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Bullnose Test Forum

Gary Lewis

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Everything posted by Gary Lewis

  1. First, I like the cooler. Now, for the pump. Your measurements seem to confirm what I found earlier - that there's no way that the Sag pump needs to be set back 5/8" given the pulley you have. But, let me measure the pulley I have and see if they are the same. Maybe I can do it this afternoon. In fact, is there a number on your pulley? If our pulleys are the same, meaning the 351W's and 460's used the same pulleys, then maybe there aren't other pulleys with different offsets to be had. But, what about boring a C2 pulley to fit a Saginaw's shaft? Or, turning a Saginaw shaft down to accept a C2 pulley? Would the C2 pulley give us enough room to install a spacer? If I understand your measurements correctly there's 1/4" more offset on the Saginaw pulley vs the C2 pulley, so that would give us room for a 1/4" spacer - right?
  2. Jonathan - That would appear to settle it. You know, as I think about it, we need a page on XLS trucks explaining how they are different, how you can tell if it was originally, etc.
  3. I don't think anyone is worried about it. But it was funny.
  4. It wasn't my truck, but Scott Ringler (the welder man) came over with his '78 F150 and we put a timing set and a new water pump on it today. Wow, what a simple truck! There's gobs of room under that hood and the 351M is stock. He even has the tube that runs from the exhaust manifold to the air cleaner. The timing chain was original and it had LOTS of play in it. We put on a Cloyes true roller chain, and the crankshaft sprocket had positions for 4 degrees retarded, straight up, and 4 degrees advanced. And we had to turn the crank about 4 degrees to get it to go on at the straight up position, so it certainly was one of the retarded timing sets from the factory. Ran out of time and didn't get it fired up tonight, but will tomorrow after church. He should see a difference in power, from the cam timing, as well as a lack of noise from the water pump.
  5. In a nutshell, that's the gist of it - when money is involved, all the rules change. Somebody is sure to make an analogy... Say, there's a street intersection in some small, podunk town that has a few fast-food restaurants condensed together on the corners. Competition for people's money. An aging grandma who loves to cook decides she makes better deserts than the commercial establishments sell, and she sets up a small stand nearby where she gives away her tasty creations for free. Fine. But she cannot go to the nearby commercial establishments and hand out fliers advertising her freebie deserts, that won't fly. Even though she's not charging money for her chocolate-covered sopapillas, the other restaurants will see her as taking money from them. It's a shame everything worked out the way it did and IB couldn't adequately (even minimally) support you as a CL, my original thoughts were that the two sites would operate in harmony. But everything happens for a reason, and this is not to be. C'est la vie. Chris - That's an interesting analogy, but it doesn't completely fit in this example. With restaurants there's just so much people eat or spend per day. But with forums people tend to join several that match their interests. Besides this forum I had been a contributor on FTE as well as several others. Having said that, the giving-things-away bit of the analogy does fit. I fund the whole of the website, forum, show, and get-together, and there is no advertising of any kind. (Well, that's not quite true because Ron/reamer advertises his wares, but I don't get any of those funds.) So I do see why FTE is upset. Why would people want to go there and see all of those adverts when they can come here and not have them? Further, where is the documentation they need? FTE or here? Why not come here, for free, in the first place instead of going there and being directed back here? (Side story: Scott Ringler, who is a member on here and is the "welder man" from last year's show, was over today - see the soon-to-be writeup in WHYDTYTT. He said he's been going to FTE 'cause he has a '78 and this site is about Bullnose trucks. But he thinks he's going to quit FTE 'cause he keeps getting trapped by Amazon adverts and has to close the browser window to get out.) So, now that I think about it I understand why IB/FTE is concerned. Makes perfect sense. Or, makes no cents at all.
  6. Vinny from Newfoundland is coming, so why not more Canucks? Would love to have you! Please seriously think about coming. And bring your wife. As you can see on the Outing For Wives thread, there will be things for them to do. And on Friday nite my wife, Janey, and I are hosting a meet and greet at our house for all that have come from out of town, as well as some of the "locals". This looks to be a banner year, so don't miss it!
  7. Let us know how that HiPo paint works for you, Gary, I'm interested in true, glow-in-the-dark orange paint. :) Will do. I'm going to re-write the page on needle painting to include Bill O'Neil's information about paint weight and fluorescence. And, since he's sending me some of his new dash-specific LED's to test, I'm going to include info on lighting, how to clean the filters and why they are there, etc.
  8. Lol! Gary doesn't have it, but Bill knew who you meant, Stan.
  9. Don't hold your breath. Ford blue isn't becoming on old men. I'm hoping to get to Big Blue late this year, probably after the show.
  10. One shown in the catalog is 383765, and here's what the Standard & Utility Parts Catalog says about it: 383765-S Bolt - Hex Hd. 5/16-18x3.625. Another is 56124 and here's what it shows - a Type 2 head:
  11. They do look good. But my Testors paint doesn't glow at night like they apparently did originally, so I'm going to try the HiPo stuff.
  12. Bill - Maybe I can use those on my wiring? Dave - I'm lazy, and will take electric any day. But, a Blues Bro's car - that's cool!
  13. I appreciate the support, guys, but my intent with this thread wasn't to bash IB/FTE. In reality, I have a lot to thank them for: If IB hadn't broken the photo albums where I'd spent considerable time creating how-to's I never would have started my website. Now there are over 400 pages of documentation that can be found nowhere else, and that is growing weekly. If they'd have come through with the promised trinkets for last year's meet I'd not have realized I was funding something that was bringing in potential members, and therefore advertising money, for them. So we wouldn't have the Garagemahal show that is now attracting international interest. Had IB Tim not called me and promised to try to fix things and pledged to call back but hasn't in a year and a half I might have not figured out how to create this forum. So, I'm grateful to IB and FTE. And I have a lot of friends at FTE. So, how do we reach them about the show? Perhaps each of you know some that you can email, IM, text, PM, etc? I'll be doing the same with those I know, but as I'm sure FTE wouldn't approve I won't be using IB/FTE PM's to do that. I'll get you the new flier as soon as I can so you can pass it on. And maybe our friends can pass it on to their friends and we can have a geometric progression. (I'm reminded of the film we saw in grade school about atomic energy where they had a room full of mouse traps with ping pong balls on them. They tossed one ball in and the room "exploded".) Thanks in advance.
  14. No, but thanks. I don’t think we need the full ‘96 EVTM on here. Just the pieces specific to EEC-V swaps, and I can easily do that by cutting those pages out of the awful copy I have - when the time comes.
  15. David - Thanks for the offer. But I just called the campground close to town and have 4 sites reserved at a special rate, although it got really complex due to the hookups. So I'll leave that to you to work the price out with Jim if you want to stay there. And the code is "Bullnose". The campground is Stoney Ridge Campground and it appears that you can book via email. They have 40 RV spaces and can handle big RV's and trailers. In fact, the 45' RV's that Hall & Oates brought to their concert in Tulsa last year stayed out there, so it is apparently easy in/out. But, there's a review here that isn't flattering, so maybe this isn't the best place to stay: Review of Stoney Ridge Campground. In light of the review, I'll try to get out there soon and report back here. And, I'll check with the Corp of Engineers on sites out at Skiatook Lake to see what they are like.
  16. What did you paint the needles with? Meaning what paint did you use? As for the ammeter, that's included in this page: Electrical/3G Conversion. But it may not have everything you need to tell you how to wire up the voltmeter. So, please let me know 'bout that.
  17. My wife (Janey) is going to be taking the wives that want to go to some place in the area, and the places currently being considered are: The Pioneer Woman's Mercantile Gilcrease Museum Philbrook Museum The minor problem is that her car only seats 4, so someone else may need to drive if the group gets large enough. If someone is interested in going please let us know. And, let us know what you are interested in doing.
  18. That's one of the reasons that I have vowed not to allow advertising on this forum/website. I do get hit up by various parties periodically to put advertising on, and it would probably make me some money. But I'm not going to do that. Do you think that's what worries those at FTE about this site? People come here and enjoy the clean, simple layout and then go to FTE and are barraged with advertising unless they buy a membership? I could see that if your livelihood is threatened you might do things you wouldn't otherwise. Anyway, I would be interested in advertising on the Bullnose facebook page, and see that you've sent me an invitation. Thanks. What about the 460 site? If I get last year's flier revised could we post it there?
  19. Good idea, Bill. I'll have to pull the air cleaner to set it, but that's not a problem. As for the PTO terminal, if you only had a 1996 EVTM. By the way, the outfit that sent me the second poorly-printed one told me to keep it. So I'll probably cut the pages out and scan the ones I need for the EEC-V upgrades to both my trucks, and they'll become part of my documentation.
  20. Excellent! I've added your name to the list, but would it be ok to add your wife's name? And, remind me from whence you are coming? Also, I owe you info about camping - right? My wife suggested that I check with both the private campground just west of town as well as the Corp campgrounds at the lake. I'll do that and put up a page on camping for anyone interested. But do you have a type of campground you are looking for? And, my wife (Janey) is going to be taking the wives that want to go to some place in the area, and the ones currently being considered are: The Pioneer Woman's Mercantile Gilcrease Museum Philbrook Museum The minor problem is that her car only seats 4, so someone else may need to drive if the group gets large enough.
  21. I'm sure they've been hit with lots of lawsuits. About 10 years ago they wouldn't rent to you if you were towing with an Explorer, and I'm sure that was due to the tire problems. I wonder how many Exploders blew a tire while pulling a trailer? I'm sure glad I have a trailer of my own.
  22. I'll keep the speed down, but that means I'll be that guy in the right lane going far slower than anyone else. I say that because I usually take the turnpike and the speed limit is currently 75 - and the traffic runs 80. Maybe I'd better rethink that? Hand winch - ouch! That's what we had the last time I went to that piece of property, which was to get the '50 Chevy pickup. As said, it had sunk into the ground up to the hubs, and the tires were D-shaped. Getting it broken loose from the ground, even with a lot of shoveling, was a huge chore. But winching it by hand was a major problem. We'd get it rolling and then all 4 flat spots on the tires would hit the ground at the same time. That's the day I vowed to have a serious electric winch. As for the batteries, the driving will certainly charge them up nicely. And I will keep the truck running while winching. But, I need to come up with a way to raise the idle speed to get more charging from that 1G as it just doesn't do much at idle. Anyway, today I'm hoping to try to crimp the connectors into Big Blue's wiring. And then determine how long my extension cord/jumper cable needs to be and make it. But Scott's coming over w/his '78 and we are going to replace the water pump, so we'll see how much I get done.
  23. Jonathan - I hadn't thought about posting in one of the many Dad's threads. That would get some coverage, but as you say that would only be a subset of the whole Ford truck community on FTE. In fact, it would be a subset of that subset. I do believe that the person deleting my posts wants to ban me from FTE, so I suspect that even if I do a Peter/Paul/Mary and "lay it between the lines" I'll get banned. He's already told me I can't promote my personal interests. And, I'd bet he's watching for anyone else to mention the show, which would get their posts edited or them banned. While banning me is no biggee as I'm planning to not go back, I don't want that to happen to anyone else. And, if it is against their rules then it would be wrong to do. Grumpin - I'm pretty sure they'd take any reference to the show out of my signature. They've already edited my signature and posts to take out links to this site, so that would be consistent with their mode of operation. And, since they've done that they'd probably ban me if I put something in there about the show. Oh well, I guess the FTE'ers out there will be unaware of the show. That's a shame as there are a lot of good people on there, and I'm pretty sure they'd enjoy the show.
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