy making sure Big Blue’s trailer brake controller actually works, meaning I’m gonna hook up the trailer and test. Then check trailer tire pressures, lights, etc. The ‘90 donor truck, with its E4OD, awaits!
  11. “Plasticine”? Are you a Brit or at least a Beatles fan? Last time I heard that word used they were talking about Lucy. 😉 But, I do take your point about trying to measure it, and soft solder would be much better. Sell the F3 heads? Were you thinking I wanted them, or? Sorry, I’m a bit slow.
  12. So, I could install a head with a lump of clay on the pistons, turn it over slowly, and then check the thickness of the clay. Or, install the head without a gasket and if there’s no binding know there’s at least .039 of clearance? But, that brings me back to the question of why. The engine runs well now with the carb, and I do have a few other irons in the fire. 🙈 Guess I’ll put the complete 460 and it’s associated “stuff” back and maybe do it when I run out of projects. But thanks for talking me through the options.
  13. Unfortunately, no. Vernon had a major falling out with the guy that built the engine. Might have had something to do with the massive oil leaks, which may have had something to do with there being no gaskets on the valve covers as well as many other problems. But I’m sure that the 4 years he waited on the engine didn’t help. He ended up taking the truck to another shop to have the leaks fixed, or maybe I should say most of them fixed, and that cost another $2k as they had to pull the engine to fix some of the problems. He finally paid the original guy but got no documentation. 😩
  14. Those are very capable. Easily driven, wide voltage range, and can be paralleled for greater current. Thanks. 👌
  15. Oh, ok. Then I could be counted as a friend? As for tomorrow, sorry but I have a date to bring half a '90 home. Big Blue gets an outing and a chance to show off his strength as well as to use his winch. Pity that my new trailer isn't ready. I'll have to take my neighbor's trailer again.
  16. Bummer! But, you got it done. Thanks! However, I take issue with your statement "I got my other friend". Don't I count?
  17. The vaunted guru of Ford part numbers, NumberDummy, says "Another clueless eBay seller." And, more often than not, he's right. Ebay is the worst for people misrepresenting what they have. Probably not intentionally, but the result is the same - you can't trust what they say.
  18. Maybe post the dimensions as well? That way others can follow your lead.
  19. High current sink, as in over an amp? Mother boards and daughter boards. Boy, that takes me back a long, long way to Honeywell computers. DEC's didn't use that arrangement, but the Honeybuckets sure did. And in something like this usage it is a very neat and useful layout.
  20. Don't know about the solenoids, but current control is hard with solid state devices. Which is why most are set up for binary use. So, pulse width is much easier - both to implement as well as on the output device itself. I think I'm happy to buy the stuff in and use it.
  21. That's got to have caused a whole bunch of problems for people. One of those little trivia things that makes a huge difference. Who cares that the upper door hinge spring/catch changed in 11/84. Swap the hinge out and it'll still work but just looks different. But put an early EEC with a late solenoid and the computer dies very quickly.
  22. Interesting. That Coridium must have a lot of current sink capability. And back EMF protection? Sounds like something I need to learn about.
  23. That is cool! I've been considering an Arduino for Dad's truck to do away with the aftermarket gauges by installing displays where the clock would have been. But I hadn't even thought of using one, or something like it, to control the tranny. You have relays the Coridium controls, which then control the tranny?
  24. You are going to bolt the new one in place? What kind of bolts are you going to use? Carriage?
  25. I like it. Could you list some of the parts? Or, put them in a thread? By the way, if you'd stick width="100%" in the code to your pictures they'd show up as full width no matter what device the user is on. Like this, although this doesn't have the <> before and after so you can see it: nabble_img src="IMG_0424.jpg" border="0" width="100%"/
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